Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Cancer today and we seek peace of mind today. But there may be some who nag or ask stupid questions in an effort to keep you engaged, steal your time and attention Oh My!  Don't strike back or your apt to get tears and be called mean!  The Moon in Cancer favors #Cancer to take and tell themselves they're moving on, Ok,if that's the plan! 
#Leo is in thought figuring out their next move
#Virgo gets a boost with their confidence or works on feeling confident and loved
#Libra it's your day to to be open to love
#Scorpio looks back and wonders if a past love is still interested
#Sagittarius connects with friends and gets back to managing all their relationships and partnerships
#Capricorn has an offer coming that makes even more work for him or her
#Aquarius says "Yes" to anyone or anything to avoid an argument or tears
#Pisces don't blame anyone but yourself and make changes
#Aries the heavens open up and deal you the right person at the right time
#Taurus your job and work pick up so say Yes not NO
#Gemini your romantic life is about to open up so be open to conversations

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