Showing posts with label Sexstrology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sexstrology. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is dim in Aquarius

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is dim in Aquarius, and it's five more days until the Solar Eclipse in Aries! The day is no less electrifying, though! 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio. Listen to my Podcast on iTunes!

Aquarius, it's your day, and you're undoubtedly going over your feelings and feelings about someone!  

While you might have all the answers, when you're called on, Pisces, you can be the hero who fixes things! 

Aries, Happy Solar Return! Everything you're thinking about comes out of your mouth, and it's hard to keep up! 

Taurus, consider your options, as they are many, but some may be fool's gold. Therefore, avoid making big decisions without consulting the stars.

Gemini, with the swoop of your magic wand, you think you can change everything. However, you encounter obstacles and reality.

Cancer, the reality is that you are often alone, and your and your partner's ambitions or situations come first.

Leo, it's best to keep your thoughts, ideas, and plans to yourself, but keep moving forward step by step.

Virgo, be wary of big promises and grandiose schemes that involve you. You're too naive for such things.

Libra, you might be focused on someone and trying to make things work, but if you don't have time for a full-time romance, are you just waiting for each other’s time?

Scorpio, you may find the right deep pocket to help turn your plans and dreams of success into reality. Stay grounded, and don't get overly excited.

Sagittarius, this is a fun time when new people enter your life, but you don't want to share all your relationships with others. "Hey, that's my new friend!" 

Capricorn,While others might think they have the edge over you, you are the Zodiac's chess player, and a damn good one at that!

What's ahead for you? Book a consultation with me. Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



#Sexstrology #Horoscope  #dailyhoroscope 

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo

 Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo. Things can get overwhelming, so many people decide not to hurry or rush around to avoid stress. Happy Winter Solstice! 

Download my App and Subscribe to my Monthly horoscopes. View your full Daily horoscopes! 

Virgo, it's your day, and you come a little closer to standing up for yourself and holding your ground against someone naughty.

Libra, you could be looking for a less stressful day of  R & R. Maybe you have to stay home and wait for delivery.

Scorpio, Take charge of your finances. Find ways to regain control of your money flow instead of waiting for someone to give you money.

Sagittarius, during the holidays, you consider the past and reminisce about how things were in past years and who you miss. 

Capricorn, Happy Solar Return! Today is your day, and you feel confident about the future as you explore all the possibilities.

Aquarius, ending a relationship could be on your mind but it is the holidays! You're too kind to hurt someone now. 

Pisces, Don't put yourself in harm's way. Be observant and avoid conflicts with bad people. Focus on getting your life back to how you want it.

Aries, you could make an important decision about love or marriage. Work on communicating honestly with others so they trust you. 

Taurus, You can no longer walk on the wild side, as a new responsibility affects your social status, and you need to meet expectations.

Gemini, take a moment to change gears, don't ask questions, and let others live their lives and go their own way.  

Cancer, you might want to influence things, but you'll have to do so discreetly. Since others might ask "Who put you in charge here?"

Leo, No one wants you to be manipulated, and only you vanguard against that. Don't be a puppet. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Taurus it's Exaltation

 Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Taurus (Exaltation); you must hold your own against the many forces that challenge you and remember what's essential: Money and stability! It's like dealing with a crazy mother-in-law issues, an unaccepting friend of a friend, or the gossip hounds! Stand up and hold your own today! 

Taurus, it's your day, and people are still throwing arrows that doesn't mean you lose your grip on reality and take things out on someone else

Gemini, you're done, so says Pluto. Now, reality has to catch up, and you need to set yourself free of responsibilities that don't belong to you.

Cancer, a chapter is changing and while you've done your best not to say anything or what you're really thinking, that's about to change.  

Leo, your usual oomph is taking a break, and you might not have anything left to say to someone; it's all been said. 

Virgo, you can definitely just focus on relationships and finding someone to marry, but you must have a career and work hard, too.

Libra, You may feel you can do it all and figure everything out. While that's sometimes true, it can also lead to wasting time and money trying to do everything.

Scorpio, be very cautious with others and, in fact, just sit there and say nothing unless you're asked! 

Sagittarius, Happy Solar Return! Arguments are but a millimeter away today and can ruin your good and happy vibe. 

Capricorn, don't be used as a scapegoat for anyone else's problems or issues anymore. Don't let anyone put you down or take up your time. 

Aquarius, The world is about to become your oyster. So what's next? What do you want to do, or what should you do?

Pisces, lots of Saturn energy makes you stern and far too serious today, Unless you live in a bubble get along with everyone

Aries, there are no gifts and freebies, no swag bags or favoritism as before. Things have changed and continue to do so. 

Read more at or click on the link in my Bio. Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



Friday, December 6, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Aquarius

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Aquarius, where reconnections, old lovers, VIPs,  and friends live! Lots of planetary changes occur, making it hard to hide. Venus connects to Pluto for sudden romantic changes. 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Aquarius, it's your day, and relationships are front and center, helping you to let go of the past one way or another. 

Pisces, luckily, all the Saturnian energy in your chart makes you hesitate and avoid problems with others. The focus should be on your health anyway.

Aries, you have a lot riding on a relationship, so you must shut up and go along if you're to climb the ladder of success with them.

Taurus, mind your manners and control emotions as things may go through a reorganization on the job.

Gemini, you're not always at a loss for words or don't feel like speaking and grandstanding in front of people, but that's how you feel. 

Cancer, your focus is on money and building your career, business, and future goals. Most of you don't get caught up in craziness or hype; you avoid it.  

Leo, you realize it's time to get serious about your relationship choices and pick good people. 

Virgo, be careful not to start doing too much or helping your significant other or new partner.   

Libra, you find your star and the person of your dreams any time now, but you might have to keep the flames of love going and keep them interested in you.

Scorpio, there's good news coming, but will you have to go through getting approval every time you want to make a change?

Sagittarius, Happy SolarReturn! You are ready to take on a new long-range project that will require you to iron out many details, but you're up for it. 

Capricorn, the planets hand you a new source of income and you also get busy earning more money than ever

What's ahead for you? Book a consultation with me. Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



#Sexstrology #Horoscope  #dailyhoroscope 

Monday, November 25, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon dims in Libra

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon dims in Libra, ruler of all things pretty, peaceful, relationships, marriage, justice, money, and karma. Mercury S RX  retrogrades tonight! Be efficient and try to organize things for minimal craziness. 

Download my app and subscribe to my monthly horoscopes for free tarot readings.  

Libra, the Moon favors you, unlocking your good fortune or a new romance according to your good deeds and kindness. Um, you have been good, haven't you? 

Scorpio, Happy Solar Return! You yearn for someone's attention and try many maneuvers to get their attention. Are you trying too hard? 

Sagittarius, Mercury retrogrades in your sign and puts you in a precarious position with your partner who questions you.  

Capricorn, you are motivated to work overtime and try harder when you see how much money you can make.

Aquarius, you're getting used to a new normal, and maybe you should put yourself where you want to be. It's not the time to create enemies. 

Pisces, you easily connect to the top brass but be careful and keep others on the job pacified by being nice to them. 

Aries, you can't change someone's opinion about someone you hate or dislike, but you might try. 

Taurus, you can earn more and make more money by working with others and helping them by proofing or editing their work. 

Gemini, your ruler, goes RX in your other zone, bringing business through others, and that's what it's about for you, more business! 

Cancer, you touch the power and can see the potential for influential partnerships. Explain yourself so people understand your big ideas. 

Leo, you're on a roll and need others to respect you. Some will, but those who have used you will not. 

Virgo, everyone needs your skills, health advice, organizational skills, and how to balance their life! 

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo

 Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo, and with 5 planets in mutable signs, things are hectic and move fast; people feel the energy and fill the shops! 

Download my App and Subscribe to my Monthly horoscopes. View your full Daily horoscopes! 

Virgo, it's your day. And maybe you're dealing with a fear that someone's going to embarrass you or fight with you.

Libra, today is a great day to prepare for a short trip or to try to get away over the next week. Connect with fun people.

Scorpio, you don't mind attending a concert or event, but you like your space and need privacy at home.

Sagittarius, Happy Solar Return! A full house, with light and friendly conversation that avoids controversy, is your thing.

Capricorn, you're all about money, and the planets deliver so you might opt to avoid overspending.

Aquarius, you might have a hard time letting go, but that's exactly what the planets want you to do, let go. A new karmic cycle is underway. 

Pisces, you tend to take short trips coming and going and prefer to sit alone and stay away for a short time. Why so restless?  

Aries, avoid petty conflicts that ignite your desire to get rid of someone or not want to be around them. 

Taurus, while you're not looking for love or a friend who makes you come alive, that's just what you can find  

Gemini, you're at your best when you have a lot going on, things to do and places to go. So you might make a 6-month plan! 

Cancer, the crab, has a claw and doesn't let go once they have grabbed something; you're grabbing power and money! 

Leo, you move on quickly and have a lot of choices when it comes to love, interested people, and opportunities. 

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Aries!

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope!  The Moon is in Aries! The Aries Moon Favors #Aries who get inspired by helpful people who have lots of ideas and solutions to help with a family issue

#Taurus it's getting clears! Your ability to see how your future is improving and what you have to do to keep it that way

#Gemini the air is clearing, and you start to get lots of recognition Are you flirting with fame?

#Cancer what you have always envisioned seems so close you can touch it. One hand washes the other these days
#Leo Single Leo finds a soulmate and is open to a passionate affair that's also lucrative

#Virgo it's ok for you to criticize and punish someone you love but not anyone else. Your compassion improves
#Libra you only want a serious romance, that's on your terms and isn't too disruptive and you might get it!

#Scorpio you're a creative genius and get your kids or a lover involved in the creative process It's time for some fun
#Sagittarius you adeptly avoid a family situation or putting in your two cents it's just too crazy

#Capricorn after toiling long and hard when you didn't see results you're a winner today
#Aquarius don't risk your finances by doing something weird or strange Don't get involved where you shouldn't
#Pisces yes it's true your luck has really changed! you can count on money and good fortune through a unique career opportunity

Need more so go to for the extended Daily Horoscope or click on the link in my Bio


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Friday, December 2, 2022

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Aries!

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope!  The Moon is in Aries! The Aries Moon Favors #Aries who are busy getting good advice, going on trips or errands, and sorting through facts but can easily get off track

#Taurus don't let impulsive desires get the better of you control your behavior and remind yourself about the plans you made two weeks ago

#Gemini before you know you're immersed in tasks and time flies by, let others do their own thing too
#Cancer people look up to you and you don't pay any attention you're too busy to notice
#Leo you might want to get away from it all so a short trip could take your mind off trouble at home

#Virgo you are able to undermine the plans of others and crush the competition even in matters of the heart
#Libra you can be stuck at home or have to stay close to home, that's just as well since you have to be careful

#Scorpio you're looking for new sources of income, overtime, and billable hours. Every little bit helps
#Sagittarius It's your time to do your own thing and give others space to live their lives and grow or they'll be resentful

#Capricorn be careful around the house, don't step on things or the pets, and work from home
#Aquarius be a little cautious about what you say to others as innocently wondering what's going on
#Pisces Keep the money flowing so you can move, buy a home and be more comfortable in the future
Need more so go to for the extended Daily Horoscope or click on the link in my Bio


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Sunday, November 27, 2022

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Capricorn (Detriment)

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Capricorn (Detriment), and it favors tackling those chores and projects you have put off for a while. The ones you have procrastinated about. It's a funny thing because once you get started on them, you can't stop! The Moon in Capricorn favors #Capricorn to unlock their creative channels and write, sew, clean, do things with their hands, and accomplish a lot. 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio

 #Aquarius You should have plenty of things to keep you busy! Just relax and take things in stride

#Pisces who says there are no 2nd chances? You may feel like you are getting lots of chances to put things in the correct order 

#Aries you can try to get free advice from the web, and sometimes that works but not today; you're on a wild goose chase. 

#Taurus, get your finances in good working order no matter what. it shouldn't take you too long 

#Gemini communications are stimulating and eclectic, your mind is its own mini-computer, and people notice 

#Cancer, you know what someone needs, and sometimes they need to work things out by themselves 

#Leo, you always need to guide and tell others what's expected, but darling it's anarchy, and no one's listening

#Virgo frank and emotional discussions force you to accept some truths, that's fine, don't get mad...change. 

#Libra, the peace you've created around you is downright too boring. You might shake things up today  

#Scorpio, something's going on inside of you, and you learn not to hesitate or pick things part but to just do them 

#Sagittarius Happy Solar Return! You can quickly create things you can feel, touch, and take to the bank. So why argue? 

Sign up for my Monthly Horoscopes, and download my App, Horoscopes by Terry Nazon!



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Saturday, November 26, 2022

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Capricorn (Detriment)

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Capricorn (Detriment); it's time to work hard, get serious, prioritize, be professional and mature, and prioritize. The Moon in Capricorn favors #Capricorn to tune out distractions and get to work. cast aside your paranoia and move on

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio

 #Aquarius conflicts can make you uncomfortable at's best to be a people pleaser and not nitpick 

#Pisces you're ready to be a team player and can see yourself being a success; important people stay in touch with you today

#Aries duty calls, and your parental side kicks in, no matter if you are a parent to your children or to your parents. 

#Taurus you're  happy to do your part and see that things run smoothly today for those who have helped you in the past 

#Gemini you get enthusiastic and inspired about your work and the career you have followed for a long time it doesn't get old. 

#Cancer, you might have to stand your ground, demanding some help around the house.  Ask others to pull their own weight

#Leo you can get angry at the drop of a hat. Hopefully, you've cultivated patience when provoked

#Virgo misunderstandings leave you feeling bad if you jump to conclusions or push someone who's trying to be nice away. 

#Libra it's a good time to get out and about following your heart with no schedule or path to follow

#Scorpio opportunities come to make new business or career-building contacts. Sell your skills to others

#Sagittarius Happy Solar Return! You know what needs to be done and where to find free stuff and money 

Sign up for my Monthly Horoscopes, and download my App, Horoscopes by Terry Nazon!



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Friday, November 11, 2022

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Gemini and Cancer

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Gemini, setting the tone for your entire weekend! Sort through information and things that come to your mind that may have been buried deep within your subconscious. #Gemini the outer you wants to be super successful while the inner you grapples with a past dysfunctional relationship

Read your extended Daily Horoscope link in the Bio 

#Cancer don't doubt your intuition as time and time again, it proves to be correct, that's scary! 

#Leo unexpected losses suggest you do a quick accounting of what's left in the bank

#Virgo stop trying to be everything to the "in crowd" soon enough, your star will shine 

#Libra you're on a mission to find beautiful things and  good deals Remember to have fun 

#Scorpio big changes surround your relationships but you have lots of reasons not to rock the boat

#Sagittarius you realize how important your peace of mind is and how loud some people are! 

#Capricorn your hands are working, and your mind is working as you prepare for a major change

#Aquarius avoid trouble with your love interest or an ex; there seems to be an underlying grudge

#Pisces, stop, look around, and make a change! Restructure your life, pay what you owe, and soon you can move on

 #Aries time alone gives you time to sort through your next chapter, rekindle connections and friendships

#Taurus don't take your good fortune for granted 2nd chances to get your career and finances together is here 



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Thursday, November 10, 2022

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Gemini

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Gemini, and your mind is working overtime! You are alone to deal with whatever bubbles up from your subconscious mind! It's time to heal! #Gemini it's your day, and your working hard, getting more done than the average Sun sign! You soon realize there are not enough hours in the day! 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope link in the Bio 

#Cancer, you might want to get lost in love and with your passions but keep them grounded in reality

#Leo you're a visionary who doesn't hesitate to get on board with other unique people, but today you are judged by the company you keep

#Virgo you may be on a fast track to rebuilding your social connections with the who's who of society

#Libra you have a vision and wish for your life where you know all the right people and you feel connected

#Scorpio Happy Solar Return, you can relax now and get back to your dating life and meeting new people 

#Sagittarius, someone keeps making excuses about spending time with you, Don't nag or chase

#Capricorn you'll surprise yourself with how much you can get done, prepare your home for the holidays and a full house

#Aquarius avoid trouble with women or with your relationship hanging on for too long is an Aquarius trait

#Pisces make a plan to get on with your life it might take several months but it's worth it as you get to do things over 

 #Aries you don't want to be pressured by anyone and you'd like your romantic life to be more passionate and easier

#Taurus it's time to pick up the pieces and plan what you will do with all the money you have coming to you



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Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Gemini

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Gemini, and the Sun is in Scorpio! You are alone to deal with whatever bubbles up from your subconscious mind! It's time to heal! 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope link in the Bio 

#Gemini luckily, you go with the flow under any circumstances and handle delays and breakdowns with ease

#Cancer work through haunting issues that stop you in your tracks; glide through the next few days by keeping yourself busy

#Leo don't lose a beat when everything around you is up in the air; it's kind of exciting if you enjoy change

#Virgo your romantic options start to open up, and things become even more confusing for you

#Libra your plans have to change, but you'll appreciate those rare times you get to pursue your passions

#Scorpio give yourself time to sort through your options without committing to anyone just yet

#Sagittarius, your intuition is strong, so when you feel something's amiss, be a sleuth and check it out

#Capricorn you can also dig deep and find the energy to give a little more even while you're thinking your serious Capricorn thoughts

#Aquarius you can worry about a child or a love interest, so talk things out and get to the bottom of things

#Pisces you know better than to take undo risks and push fate, stick close to home, don't drive too far away 

 #Aries you can immerse yourself in redecorating or tearing down, digging up and replanting a garden it's healing



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