Showing posts with label #Virgo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Virgo. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is dim in Aquarius and then psychic Pisces

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is dim in Aquarius and Pisces and takes you from excitement or anxiety to a more resful decompression place. 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio. Listen to my Podcast on iTunes! My books are now on Amazon AudioBooks.

Aquarius, it's your day; put your blinders on and keep going, and you'll be rewarded financially.

Pisces breathe a sigh of relief. This afternoon (EDT) is your time to shine and be on everyone's mind in a good way. 

Aries, Happy Solar Return! The new reality is that you have been alone for a while. Stop waiting for someone to need you or call you.

Taurus, you might agree to a financial contract or payment, but you should wait for another offer. 

Gemini, it might be time to do less. Do less for others who don't seem appreciative of your time and talents. 

Cancer: Every time you finish with one project or meeting, you wonder what will happen next in your career or with your ambitions.

Leo, everyone is very prickly now, and you're not in the mood to fix things for anyone anymore or help anyone. 

Virgo, it's not the time for jealousy, but maybe you can't help yourself. Focus on your daily routine and stay busy.

Libra, you might meet someone special and go out of your way to try to run them or catch them online. 

Scorpio, you might need a family member you don't want to need or speak to for that matter.

Sagittarius, you consider a move or embark upon activities that make you happy. Pessimistic types are not included. 

Capricorn, everyone is making changes as the Moon enters Pisces, and you don't like the tension you feel with someone. 

What's ahead for you? Book a consultation with me. Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



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Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is dim in Aquarius

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is dim in Aquarius, and it's five more days until the Solar Eclipse in Aries! The day is no less electrifying, though! 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio. Listen to my Podcast on iTunes!

Aquarius, it's your day, and you're undoubtedly going over your feelings and feelings about someone!  

While you might have all the answers, when you're called on, Pisces, you can be the hero who fixes things! 

Aries, Happy Solar Return! Everything you're thinking about comes out of your mouth, and it's hard to keep up! 

Taurus, consider your options, as they are many, but some may be fool's gold. Therefore, avoid making big decisions without consulting the stars.

Gemini, with the swoop of your magic wand, you think you can change everything. However, you encounter obstacles and reality.

Cancer, the reality is that you are often alone, and your and your partner's ambitions or situations come first.

Leo, it's best to keep your thoughts, ideas, and plans to yourself, but keep moving forward step by step.

Virgo, be wary of big promises and grandiose schemes that involve you. You're too naive for such things.

Libra, you might be focused on someone and trying to make things work, but if you don't have time for a full-time romance, are you just waiting for each other’s time?

Scorpio, you may find the right deep pocket to help turn your plans and dreams of success into reality. Stay grounded, and don't get overly excited.

Sagittarius, this is a fun time when new people enter your life, but you don't want to share all your relationships with others. "Hey, that's my new friend!" 

Capricorn,While others might think they have the edge over you, you are the Zodiac's chess player, and a damn good one at that!

What's ahead for you? Book a consultation with me. Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



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Sunday, March 23, 2025

Today's Planets and You! The last Qtr. Moon is in Capricorn (Detriment)

Today's Planets and You! The last Qtr. Moon is in Capricorn (Detriment),and in less than a week, there will be a new moon, Solar Eclipse in Aries, that foretells something new in your life!  

Capricorn, it's your day! You are on the fence and indecisive. Do you really want to have a partner or work with anyone? 

There's more! Read your extended Daily Horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Aquarius, you appear to be emotionally distant and not to care but this is just a mask to how vulnerable you feel financially and with work 

Pisces, while you might lie to take a chance, you have to be much more conservative than ever. Mistakes matter now. 

Aries, Happy Solar Return! Oh, this is going to be fun! Be careful what you wish for or start it could take time to get up and running. 

Taurus, you delight in keeping people guessing and talking. Maybe you secretly hope someone will let the cat out of the bag, but not you! 

Gemini, the challenge is to make the most of your opportunities and work smarter to earn more money. 

Cancer, the frustration you feel, shows in inflammation and redness. Working together is not your forte just now. 

Leo, while you come down hard on some,  you instinctively know who to keep on your side. Some people delight in watching you crush people. 

Virgo, you're probably right if you think you're pushing too hard and checking with someone too often. Maintain the mystery in love. 

Libra, this can be an exciting and fun time if you don't take things too seriously, but you might. Today, you're sensitive and sense rejection at the slightest! 

Scorpio, you're waiting for the green light for the "ok" and for the "go ahead" and your patience is running thin

Sagittarius, you could want what someone else has and how good it looks when you see it. Are you going to splurge or look for a deal? 

What's ahead for you? Book a consultation with me. Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



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Saturday, March 22, 2025

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Capricorn (Detriment)

 Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Capricorn (Detriment), and it's about following the rules, doing things step by step, using protocol, responsibilities, and order of command, and not using power unwisely. 

Capricorn, it's your day! You could be uncertain as someone tries to dim your star and you retreat. 

There's more! Read your extended Daily Horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Aquarius, your competitive streak rises to the surface, and you reconnect to something you're good at and want to get better at! 

Pisces allow anxiety or fear to fade. But you're not quite so sure it's gone for good, so you have one eye on things! 

Aries, Happy Solar Return! Wow, a part of you that you lost along the way returns. Is it a memory or a person?

Taurus is not the time to make huge changes because of an embarrassment; let it fade and disappear as most do.

Gemini, a new career or professional opportunity has you a little, but it might, over time, open new doors for you. 

Cancer, you are forever calculating what it means to take on a new role and more influence. Is it worth it?

Leo, if you helped someone in the past and they didn't appreciate it, let's let the planets handle things. Don't get your hands dirty. 

Virgo, When someone ghosts you or cancels last minute, keep yourself busy and find plenty to occupy your time.

Libra, home is where your heart was, but you're no longer interested in being a homebody or remodeling. You're interested in love. 

Scorpio, You see opportunities to reconnect with your plans and dreams as hope springs eternal, and you cling to what you want to do.

Sagittarius, take stock of what money and income Pluto has left you with, count your money, the money you have coming in, and rebuild by collaborating with others.   

What's ahead for you? Book a consultation with me. Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Today's Planets and You! It's the Moon is in Scorpio (Fall) and Sagittarius

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Scorpio (Fall), and changes sign into Sagittarius; this changes your mood from hesitant to happy! The Sagittarius mood is positive, seeing the cup as half full, while the Scorpio Moon sees the cup as half empty. That's an improvement! 

Scorpio, it's your day; you might get an offer, but then ask yourself, "Do I want to work that hard or take on something I know little about?"

Sagittarius, It's your day this afternoon, so when you start to see things more positively or suddenly wake up, Thank the Moon!  

Capricorn, while you need more space, it's coming; until then, clear emotional blocks and change your limited thinking. #mindspace

Aquarius, of course, you feel up and down. That's Pluto. Don't worry about things you cannot change, but change those things you can. All of a sudden, opportunities come your way. 

Pisces, Happy Solar Return! Imagine the Sun builds up its energy in your Sun sign, and you feel compelled to make a change. But will it be costly? 

Aries, Tomorrow is only a day away when the Sun shines on you, so get ready, plan, and pack! Are you ready for change? 

Taurus, a new opportunity has you working behind the scenes to earn extra money. Don't spend it yet, but put it away. Adjust your schedule and manage family matters.

Gemini, you're undoubtedly thinking about all the hard work you've put into your success and how it compares to the real world. 

Cancer, manage health wellness, inflammations, and redness. Open doors for yourself and let others see what you can do for them.

Leo, think more carefully and avoid being impulsive or harming others if you can. You might get away with it, but the universe is watching.

Virgo, don't put any pressure on a romantic partner or an ex who might come back to you in the future. 

Libra, a new romance and new popularity, is trying to find you, so get out more and mingle.

Listen to my Podcast on iTunesSpotifyAmazon MusiciHeartRadioPandoraSirius XM, YouTube, and Stitcher, wherever you listen to Podcasts. Check out my books on Amazon. Download my App and Book a personal consultation with me! 

Monday, March 17, 2025

Today's Planets and You! It's the Moon is in Scorpio (Fall)

 Today's Planets and You! It's the Moon is in Scorpio (Fall), while the Sun is in Pisces but it's not easy to feel comfortable today as the Moon is not at ease in Scorpio. 

Let's be very patient! 

Scorpio, it's your day, and you're trying hard to get your way, open doors, get what you want or make your dreams come true. 

Download my App, Horoscopes by Terry Nazon, to get your natal birth chart reports and tarot reading: or click on the link in my Bio.

Sagittarius, you might wonder what someone is up to and if they have something to hide from you. You don't like it when you're not "in the know."

Capricorn, involvement with a group, club, or circle of friends is winding down, and another is just starting; find where you feel comfortable.

Aquarius, you could feel uncomfortable or nervous if you try too hard to get along or be affectionate. 

Pisces, Happy Solar Return! You're still the Sun's fav! Be creative, and don't let anyone steal your joy or happiness. 

If you are unsure what to do, wait and do nothing. Don't sneak around, try to see someone, or hoard money for the future! Oh! 

Taurus, regardless, you are in a great financial position! Do not rock the boat with a bad attitude. 

Gemini, you're nervous, that's ok. Someone tries to block you from getting ahead and stealing the show! 

Cancer: you're unsure if you're doing the right thing, but anything is better than doing nothing you say! Stay focused.   

Leo, it's ok if you're feeling strange, but don't do things that harm others or your position. Allow Mars to move on and out of your 12th house. 

Virgo, it's hard to see the benefits of your career or profession but keep at it, and you will see them. 

Libra, be a peacekeeper and keep everyone happy so you don't lose a job, a good neighbor, or significant other. 

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra, the sign of balance, beauty, and relationships in Libra. But all is not well for some relationships, is it?     

Libra, it's your day. You have been more than willing to go along with others and be involved with their plans, but is this reciprocal? 

Scorpio, it's a good time to discuss issues, see where you stand, or check in with others. Your silence won't heal a relationship.

Sagittarius, issues about your future can be daunting, but as a fire sign, you only need a dream and something to aim for. So aim!  

Capricorn, you surprise people once you let your creative side loose on the world. Show others what you can do. 

Aquarius, as a fixed sign, you are very fixed in your ideas and how you see things. Come on, lighten up, and laugh a little more! 

Pisces, Happy Solar Return! But soon, you won't have the warm Sun to guide you, and you'll need to be upstanding. Guard your actions going forward. 

Aries, your Solar Return starts in 5 days. Is there anything you would like to fix, change, or start? You will press the reset button soon enough. 

Taurus, Get along with everyone who crosses your path. Stay focused on your career and don't trust just anyone with your secrets.

Gemini, career challenges crop up and you need to find an outlet for worry. Someone is secretly working against your success. The solution is not to have enemies! 

When you throw a ball at someone, expect it to come back at you just as hard! 

Cancer, today a million things are going through your mind and you need reassurance that you're still on your way up the ladder of success.

Leo, you can be worried and sad about someone not treating you right or possibly embarrassing or using you. Try to talk to them. 

Virgo, something just isn't right with your relationships. Are you trying too hard? Lighten up and enjoy the process. 

Get my Book La Luna Moon Sign on Amazon.

Friday, March 14, 2025

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo and Mercury goes Retrograde

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo and we all got to feel the strange energy of the Full Moon Eclipse! What's next? Mercury retrograde just 24 hours after the Full Moon Eclipse. Mercury retrograde gives you another chance at fixing things or perfecting them.

Check out Mercury Rx Do's and Don'ts by clicking on the link in my Bio. 

Virgo, it's your day today but things take on a life of their own as things could get far more complicated in your relationships. 

Libra, tonight the Moon enters your sign and you could meet someone very special, but then find out they're going on a long trip! 

Scorpio, you could feel that your best-laid plans go haywire, and someone who promised to pay you for your work may or may not. 

Sagittarius, sometimes you can't go back in time and just have to keep moving forward, as a past conflict resurfaces. 

Capricorn, hindsight is 20/20, secrets get revealed, and maybe that strange twilight Eclipse light shines onto some past deception. 

Aquarius, you just never know where life will take you. I can only tell you the hint is to go where the money is. 

Pisces, be happy when you find out who someone really is that will save you from future problems. 

Aries, You'll navigate the rapids between your past, making others happy and being true to yourself. Masks are no longer needed.

Taurus, you might feel you're in a time warp having to repeat, go over, and experience the worst in others again! 

Gemini, No matter what happens, you tend to land on your feet somehow. This confounds your enemies and those who would rather see you go.

Cancer, You manipulate situations expertly, possessing unique talents and experience. They may resent you, but they cannot afford to lose you.

Leo, it must get tiring navigating between being in charge and wanting some time to yourself to think. 

The signs highlighted in red hold the most planets! 

#astrology, #Virgo,  #dailyhoroscopes, #Horoscopes, #Mercuryretrograde

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: It's the 4th Qtr. Moon in Sagittarius

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: It's the 4th Qtr. Moon in Sagittarius is a good time to reflect and focus on what makes you happy! Juno, the asteroid of marriage, joins the Moon and Pluto, and you see you have options. 

Sagittarius, It's your day, and your strength returns, and you don't have to put up with anything negative; your future is bright. 

Capricorn, You can always come up with a new topic or angle, a fresh way of doing things that surprises people, and you truly enjoy doing that.

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Aquarius, look ahead and embrace the opportunities that come your way today. Ensure your home and family are cared for before you take off. 

Pisces, Happy Solar Return! You have no time or willingness to be unhappy as you successfully sidestep trouble and see an opportunity. 

Aries, as you meet new people and move forward, keep your tragic news, secrets, and feelings to yourself.

Taurus, hide that part of you that is wild and crazy. Don't tie your future to anyone who can adversely affect your bright prospects.

Gemini, connect to fun and amazing people who really like you and forget about those you feel a weird vibe from; they'll go away soon enough.

Cancer, you could feel uncertain if decisions are being made without your input and ok. Don't be naive and think everything is just going to work out. Protect your interests.

Leo, you can make abrupt changes and decisions with your confidence high, but you should think about how things will play out. 

Virgo, make sure everyone in your life pays attention and avoids danger or taking risks. You might have to play nurse. 

Libra, a new love or romantic opportunity has you forgetting about your work and what needs to get done. Balance infatuation with what you have to do. 

Scorpio, money or gifts come unexpectedly, but you might need that money to pay for a fee, a course, licensing, or a lawyer. 

What's ahead for you? Book a consultation with me. Download my app, which has tarot reading  Horoscopes by Terry Nazon!



Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Today's Planets and You! It's the Moon is in Scorpio (Fall)

Today's Planets and You! It's the Moon is in Scorpio (Fall), while the Sun is in Pisces Now. Happy Pisces Season! 

Scorpio, You possess foresight and are not easily led astray. Allow the Sun to work its magic and burn away the parts of you that you have outgrown so you can open yourself to love.

Download my App, Horoscopes by Terry Nazon, to get your natal birth chart reports and tarot reading: or click on the link in my Bio.

Sagittarius, you're on a sentimental journey and flooded by memories of the past. Why not put together a new family photo album. 

Capricorn, your ruler Saturn is in new degrees, bringing new business opportunities that you can mold into something great! 

Aquarius, Happy Solar Return! You are free from the past, and that means a past relationship. Let it go, drop it! Don't walk into a new house with dirt on your shoes from the past! 

Pisces, it's your Solar Return and time to press the reset button on your life. Have new goals and then crush them. 

Aries, here comes the Sun, making things so clear that you couldn't possibly ignore them. Rid yourself of fears and make a plan

Taurus, you can go around the world again with a past love, but this time around, you can do it with no illusions. 

Gemini, part of you will have one eye on all the people who thought they knew more than you ...because you're in charge now! 

Cancer: in the back of your mind, you want to be in charge of the money. In love, avoid salacious gossip, jealousy, and scandals. 

Leo, you squelch divorce or break-up rumors and should make a deal with your current amour not to tell. 

Virgo, the Sun burns away your illusions about people, not just one person, everyone. It's ok. Everyone is just being human. 

Libra, if you're involved, you have to settle into a new routine like Libra Lover birds Kamala Harris and Dough Emhoff or Click on the link in my Bio.

Monday, February 17, 2025

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra, and the sign changes around Sunset.  From my Book La Luna Moon Sign on Amazon.  

Libra, it's your day, and you recognize your indecision, but it's up to you to make everyone feel welcome. 

Scorpio, tonight you come alive, putting relationship issues behind you, and move on. You decide if someone is that important or not. 

Sagittarius, you're all business as you sweep away the past and start to let go of what used to feel comfortable. 

Capricorn, it's time to be more active and leave the house. So force yourself to make the time for everything you want to do

Aquarius, Happy Solar Return! You start to realize it will take money and hard work to get to a place of happiness. You need your own money. 

Pisces, your Solar Return starts at 5:07 am ET tomorrow. As the Sun crosses into your Sun sign, expect an awakening. 

Aries, you're back to wanting to make a difference in the world, like you see others doing what your friends are doing. 

Taurus, people want to talk to and get to know you, so don't be prickly as your life becomes bigger. Handle the attention. 

Gemini, as the planets change, you experiment with what's working and not working, especially financially. 

Cancer, certain people bring out the best in you and make you feel popular, wanted, and embraced. That's a good thing. 

Leo, relationships and partnerships (not just romantic) are changing, so let people into your life and get to know new people. Don't be so insulated. 

Virgo, conflict resolution would be helpful now. Some relationships can end very badly, and we don't like that. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra. You consider your options. What to do, another person, a backup plan, an alternative romance, or an activity? Maybe you send the message that if it’s not you, there's someone or someone else. From my Book La Luna Moon Sign on Amazon.  

Libra, it's your day, and social opportunities arise, but you might not feel 100% and have to push yourself. 

Scorpio, while family issues haunt you, you'll break free and put your foot firmly in the future. Get a romance back on track.

Sagittarius, your gift is creating business, organizing like-minded people into groups, and making it feel like a party.

Capricorn, it's time to be more active and leave the house. so force yourself to make the time for everything you want to do

Aquarius, Happy Solar Return! What an amazing time to prioritize your life and figure out what's important to you. 

Pisces, you gain financially by being thrifty and earning more money, and for that, you have to be reliable. 

Aries, it's a great time to start a new job or manage your time better, including time to go to the gym and work out. 

Taurus, you are starting to be single-minded and get your priorities in line, and it's all about you. Avoid abusive or negative romances. 

Gemini, hobbies, and allowing your creative expression should be easy, but not when you shouldering so many responsibilities. 

Cancer, you have to make time for time to do things you want to do to be happy; family issues come up and can cause jealousy.

Leo, there could be someone you would like to get rid of. But it might be necessary to make it look like their decision to leave. 

Virgo, you can feel like an open book with everyone in your business. It might be time to set boundaries for people. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo

 Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo. Happy Valentine's Day! It's not the day to nag, so be compassionate and forgiving today! 

Download my App and Subscribe to my Monthly horoscopes. View your full Daily horoscopes! 

Virgo, while you could try to understand why someone did this or that, the third degree ruins the moment.

Libra, you have been asked to be someone's Valentine, but you are unsure if you're interested and not ready to commit. 

Scorpio, you're looking for someone special, a partner who embodies the greatness you desire.

Sagittarius is tempted to give 2nd chances and press the reset button

Capricorn tends to pout practical matters first; for now, love is an adjustment! 

Aquarius, All of your romantic options are quite tempting, and I urge you to move on. This is fun! 

Pisces Mercury helps you relax and eases stiffness. It makes starting conversations easy, leading to more enjoyable interactions.

Aries is stuck in a rut and needs someone emotionally or financially supportive to get them over the hump.

Taurus, when you step out of your own little world filled with Uranian ideas, you become a love-magnet

Gemini is so busy that they burn themselves out quickly, and romantic partners are smitten with your success.

Cancer, there's something about your good looks and that naughty smile that both intrigues and scares people

Leo, when you get tired of TV dinners and waiting around for an ex, you'll see how others want to get close to you. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo, and it's all about fixing things, getting back on track, and making everything just right. 

Download my App and Subscribe to my Monthly horoscopes. View your full Daily horoscopes! 

Virgo, it's your day today! After a rough Full Moon, you dust yourself off and slowly get on with your life

Libra, you can go over all your blunders and mistakes if you think that will help; you can blame others or move on. 

Scorpio, opportunities to reconnect with old friends or an ex-love interest could come up, but you might not be in the mood.

Sagittarius, don't be shy or afraid of what people will think. It's your time to break away! Pursue your goals unabashedly. 

Capricorn, you have a bulldozer in your court with laser beam precision that helps you earn more money. #mogulinthemaking

Aquarius, Happy Solar Return! You can learn much from Capricorn directly or by example about how to break barriers and power on! 

Pisces: Hurry and finish projects. Your Solar Return is in less than a week, and everything will change. There will be no looking back. 

Aries, it's all about dance, music, beautiful colors, and fashion that can inspire you today! You need to be inspired! 

Taurus, you're in low gear and on the verge of amazing career opportunities. Don't be loud and obnoxious. Listen more. 

Gemini, Just one more week until Saturn enters new degrees, bringing new career opportunities for you to shine.

Cancer, some of you need to just sit down. It's not your place to tell others what to do you should be watching and observing. 

Leo, are you caught in a bad romance, bromance, or relationship? Ugh! Things are sticky and icky! 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Full Moon in Leo

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Full Moon in Leo, where some things come to a head and must be handled ASAP!

Leo, it's your day, but you are concerned about being stuck in a strange relationship. How and why did this happen? 

For your full daily horoscope, click on the link in my Bio on Instagram or go to my website: 

Virgo, this Full Moon is an eye-opener for you.  It is beneficial to blend in and be just like everyone else. Avoid conflicts driven by your ego.

Libra, as a cardinal sign, you must be in charge, and when you're not, you leave. Will you collect your stuff and go? 

Scorpio, you can have problems with older people, parents, and authority figures if you push them too hard. 

Sagittarius, while you think about the past and what you will miss, you are pulled into the future, where everything looks new and exciting. 

Capricorn, you hit the pause button and reassess your gains, losses, and where you stand now, then you get on with things. 

Aquarius, Happy Solar Return! A new chapter is underway, and you must start fresh, live large, and pursue happiness...alone. 

Pisces, Let go of the past and losses. Acknowledge where you stumbled as you rewrite your future and the path forward.

 Aries, Don’t hold yourself back due to how others may perceive you. Be bold. Who cares what others think? 

Taurus, During the Full Moon, we pause and allow events to unfold. This is it. Then it's time to rise and get back to work.

Gemini, You need to determine what will generate profit or losses. To achieve this, you may tolerate a lot of nonsense.

Cancer, prepare yourself for changes. You have a whole new set of responsibilities coming up that put you in the driver's seat. Be frugal. 

Subscribe to my Monthly horoscopes and download my Horoscope App. Book your Consultation with me! 


Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Leo

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Leo, where everyone showcases what makes them special! Enjoy what makes everyone unique and special. 

The Moon in Leo allows Leos to achieve their desires, and with new friends approaching, they leave behind the flatterers of the past.

For your full daily horoscope, click on the link in my Bio on Instagram or go to my website: 

Virgo, be cautious today, as your temper can get the better of you. There's no reason to alienate anyone! 

Libra, Do not push others beyond their limits. Seek new career opportunities that leverage your personal talents.

Scorpio, take your time to fully understand the rules and laws that govern everything. Find good guidance. 

Sagittarius, you're ready to fly, travel, and explore what life offers you, but you can be tied to the barn or someone who wants to keep you. 

Capricorn, You are highly competitive and possess great insight into others. While you’re not egotistical, you recognize that you are ahead of others.

Aquarius, Happy Solar Return! While it may be difficult, you need to think logically and take a chance to free yourself from an emotional trap.

Pisces, responsibilities come first, and you're not about to let anyone at work down or allow anyone to get ahead of you.

 Aries, it's ok to have memories but living in the past or mourning it won't do anymore. It's time to be you! 

Taurus, somehow you find the energy to keep going. Avoid arguments, and when you feel moody and touchy, rest. 

Gemini, you know how to hold onto your money as always. Expect unusual good fortune.

Cancer, you don't like unexpected expenses as everything about you now has yo hanging on to every dollar or trying to. 

Subscribe to my Monthly horoscopes and download my Horoscope App. 


Monday, February 10, 2025

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Leo!

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Leo, and it is growing fuller! You know what that means...Lunar madness time!  

The Moon in Leo favors Leo to stand out and make zany decisions no one understands. The king (Queen) has spoken! 

For your full daily horoscope, click on the link in my Bio on Instagram or go to my website: 

Virgo, you juggle many relationships, fighting with some who threaten your purse and indulging others. 

Libra, be cautious when spending someone's money and using their resources. In love, the green-eyed monster is surfacing. 

Scorpio, You begin to understand just how much you still need to learn during this challenging time. 

Sagittarius, be firm and know what you want and what you have to do. Others will not support the daring changes you want to make

Capricorn, You can organize in any situation under any conditions, but some people don't appreciate your know-how. 

Aquarius, Happy Solar Return! Avoid getting tangled in your thoughts by being overly opinionated and fixated on conflicts or grievances.

Pisces, you can push yourself too hard as you see that the effort you put in equals lots of money and self-satisfaction. 

 Aries, You're first up for the grand new beginnings, so get yourself in order and release fear, angst, and unhappiness. Walk courageously through the flood of fear and emotions. 

Taurus Don't dwell on an ex returning or the past. It won't be the same. End things amicably and focus on your promising career.

Gemini, not everyone will agree with you or support you, but that doesn't matter. You're in charge now! 

Cancer, many need your expertise, and you've done a lot already; some don't want you around, and you feel it!  

Subscribe to my Monthly horoscopes and download my Horoscope App. 


Sunday, February 9, 2025

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in homey Cancer

 Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in homey Cancer, ruler of the home, families, nurturing, Mom's home cooking, food, and patriotism. 

Cancer Horoscope, it's your day today; you find the energy to get up and get your energy back, and manage your health and wellness.

Leo Horoscope, surround yourself with people you can trust to be true friends who will never leave you or betray you. 

Virgo Horoscope, you do not tolerate anyone who challenges you or spoils your dreams of success and takes hope away. 

Libra Horoscope: You have no problem starting over and finding new people when a door is closed or someone to see or connect with. But not everything is a good deal because it's free. 

Scorpio Horoscope, the on-gain-off-gain flavor of your relationships, turns out to be exhausting for you. 

Sagittarius Horoscope, you can be far too cautious when new opportunities arise. "Who is this, and what do they want from me?" 

Capricorn Horoscope, there's lots you want to do, but you can't, like go places and relax. Make your home an oasis. 

Aquarius Horoscope, Happy Solar Return! Tense family relationships can make you feel unsupported or out of place. Avoid arguing about it, though.

Pisces Horoscope, take things slow, and don't force yourself to do things if you're tired. It's a day of rest! 

Aries Horoscope, you probably have lots of bills to pay while Venus brings money to you, and money that was held up is freed. 

Taurus Horoscope, while there are some you are not speaking to or avoiding make peace so a war doesn't start.  

Gemini Horoscope, opportunities come back around for career and business success. Recognize them. 

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Taurus (Exaltation)

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Taurus (Exaltation), Venus changes sign, and Jupiter changes directions. Today's ruler is Mars, the ruler of men, war, accidents, and taking the initiative. 

Check out my 2025 Horoscopes Guides Book, available on Amazon.

Taurus, It's your day, and you should focus on financial stability as things get topsy-turvy! Don't take on any new financial burdens. 

Gemini, Jupiter resumes direct motion in your Sun sign; having already faced numerous challenges, you should be stronger. The third time's a charm, right? 

Cancer, you're trying lots of different things. Why? Because you can. You are in charge of the checkbook and the money. 

Leo, you can be entangled in a financial spider web with someone, and the stakes are very high! This bothers you to no end. 

Virgo, no matter what, you'll stand by your significant other or the person you have targeted as that person. 

Libra, it pays to learn something new and stretch yourself. as your interest in everything new and technical increases. 

Scorpio, an old romantic interest shows signs of reviving! Take things slowly, as you might not view him or her the same way.

Sagittarius, Someone reminds you of a dream, goal, or plan you had months ago, and they want to help you bring it to life. Spoiler: it's not your mate or partner. 

Capricorn, you're biding your time, working quietly, and waiting for things to change. You probably have your eyes on anyone you think threatens you.

Aquarius, Happy Solar Return! Pluto has you stepping into the future but you're careful not to upset anyone. Your mood dictates how hard you're willing to work. 

Pisces, you might find yourself thinking "I knew it, I knew that would happen." Ok, now what? 

Aries, here she comes, celestial royalty, Venus, in your Sun sign, where she will stay on and off for about 5 months! Who's gorgeous? You are, or you will be! or click on the link in my Bio. Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



Sunday, February 2, 2025

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Aries!

 Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Aries! It pays to think things out before starting something big and new. You might have to pack it up and shelf it for a while if you're not careful. 

Aries, you step into your future, ready to connect with friends and make plans. You might say "Yes" without thinking. 

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Taurus, work on slowly becoming more flexible and allow your body to catch up to your mind! 

Gemini, you're feeling fierce, no doubt, and you have plans you want to hurry into. However, hurrying might make you look foolish. Slow down. 

Cancer, you're prickly and have things to do, so it's irritating to be bothered by someone with nothing to do. 

Leo, the whole gang is on board and excited about all the changes you're making, But wait, will they work? 

Virgo, will you overlook it when things get revealed to you, or you find out something about your current amore?

Libra, don't commit to the first person you find when dating. There's more to come.

Scorpio, imagine that an honest talk with someone has you changing how you act or pursue friends and love. 

Sagittarius, you need a bigger space that's not so cramped or that you can call your own. A little time alone or privacy would help a lot. 

Capricorn, be gentle with others who say, "Everything is fine." while your intuition tells you to prod deeper.

Aquarius, Happy Solar Return! Don't be frightened to detach or unplug from others abruptly. Just do it. Pull the cord and cut the power. 

Pisces, you have your own awakening and realize you can easily fit in, change, and be that person who is as successful as the next. 

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!