Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra and Scorpio

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra  The Libra Moon favors #Libra to take matters into their own hands and make something that's in their head, reality.

The Moon enters Scorpio and then it's #Scorpio's turn to overcome a personal obstacle and get out of their heads and do something

#Sagittarius while the Lunar Nodes make things tick along, one phone call or plan changes your day

#Capricorn Mars at the fated degree makes you strike back at anyone getting in your way oh my! 

#Aquarius today #JustDoit has a special meaning because you'll Just do it today! 

#Pisces you overcome a financial issue with ease and pay off debts and bills

 #Aries there's this exciting part of your life and all the work you do behind the scenes 

#Taurus with Mars leaving your Sun sign with a bang your finances take a turn for the better

#Gemini in an effort to get someone's attention you might go about it all wrong and anger someone! 

 #Cancer you go inward and stay in your protective shell while you feel attacked by others

#Leo everyone is competing with you for the same audience and prize 

#Virgo you to feel you have to fight for every little victory or gain but they come one after another

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