Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Gemini, and the Sun is in Aquarius. Today, things make sense and become more orderly. But we all feel the danger from powerful types as we continue to work hard and try to get ahead.
Gemini, it's your day, and you are the first and last word on everything. Flex your muscles and say, "Okay, okay, that's enough, children."
Cancer, stress can drain your energy and make you tired! Exercise more to increase your energy and help you sleep better.
Leo, Don't allow situations to spiral out of control. Maintain authority over your finances and emotions, and never let anyone else wield power over you.
Virgo, your challenge, should you accept, is to avoid conflicts and manage bullies and aggressive types.
Libra, a new romance offers a chance to start fresh and make different choices. However, too many wounds from an old romance keep resurfacing.
Scorpio, You can feel disconnected from someone you need or care about. It’s important to be reassured that they still care for you.
Sagittarius, You're on your way up now with a new project. You just need outstanding talent to help you, not mediocre types who ask for too much money.
Capricorn, Pluto can elevate your finances to great heights, but it can also bring you down. However, through hard work, you can achieve balance.
Aquarius, Happy Solar Return! Roll the dice; today is your day! Keep worries at bay and allow happiness and love to permeate your being.
Pisces, Your intuition is sharp, allowing you to foresee events and manage situations proactively.
Aries, Everything begins to feel different and appear positive. Can you find a way out of a predicament?
Taurus, if you change your mind or things suddenly appear differently than you previously thought, it's Uranus.
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