Friday, February 14, 2025

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo

 Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo. Happy Valentine's Day! It's not the day to nag, so be compassionate and forgiving today! 

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Virgo, while you could try to understand why someone did this or that, the third degree ruins the moment.

Libra, you have been asked to be someone's Valentine, but you are unsure if you're interested and not ready to commit. 

Scorpio, you're looking for someone special, a partner who embodies the greatness you desire.

Sagittarius is tempted to give 2nd chances and press the reset button

Capricorn tends to pout practical matters first; for now, love is an adjustment! 

Aquarius, All of your romantic options are quite tempting, and I urge you to move on. This is fun! 

Pisces Mercury helps you relax and eases stiffness. It makes starting conversations easy, leading to more enjoyable interactions.

Aries is stuck in a rut and needs someone emotionally or financially supportive to get them over the hump.

Taurus, when you step out of your own little world filled with Uranian ideas, you become a love-magnet

Gemini is so busy that they burn themselves out quickly, and romantic partners are smitten with your success.

Cancer, there's something about your good looks and that naughty smile that both intrigues and scares people

Leo, when you get tired of TV dinners and waiting around for an ex, you'll see how others want to get close to you. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo, and it's all about fixing things, getting back on track, and making everything just right. 

Download my App and Subscribe to my Monthly horoscopes. View your full Daily horoscopes! 

Virgo, it's your day today! After a rough Full Moon, you dust yourself off and slowly get on with your life

Libra, you can go over all your blunders and mistakes if you think that will help; you can blame others or move on. 

Scorpio, opportunities to reconnect with old friends or an ex-love interest could come up, but you might not be in the mood.

Sagittarius, don't be shy or afraid of what people will think. It's your time to break away! Pursue your goals unabashedly. 

Capricorn, you have a bulldozer in your court with laser beam precision that helps you earn more money. #mogulinthemaking

Aquarius, Happy Solar Return! You can learn much from Capricorn directly or by example about how to break barriers and power on! 

Pisces: Hurry and finish projects. Your Solar Return is in less than a week, and everything will change. There will be no looking back. 

Aries, it's all about dance, music, beautiful colors, and fashion that can inspire you today! You need to be inspired! 

Taurus, you're in low gear and on the verge of amazing career opportunities. Don't be loud and obnoxious. Listen more. 

Gemini, Just one more week until Saturn enters new degrees, bringing new career opportunities for you to shine.

Cancer, some of you need to just sit down. It's not your place to tell others what to do you should be watching and observing. 

Leo, are you caught in a bad romance, bromance, or relationship? Ugh! Things are sticky and icky! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Full Moon in Leo

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Full Moon in Leo, where some things come to a head and must be handled ASAP!

Leo, it's your day, but you are concerned about being stuck in a strange relationship. How and why did this happen? 

For your full daily horoscope, click on the link in my Bio on Instagram or go to my website: 

Virgo, this Full Moon is an eye-opener for you.  It is beneficial to blend in and be just like everyone else. Avoid conflicts driven by your ego.

Libra, as a cardinal sign, you must be in charge, and when you're not, you leave. Will you collect your stuff and go? 

Scorpio, you can have problems with older people, parents, and authority figures if you push them too hard. 

Sagittarius, while you think about the past and what you will miss, you are pulled into the future, where everything looks new and exciting. 

Capricorn, you hit the pause button and reassess your gains, losses, and where you stand now, then you get on with things. 

Aquarius, Happy Solar Return! A new chapter is underway, and you must start fresh, live large, and pursue happiness...alone. 

Pisces, Let go of the past and losses. Acknowledge where you stumbled as you rewrite your future and the path forward.

 Aries, Don’t hold yourself back due to how others may perceive you. Be bold. Who cares what others think? 

Taurus, During the Full Moon, we pause and allow events to unfold. This is it. Then it's time to rise and get back to work.

Gemini, You need to determine what will generate profit or losses. To achieve this, you may tolerate a lot of nonsense.

Cancer, prepare yourself for changes. You have a whole new set of responsibilities coming up that put you in the driver's seat. Be frugal. 

Subscribe to my Monthly horoscopes and download my Horoscope App. Book your Consultation with me! 
