Showing posts with label #SturgeonMoon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #SturgeonMoon. Show all posts

Monday, August 19, 2024

Today's Planets and You! It's the Full, Super Moon, Blue Moon, and Sturgeon Moon, and oh year, I also read Rare Moon (Not really)

 Today's Planets and You! It's the Full, Super Moon, Blue Moon, and Sturgeon Moon in Aquarius, and oh yeah, also a Rare Full Moon (not really). The name of the game seems to be to find a word that sticks and makes you stand out. Really, it's just Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, the wordsmiths! 

The Moon favors Aquarius, who sheds the fears of the past and gets on with things dynamically. No excuses, just doit! 

Pisces, take criticism in stride because you benefit from others right now. Avoid signing leases or making commitments. 

Aries, you must face the pain of what others think about you to clear things up and move on.

Taurus put all your efforts into getting ahead and proving to everyone that you have what it takes to do the job. 

Gemini, you are close to being free of a burden or responsibility that is never yours. Avoid name-calling and gossiping. 

Cancer, you can experience a small miracle, a release of the energy that's been making you insecure, and have your faith renewed. 

Leo, Happy Solar Return! People love you, or they don't. They are either for or against you, and they agree with you or not! 

Virgo, it's a good day to put aside your relationship worries and channel all this energy into your job and career. 

Libra, you could opt to stay single and free, but you might forget to announce it to the world. If you do commit, you might not make that public either. 

Scorpio, you need to change plans and direction; your challenge is to find the right people to unlock your dreams. 

Sagittarius, your old ideas and things you worked on in the past look golden to others. Dust off old projects. 

Capricorn, you turn a corner financially and can forget your worries and get back to ruling the world.  

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