Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Venus is Officially Retrograde Now what?

2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides

In a week with 2 planetary sign changes and 3 retrogrades the changes we experience are definitely going to be interesting. The Lunar North Node has changes signs and things will get more hectic, busy and more productive. The Sun in Taurus and retrograde Jupiter RX and Pluto RX in Capricorn slowly and methodically change the structure of things while the ruler of the sign of Taurus, Venus RX makes everyone think outside the box and try, well try anything. There’s a big emphasis on money of course and no one wants to waste that! We are in the midst of a big experiment it seems. The good news this week is the abundance of logic. The 2nd Qtr. Moon suggest there’s collective sign and we all say “Let the scientists do their thing”. Leaders and those who command power are likely to go along with that reasoning too. Where is Venus RX retrograde transiting in your Natal Birth Chart? Read lots more about Venus RX retrograde here.. Need More information? Let’s connect! Book your consultation with me here.

Aries : As your astrology horoscope week begins Aries and Aries Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle.  This lunar cycle brings your fighting and competitive spirit back.  You’re back in the driver’s seat.  Maybe everyone realizes you were right all along.  Today the Moon and Sun harmonize and just in time.  Your career, professional life, and business get a boost. We start the week thinking, “It’s Monday!” and then sink into the reality of “Oh, it’s Monday in Coronavirus time.” Click here for more...
Taurus : As your astrology horoscope week begins Taurus and Taurus Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle.  Today the Moon and Sun in Taurus harmonize and just in time.  You get your sense of direction back.  Or you learn someone thing essential.  You might even experience a subtle spiritual lesson as you develop your character and who you are as a person.  We start the week thinking, “It’s Monday!” and then sink into the reality of “Oh, it’s Monday in Coronavirus time.” Click here for more...
Gemini : As your astrology horoscope week begins Gemini and Gemini Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle.  Today the Moon and Sun harmonize and just in time.  This aspect brings much relief and good fortune to your financial zones.  It relieves your worries.  We start the week thinking, “It’s Monday!” and then sink into the reality of “Oh, it’s Monday in Coronavirus time.” Click here for more...
Cancer : As your astrology horoscope week begins Cancer and cancer Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle.  Today the Moon and Sun harmonize and just in time.  This aspect is very favorable to help you assert yourself and take back control of your life.  For the most part, everyone agrees.  We start the week thinking, “It’s Monday!” and then sink into the reality of “Oh, it’s Monday in Coronavirus time.” Click here for more...
Leo : As your astrology horoscope week begins Leo and Leo Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle.  Today the Moon and Sun harmonize and just in time.  This aspect favors your job, work, employment, and ability to impress higher-ups or those in authority.  Congratulations, you might feel like you earned a diploma.   We start the week thinking, “It’s Monday!” and then sink into the reality of “Oh, it’s Monday in Coronavirus time.” Click here for more...
Virgo : As your astrology horoscope week begins Virgo and Virgo Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle.  As an earth Sun sign, you benefit from the smooth transits this week.  With a little effort and work, you get what you want.  Today the Moon and Sun harmonize and just in time.  You push hard and work hard for your children’s interests and a lover’s interest.  If you’re single, you look to find friendly types to help you. Click here for more...
Libra : As your astrology horoscope week begins Libra and Libra Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle that influences your financial life in the right way.  It may even give you a sense of closure or renewal about a past relationship or emotional attachment.   Your home and property matters, joint financial matters, loans,  insurance, and the challenges you face receive some golden rays from the planets this week.  Click here for more...

Scorpio : As your astrology horoscope week begins Scorpio and Scorpio Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle.  You feel free to reconnect with others and tell them what you are thinking or what’s on your mind.  There is a lot on your mind! Typically, you stay quiet and keep lots to yourself, but you feel that you can finally talk about things and tell others your secrets.  Today the Moon and Sun harmonize and just in time. Click here for more...

Sagittarius : As your astrology horoscope week begins Sagittarius and Sagittarius Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle. You are one of the few Sun signs who can make money through their endeavors.  You also are more frugal and revise your spending habits to save more.  But when it comes to the things you want, money is no object.   Today the Moon and Sun harmonize and just in time.  You earn through your job, employees, employers, and by sticking to a routine and being a thrifty shopper. Click here for more...
Capricorn : As your astrology horoscope week begins Capricorn and Capricorn Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle but particularly beneficial to you.  The Moon and Sun harmonize and just in time, and you start the week with some good fortune.  We start the week thinking, “It’s Monday!” and then sink into the reality of “Oh, it’s Monday in Coronavirus time.” Click here for more...
Aquarius : As your astrology horoscope week begins Aquarius and Aquarius Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle.  Today the Moon and Sun harmonize and just in time.  You gain financial or through family togetherness. It’s beautiful to be at peace.  We start the week thinking, “It’s Monday!” and then sink into the reality of “Oh, it’s Monday in Coronavirus time.” Click here for more...
Pisces : As your astrology horoscope week begins Pisces and Pisces Rising, there’s a mini lunar cycle that’s just as important as any other lunar cycle.  Today the Moon and Sun harmonize and just in time. You easily stay hopeful and on the minds of friends, mentors, VIPs, in-laws and VIPs, and helpful people.   We start the week thinking, “It’s Monday!” and then sink into the reality of “Oh, it’s Monday in Coronavirus time.” Click here for more...


2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides Pre-Sale
2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides Pre-Sale
2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides Pre-Sale
2020 Sun Sign Horoscope Guides Pre-Sale
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