Monday, May 25, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Cancer the sign she rules and it's all about home, family, home cooking and #ChickenSoupForTheSoul.  Peace of mind is everything today, so when someone nags you, it won't go over well.  The Moon in Cancer favors Cancer to get their way and overcome troubles
#Leo enjoys getting together but is haunted by the fear of what they might say #KeepingSecrets
#Virgo a delightful surprise comes your way so don't poo-poo it
#Libra judges another's looks too harshly
#Scorpio loves and hates hard, and is keeping a running balance sheet in their heads
#Sagittarius you want to hide behind someone when everyone else wants you to come out and play
#Capricorn loses track of time then suddenly realizes they have to get back to work!
#Aquarius  wants family and friends to enjoy their home and their cooking
#Pisces all of a sudden you're ready to get things done and super impatient
#Aries wants some good old fashioned cooking, the search is on for an open restaurant
#Taurus keep your phone charged opportunity comes knocking
#Gemini you want to eat out and go out but you're debating it within yourself

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