Sunday, August 18, 2024

Today's Planets and You! In your daily Horoscope, the Moon is in Aquarius

Today's Planets and You! In your daily Horoscope, the Moon is in Aquarius and grows fuller to a SuperMoon, Blue Moon, and Sturgeon Moon tomorrow! That's a lot of names for the Full Moon, and I suppose it goes along with the word salad of Mars and Jupiter in Gemini! Let's find a name that sticks! 

The Moon favors Aquarius, who is at the center of activity. Without emotion, does what they think is necessary for everyone.

Pisces, lots of self-control is needed, and you must be more aware of appropriate behavior for your age and social status. Avoid family issues.

Aries, Issues with inlaws and children demand you talk less, give less information, and wait until you're asked. 

Taurus, worry about who's watching you, and don't act up in public! Let the Moon pass you by unscathed, and avoid your bad habits. 

Gemini, don't let anyone egg you on, and avoid lashing out and saying things you shouldn't. Be athletic and work out.

Cancer, getting what you want, and buying what you want is challenging. Don't put yourself further in debt. 

Leo, Happy Solar Return! You don't know what to do about your competitors, and no one wants to hear you be mean, either. Ugh! 

Virgo, you might discover that your ex or the person you're having trouble with is being pursued by another. 

Libra, while you wait for others to contact you, they wait for you to contact them. It's ok; you're unsure about what you really want. 

Scorpio, you can't help but get involved with family issues that draw you in like a tornado. You can't help but give your two cents. 

Sagittarius, you recognize talent and honesty when you see it! You consider reconnecting with talented people from your past. 

Capricorn, It's all about collecting what's owed to you, and you might suffer if you're not getting paid for your work. 

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