Monday, August 19, 2024

Today's Planets and You! It's the Full, Super Moon, Blue Moon, and Sturgeon Moon, and oh year, I also read Rare Moon (Not really)

 Today's Planets and You! It's the Full, Super Moon, Blue Moon, and Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius, and oh yeah, also a Rare Full Moon (not really). The name of the game seems to be to find a word that sticks and makes you stand out. Really, it's just Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, the wordsmiths! 

The Moon favors Aquarius, who sheds the fears of the past and gets on with things dynamically. No excuses, just doit! 

Pisces, take criticism in stride because you benefit from others right now. Avoid signing leases or making commitments. 

Aries, you must face the pain of what others think about you to clear things up and move on.

Taurus put all your efforts into getting ahead and proving to everyone that you have what it takes to do the job. 

Gemini, you are close to being free of a burden or responsibility that is never yours. Avoid name-calling and gossiping. 

Cancer, you can experience a small miracle, a release of the energy that's been making you insecure, and have your faith renewed. 

Leo, Happy Solar Return! People love you, or they don't. They are either for or against you, and they agree with you or not! 

Virgo, it's a good day to put aside your relationship worries and channel all this energy into your job and career. 

Libra, you could opt to stay single and free, but you might forget to announce it to the world. If you do commit, you might not make that public either. 

Scorpio, you need to change plans and direction; your challenge is to find the right people to unlock your dreams. 

Sagittarius, your old ideas and things you worked on in the past look golden to others. Dust off old projects. 

Capricorn, you turn a corner financially and can forget your worries and get back to ruling the world.  

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon! Sign up for my Monthly Horoscopes! 



Sunday, August 18, 2024

Today's Planets and You! In your daily Horoscope, the Moon is in Aquarius

Today's Planets and You! In your daily Horoscope, the Moon is in Aquarius and grows fuller to a SuperMoon, Blue Moon, and Sturgeon Moon tomorrow! That's a lot of names for the Full Moon, and I suppose it goes along with the word salad of Mars and Jupiter in Gemini! Let's find a name that sticks! 

The Moon favors Aquarius, who is at the center of activity. Without emotion, does what they think is necessary for everyone.

Pisces, lots of self-control is needed, and you must be more aware of appropriate behavior for your age and social status. Avoid family issues.

Aries, Issues with inlaws and children demand you talk less, give less information, and wait until you're asked. 

Taurus, worry about who's watching you, and don't act up in public! Let the Moon pass you by unscathed, and avoid your bad habits. 

Gemini, don't let anyone egg you on, and avoid lashing out and saying things you shouldn't. Be athletic and work out.

Cancer, getting what you want, and buying what you want is challenging. Don't put yourself further in debt. 

Leo, Happy Solar Return! You don't know what to do about your competitors, and no one wants to hear you be mean, either. Ugh! 

Virgo, you might discover that your ex or the person you're having trouble with is being pursued by another. 

Libra, while you wait for others to contact you, they wait for you to contact them. It's ok; you're unsure about what you really want. 

Scorpio, you can't help but get involved with family issues that draw you in like a tornado. You can't help but give your two cents. 

Sagittarius, you recognize talent and honesty when you see it! You consider reconnecting with talented people from your past. 

Capricorn, It's all about collecting what's owed to you, and you might suffer if you're not getting paid for your work. 

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon! Sign up for my Monthly Horoscopes! 



Saturday, August 17, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is growing fuller in Capricorn (Detriment)

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is growing fuller in Capricorn (Detriment) and Aquarius today! It's "Super Moon Season!" You can find ingenious ways to get what you want and overcome challenges! Of course, we feel the Moon's energy and see the Moon close up.  

The Moon favors Capricorn digging deep and overcoming any problem they face, except for others' bad attitudes!

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Aquarius, your friendly attitude could make you far too honest. Keep your personal life and relationships to yourself. 

Pisces tends to address health and wellness matters and turn a chapter in your life that makes you feel better overall. 

Aries, you can't lord it over anyone right now or be the voice people listen to. You might have lost authority and credibility, so rebuild it. 

Taurus, finally, you will get to manage your health and wellness. It can take time to fix your teeth or eyesight but commit to it. 

Gemini, it's a good time to find what lifts your spirits and gives you hope. Find that one thing that keeps you going! 

Cancer, it's best to keep your space, home, and life separate from others for now. Too much togetherness could ruin a relationship. 

Leo, Happy Solar Return! You may have problems getting and holding another person's attention. Try being more positive, and that will change. 

Virgo, getting to "I do" or keeping a current relationship going requires not overreacting and lots of patience.

Libra, you might start to miss someone and how things used to be. But you might be too proud to call or realize it won't matter much. 

Scorpio, before concluding about another person (s), realizes there's more information to come in the future. 

Sagittarius, focus on your money-making talents and don't get distracted by petty conflicts that don't pay. 

What's ahead for you? Book a consultation with me. Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!
