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Showing posts with label #Sexstrology #Sextrology #Horoscopes #DailyHoroscopes #Astrology #trending #Zodiac #Amazon #BestsellingAuthor Horoscope Guides #repost #retweet. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra and Scorpio

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra  The Libra Moon favors #Libra to take matters into their own hands and make something that's in their head, reality.

The Moon enters Scorpio and then it's #Scorpio's turn to overcome a personal obstacle and get out of their heads and do something

#Sagittarius while the Lunar Nodes make things tick along, one phone call or plan changes your day

#Capricorn Mars at the fated degree makes you strike back at anyone getting in your way oh my! 

#Aquarius today #JustDoit has a special meaning because you'll Just do it today! 

#Pisces you overcome a financial issue with ease and pay off debts and bills

 #Aries there's this exciting part of your life and all the work you do behind the scenes 

#Taurus with Mars leaving your Sun sign with a bang your finances take a turn for the better

#Gemini in an effort to get someone's attention you might go about it all wrong and anger someone! 

 #Cancer you go inward and stay in your protective shell while you feel attacked by others

#Leo everyone is competing with you for the same audience and prize 

#Virgo you to feel you have to fight for every little victory or gain but they come one after another

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Thursday, May 28, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Leo and that favors #Leo who says or does some outlandish things today and get away with it!  Will you be a little over the top too? 
#Virgo you might! The temptation to give into a romantic interlude overrides everything else
#Libra you're willing to play too hard to get and risk losing someone #ICanDoBetter
#Scorpio a parental attitude doesn't do much for romance, nix the veiled criticism
#Sagittarius try to keep everyone happy since everyone wants your attention
#Capricorn believe in luck since an unexpected windfall or lucky break is on it's way
#Aquarius is it time for a new romance? Yes Please
#Pisces you can care a little too much and be paranoid, ease your mind, Get things checked out 
#Aries Ugh the distractions, nothing works except hard work, get back in the trenches
#Taurus if you're doing something wrong Uranus will let you know, fix things and start over
#Gemini stick to the facts or you will ruin your own reputation, Listen to your guardian angel
#Cancer hang on to your money today, check on orders, and only buy quality

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Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Cancer today and we seek peace of mind today. But there may be some who nag or ask stupid questions in an effort to keep you engaged, steal your time and attention Oh My!  Don't strike back or your apt to get tears and be called mean!  The Moon in Cancer favors #Cancer to take and tell themselves they're moving on, Ok,if that's the plan! 
#Leo is in thought figuring out their next move
#Virgo gets a boost with their confidence or works on feeling confident and loved
#Libra it's your day to to be open to love
#Scorpio looks back and wonders if a past love is still interested
#Sagittarius connects with friends and gets back to managing all their relationships and partnerships
#Capricorn has an offer coming that makes even more work for him or her
#Aquarius says "Yes" to anyone or anything to avoid an argument or tears
#Pisces don't blame anyone but yourself and make changes
#Aries the heavens open up and deal you the right person at the right time
#Taurus your job and work pick up so say Yes not NO
#Gemini your romantic life is about to open up so be open to conversations

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Monday, May 25, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Cancer the sign she rules and it's all about home, family, home cooking and #ChickenSoupForTheSoul.  Peace of mind is everything today, so when someone nags you, it won't go over well.  The Moon in Cancer favors Cancer to get their way and overcome troubles
#Leo enjoys getting together but is haunted by the fear of what they might say #KeepingSecrets
#Virgo a delightful surprise comes your way so don't poo-poo it
#Libra judges another's looks too harshly
#Scorpio loves and hates hard, and is keeping a running balance sheet in their heads
#Sagittarius you want to hide behind someone when everyone else wants you to come out and play
#Capricorn loses track of time then suddenly realizes they have to get back to work!
#Aquarius  wants family and friends to enjoy their home and their cooking
#Pisces all of a sudden you're ready to get things done and super impatient
#Aries wants some good old fashioned cooking, the search is on for an open restaurant
#Taurus keep your phone charged opportunity comes knocking
#Gemini you want to eat out and go out but you're debating it within yourself

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Saturday, May 16, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Pisces, where we rest, wait and daydream about better times or go off in a million non-essential directions. The Moon in Pisces favors #Pisces to get their way, get over a hump and carry on after a few nervous moments,
#Aries has a complicated way forward but staying focused on going the right thing helps
#Taurus a fool and his or her money are soon parted, hang on to your money
#Gemini things you do now will be remembered or follow you for a while be careful
#Cancer don't chase rainbows or dreams just yet, you have to make it to your B-Day That's the goal
#Leo You have lots of wild ideas stay grounded and take good advice keep your day job
#Virgo love and romance get complicated are you up to meeting someone new?
#Libra you have a desire to be that person everyone wants, and desires oh my!
#Scorpio you might try your hand at reconnecting with someone or fixing your current love
#Sagittarius  you need timeout from the pressure you feel form others, so take it recoup!
#Capricorn you have an uncanny sense of how to any weather financial storm on a #shoestring
#Aquarius its a passionate time and you might have to pay a big price for your passions

Those who are ages 19-21, 39-42, 59-63, or 79-83 can expect big changes!

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Friday, May 15, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in the sign of Pisces today where prayers, divine intervention and miracles live!  Hope springs eternal!  Today is #Pisces day and it's time to be the best you can be as Mars gives you that extra boost, set intentions for the next 2 years! 
#Aries don't just sit there and give into the bottle or sentimental feelings! Soon enough Mars will be in your Sun sign get ready for it!
#Taurus haunted by past fears and experiences shake them off and realize this is your time to shine #NoFear
#Gemini the good news is you're always bringing yourself back to reality and what's important #NotLostInSpace
#Cancer in a perfect world nobody would need your money and support, it's not a perfect world
#Leo you love em and you hate em, people that is.  You hate to be upstaged it gets under your skin
#Virgo it's a little tough to stick to your diet and picky requirements, in a pandemic but you're resourceful and make it work
#Libra you're OK by yourself with the life you have made for yourself, but you miss Love
#Scorpio it's a rocky time to friendships, relationships and marriage but there's always a carpet to sweep things under
#Sagittarius oh no, are you becoming a hermit? Don't do that
#Capricorn the pressure is off and you can be creative, and allow your special talents to rise to the surface
#Aquarius when you don't feel comfortable or you feel edgy there's always the basement or cave tp hide out in
You are so much more than just a Sun sign Need More? Go to

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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Venus is Officially Retrograde Now what?

2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides

In a week with 2 planetary sign changes and 3 retrogrades the changes we experience are definitely going to be interesting. The Lunar North Node has changes signs and things will get more hectic, busy and more productive. The Sun in Taurus and retrograde Jupiter RX and Pluto RX in Capricorn slowly and methodically change the structure of things while the ruler of the sign of Taurus, Venus RX makes everyone think outside the box and try, well try anything. There’s a big emphasis on money of course and no one wants to waste that! We are in the midst of a big experiment it seems. The good news this week is the abundance of logic. The 2nd Qtr. Moon suggest there’s collective sign and we all say “Let the scientists do their thing”. Leaders and those who command power are likely to go along with that reasoning too. Where is Venus RX retrograde transiting in your Natal Birth Chart? Read lots more about Venus RX retrograde here.. Need More information? Let’s connect! Book your consultation with me here.

Aries : As your astrology horoscope week begins Aries and Aries Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle.  This lunar cycle brings your fighting and competitive spirit back.  You’re back in the driver’s seat.  Maybe everyone realizes you were right all along.  Today the Moon and Sun harmonize and just in time.  Your career, professional life, and business get a boost. We start the week thinking, “It’s Monday!” and then sink into the reality of “Oh, it’s Monday in Coronavirus time.” Click here for more...
Taurus : As your astrology horoscope week begins Taurus and Taurus Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle.  Today the Moon and Sun in Taurus harmonize and just in time.  You get your sense of direction back.  Or you learn someone thing essential.  You might even experience a subtle spiritual lesson as you develop your character and who you are as a person.  We start the week thinking, “It’s Monday!” and then sink into the reality of “Oh, it’s Monday in Coronavirus time.” Click here for more...
Gemini : As your astrology horoscope week begins Gemini and Gemini Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle.  Today the Moon and Sun harmonize and just in time.  This aspect brings much relief and good fortune to your financial zones.  It relieves your worries.  We start the week thinking, “It’s Monday!” and then sink into the reality of “Oh, it’s Monday in Coronavirus time.” Click here for more...
Cancer : As your astrology horoscope week begins Cancer and cancer Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle.  Today the Moon and Sun harmonize and just in time.  This aspect is very favorable to help you assert yourself and take back control of your life.  For the most part, everyone agrees.  We start the week thinking, “It’s Monday!” and then sink into the reality of “Oh, it’s Monday in Coronavirus time.” Click here for more...
Leo : As your astrology horoscope week begins Leo and Leo Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle.  Today the Moon and Sun harmonize and just in time.  This aspect favors your job, work, employment, and ability to impress higher-ups or those in authority.  Congratulations, you might feel like you earned a diploma.   We start the week thinking, “It’s Monday!” and then sink into the reality of “Oh, it’s Monday in Coronavirus time.” Click here for more...
Virgo : As your astrology horoscope week begins Virgo and Virgo Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle.  As an earth Sun sign, you benefit from the smooth transits this week.  With a little effort and work, you get what you want.  Today the Moon and Sun harmonize and just in time.  You push hard and work hard for your children’s interests and a lover’s interest.  If you’re single, you look to find friendly types to help you. Click here for more...
Libra : As your astrology horoscope week begins Libra and Libra Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle that influences your financial life in the right way.  It may even give you a sense of closure or renewal about a past relationship or emotional attachment.   Your home and property matters, joint financial matters, loans,  insurance, and the challenges you face receive some golden rays from the planets this week.  Click here for more...

Scorpio : As your astrology horoscope week begins Scorpio and Scorpio Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle.  You feel free to reconnect with others and tell them what you are thinking or what’s on your mind.  There is a lot on your mind! Typically, you stay quiet and keep lots to yourself, but you feel that you can finally talk about things and tell others your secrets.  Today the Moon and Sun harmonize and just in time. Click here for more...

Sagittarius : As your astrology horoscope week begins Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle. You are one of the few Sun signs who can make money through their endeavors.  You also are more frugal and revise your spending habits to save more.  But when it comes to the things you want, money is no object.   Today the Moon and Sun harmonize and just in time.  You earn through your job, employees, employers, and by sticking to a routine and being a thrifty shopper. Click here for more...
Capricorn : As your astrology horoscope week begins Capricorn and Capricorn Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle but particularly beneficial to you.  The Moon and Sun harmonize and just in time, and you start the week with some good fortune.  We start the week thinking, “It’s Monday!” and then sink into the reality of “Oh, it’s Monday in Coronavirus time.” Click here for more...
Aquarius : As your astrology horoscope week begins Aquarius and Aquarius Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle.  Today the Moon and Sun harmonize and just in time.  You gain financial or through family togetherness. It’s beautiful to be at peace.  We start the week thinking, “It’s Monday!” and then sink into the reality of “Oh, it’s Monday in Coronavirus time.” Click here for more...
Pisces : As your astrology horoscope week begins Pisces and Pisces Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle.  Today the Moon and Sun harmonize and just in time. You easily stay hopeful and on the minds of friends, mentors, VIPs, in-laws and VIPs, and helpful people.   We start the week thinking, “It’s Monday!” and then sink into the reality of “Oh, it’s Monday in Coronavirus time.” Click here for more...


2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides Pre-Sale
2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides Pre-Sale
2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides Pre-Sale
2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides Pre-Sale
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