Showing posts with label #dailyhoroscope. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #dailyhoroscope. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo and growing fuller

 Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo. Things get hectic, yet you have enough experience to know what to do when things go wrong, break or you drop something! Clean up time! 

Download my App and Subscribe to my Monthly horoscopes. View your full Daily horoscopes! 

Virgo, it's your day today but things take on a life of their own and you start to notice what you've given up or lost for another! 

Libra, there can be worry that your relationship or a friendship is not balanced and someone gives more than they get back! Guess who? 

Scorpio, the side of you that loves mysteries is engaged but leads you down unknown roads, and you wonder how long it will be before someone notices you're gone?  

Sagittarius It's happening, and you're jumping into life with great abandon, taking chances and not allowing anyone to caution you or hold you back.

Capricorn, it won't take anyone very long to realize your gifts and how talented you are. Some would rather you stay in your lane and stay put. Goats gotta climb! 

Aquarius, You might wonder what's ahead as you experience everything differently, and there's no going back—only moving forward.

Pisces The responsible among you can mend mistakes and start anew. Take the good and leave the bad behind. 

Aries, by far you have the most interesting solar overlay as you work on making yourself somebody special, maybe even famous. 

Taurus, you would like things to move faster, but instead, clean up the past and close the door on it, then move forward. 

Gemini, don't lose track of your vision and what you want, powerful forces guide you in your career towards success, and no one can stop you. 

Cancer, you can be the power behind the throne for now! You sign checks and have your eye on earning more money. 

Leo, there's an agitating presence that pushes you to do things you don't want to do. Avoid being a puppet. Oh my! 

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Sunday, January 26, 2025

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Capricorn (Detriment)

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Capricorn (Detriment),  where rules and order and how things are done prevail. 

Capricorn, it's your day, and while you want to do things, shop, and move ahead you hesitate and wait for better timing. 

There's more! Read your extended Daily Horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Aquarius, Happy Solar Return! While the waning Moon has you going over the past, you realize things have changed, and exciting new things have captured your attention. 

Pisces, A new cycle is underway, and it's exciting. Make new friends, network, and embrace this thrilling new chapter ahead that brings more financial opportunities.

Aries, while you want to expose things that others are doing, remember they would also expose you.  You know that saying about people who live in glass houses...

Taurus, move slowly! Be extra cautious with your wellness, and avoid dropping things and lashing out. Shh, stand still and be quiet! 

Gemini, you have stellar ideas but have to overcome some speed bumps, legalities, or your own ego and inability to admit you're wrong

Cancer Relationship issues and being overly eager to please are diminishing rapidly. It's your time to be fully yourself. 

Leo, Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them an enemy. Enhance your negotiation skills.

Virgo, relationships get very confusing. Does he (she) or doesn't he (she) love me. Or are they just keeping their foot in my door? 

Libra, old family issues arise. It could be a family event that forces you to come face to face with an uncomfortable situation. It might be for the best. 

Scorpio, you realize you're too old to be doing what you're told, and this growth spurt has you wanting more independence. 

Sagittarius, keep things light and open in romantic relationships as you're about to find something out  (yes again) about someone. UGH!  

What's ahead for you? Book a consultation with me. Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



Friday, January 17, 2025

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo, and It's time to evaluate your job

 Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo, and It's time to evaluate your job, how you use your time, health issues, and your future. A significant shift in careers or professions is approaching as a powerful celestial alignment occurs.

Download my App and Subscribe to my Monthly horoscopes. 

Virgo, today is your day to shine take major steps forward in love, or decide who you're going to focus on romantically

Libra, okay, take a rest and do chores or work you can do sitting down, or take today off. Why not? It's Friday. let others help you and tend to you.  

Scorpio, you have to blend in with family and or those you're close to to achieve your goals and what you want. Rebellion won't work. 

Sagittarius, you're more outgoing but still need some downtime as you pursue some very big goals. 

Capricorn, Happy Solar Return! you truly like people and want to engage with them, but have to balance your work life with your social. 

Aquarius, The Sun raises some concerns, and many of you feel that you need to distance yourself from someone who does not bring you happiness.

Pisces: be serious about your future and where you are headed. You need to have a plan to save for your future.

Aries, it's all about you, and you'll surprise people by having your own opinions and doing exactly what you know to be the right thing. 

Taurus, it's time to blend the old you with the radical, strange, new you that people have come to recognize to be taken seriously

Gemini, there's no reason not to pick up friendships and relationships that at one time brought you joy, so says Uranus. 

Cancer, it's time to get the body moving and get rid of the creaky bones but take your time and be gentle with yourself

Leo, you can feel bad if you hung someone out to dry and almost destroyed them. Don't be too hard on people. 

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is dark in Sagittarius

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is dark in Sagittarius, which means we are without the influence of the Moon in Sagittarius until it first crests and becomes our New Moon in Sagittarius at 9* tonight! Let the light grow! December gets off on a bright and hopeful note! 

Download my app and subscribe to my monthly horoscopes for free tarot readings.  

Sagittarius, Happy Solar Return! Allow yourself to dream about the future and create your destiny apart from others! 

Capricorn, bring spiritual energy into the world and let it spill over onto everyone positively. That's the key to your success. 

Aquarius, why struggle over a past relationship? Asks the New Moon in Sagittarius. Let it go, and don't focus on where you feel resistance and strain. 

Pisces, it's a good time to invest your earnings in a status symbol or new car, says Uranus in your third house. 

Aries, are you tired or fed up with fighting or trying to fit in where you're not wanted? Make new friends and your own little circle of friends.

Taurus, the time for inconsistency in your life is changing. Focus on job and career longevity and security. 

Gemini, your popularity soars, and people see you in a different light. With wisdom, you can recreate the career of your dreams. 

Cancer, new sources of income, and even passive income are developing in your life; say yes, not no. 

Leo, you'll need to be healthy to tackle this new chapter that's just beginning to develop. Make changes.

Virgo, it won't be easy, but you need to be in charge and gather back your power from whoever you gave it to.  

Libra, while you can be critical and find something wrong with anyone that won't help with your financial prosperity, Try not to be judgy

Scorpio, Don't give up on meeting new people and changing your life. Plan your future and envision the person you want to become.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The dark Moon is in Libra and spooky Scorpio

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope!  The Moon in Libra dims, and the dark Moon is in Scorpio, where it's hard to squelch raw and vicious emotions and keep your shadow self under control. Chances for permanent endings arise. 

Download my app and subscribe to my monthly horoscopes for free tarot readings.  

Libra, the Moon favors you, and you are happy for new opportunities and sources of income; who cares what anyone thinks? 

Scorpio, you tread carefully not to upset the apple cart and let someone else talk and get you what you want. 

Sagittarius, Happy Solar Return! You see a clear way forward and have big plans that you might pursue on your own. 

Capricorn, The tone is set for endings, and you follow through once you realize how someone really feels about you.

Aquarius, you can't hate and love someone at the same time but maybe you have to hate someone to leave them

Pisces, avoid conflicts and take things too far; if you don't like the way things are, on the job or at home, leave. Start over. 

Aries, you can't help but throw barbs at someone who throws them at you. Avoid jealousy in your personal life.  

Taurus, You have a lot of energy, so it's beneficial to work it off by walking or running on the treadmill, not by directing it at others.

Gemini, you find someone new to confide in and give you good advice or just listen to your issues and that helps. 

Cancer is a process of working things out with others, relinquishing control, and letting go, but that's probably best. 

Leo, you jump right into making changes and trying to see what works and what doesn't work, That's a themes for you! 

Virgo, It’s okay to avoid uncomfortable situations that increase your anxiety.Or people who aren't nice to you. 

Monday, November 25, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon dims in Libra

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon dims in Libra, ruler of all things pretty, peaceful, relationships, marriage, justice, money, and karma. Mercury S RX  retrogrades tonight! Be efficient and try to organize things for minimal craziness. 

Download my app and subscribe to my monthly horoscopes for free tarot readings.  

Libra, the Moon favors you, unlocking your good fortune or a new romance according to your good deeds and kindness. Um, you have been good, haven't you? 

Scorpio, Happy Solar Return! You yearn for someone's attention and try many maneuvers to get their attention. Are you trying too hard? 

Sagittarius, Mercury retrogrades in your sign and puts you in a precarious position with your partner who questions you.  

Capricorn, you are motivated to work overtime and try harder when you see how much money you can make.

Aquarius, you're getting used to a new normal, and maybe you should put yourself where you want to be. It's not the time to create enemies. 

Pisces, you easily connect to the top brass but be careful and keep others on the job pacified by being nice to them. 

Aries, you can't change someone's opinion about someone you hate or dislike, but you might try. 

Taurus, you can earn more and make more money by working with others and helping them by proofing or editing their work. 

Gemini, your ruler, goes RX in your other zone, bringing business through others, and that's what it's about for you, more business! 

Cancer, you touch the power and can see the potential for influential partnerships. Explain yourself so people understand your big ideas. 

Leo, you're on a roll and need others to respect you. Some will, but those who have used you will not. 

Virgo, everyone needs your skills, health advice, organizational skills, and how to balance their life! 

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo

 Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo, and with 5 planets in mutable signs, things are hectic and move fast; people feel the energy and fill the shops! 

Download my App and Subscribe to my Monthly horoscopes. View your full Daily horoscopes! 

Virgo, it's your day. And maybe you're dealing with a fear that someone's going to embarrass you or fight with you.

Libra, today is a great day to prepare for a short trip or to try to get away over the next week. Connect with fun people.

Scorpio, you don't mind attending a concert or event, but you like your space and need privacy at home.

Sagittarius, Happy Solar Return! A full house, with light and friendly conversation that avoids controversy, is your thing.

Capricorn, you're all about money, and the planets deliver so you might opt to avoid overspending.

Aquarius, you might have a hard time letting go, but that's exactly what the planets want you to do, let go. A new karmic cycle is underway. 

Pisces, you tend to take short trips coming and going and prefer to sit alone and stay away for a short time. Why so restless?  

Aries, avoid petty conflicts that ignite your desire to get rid of someone or not want to be around them. 

Taurus, while you're not looking for love or a friend who makes you come alive, that's just what you can find  

Gemini, you're at your best when you have a lot going on, things to do and places to go. So you might make a 6-month plan! 

Cancer, the crab, has a claw and doesn't let go once they have grabbed something; you're grabbing power and money! 

Leo, you move on quickly and have a lot of choices when it comes to love, interested people, and opportunities. 

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is perfectionist Virgo

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is perfectionist Virgo, and I can think of no other sign that loves to organize and prepare for a holiday like Virgo. Although some do like to wait until the last minute! 

Download my App and Subscribe to my Monthly horoscopes. View your full Daily horoscopes! 

Virgo, it's your day. It's easy to overdo, do too much, and try to impress everyone. Wait, that's Leo's thing! 

Libra, it's clear today that you should be far more picky or careful before committing to staying overnight or giving in to someone! 

Scorpio, now that you have big dreams of finding a new mate or business partner, don't tell family members or close friends who will say, "No way."

Sagittarius, Happy Solar Return! Oh my, we can all hear the gears in your head turning. What are you up to? 

Capricorn, whoever, whatever power that stood in your way for years starts to disappear, poof, and you are free to pursue grand dreams

Aquarius, you realize you have everything you need to succeed and not depend on anyone. Let the rebellion begin! 

Pisces, you can be uncertain about a lot of things, but not your job, and you can trek to the top of your field. Play risky games and win risky prizes. 

Aries, you might fantasize about being single and flying solo if you're not, as you realize you can fly solo and be fine. 

Taurus, avoid impulsive actions that can put your health at risk. Be a germaphobic  

Gemini, your creativity starts to return, and you remember all the hobbies that brought you joy in the past. You feel life returning, 

Cancer, no one keeps their word unless you make them. If they don't, you have no problem moving on. You will always be successful. 

Leo, oh no. People might question you and might jump ship. It's best not to make people feel insecure or scared of you. 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Leo!

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Leo! Leo rules courage and flashy showmanship. But today, secret romances get started, and salacious scandals are underway to be revealed at a later day!  

The Moon in Leo favors Leo, who gets loud and bold and demands to get their way as the only prima donna in the room.

Click on the link in my Bio on Instagram for your Full Daily Horoscope, or go to my website: 

Virgo, you carefully balance keeping one person interested while interesting another person oh my!  

Libra, you might be forced to make the best of some decisions you made in haste, in anger, or impulsively. 

Scorpio, Happy Solar Return! A new chapter is beginning, and you are missing the fun times and your freedom. 

Sagittarius, Hurry up, clear youngest, finish projects, and prepare for your Solar Return! There'll be no looking back! 

Capricorn, with lots of Venus energy and a dash of hellbent determination, your finances can take a turn for the better. 

Aquarius, be careful because arguments and disagreements have a sense of permanency and forever no.w

Pisces, it's an excellent time to be on top of things, handling important matters that make you feel better once and for all. 

 Aries, You start to voice how you really feel carefully, of course, and only enough so you can say, "I didn't mean it that way."

Taurus, you fully expect to pack a lot into today and get everything done that's on your mind, Check things off your to-do list! 

Gemini, you don't mind playing "good cop-bad cop" with someone to get things done! You might find an unlikely partner. 

Cancer, it's all about what's yours and sharing your ideas to get more financial backing or clients. 

Subscribe to my Monthly horoscopes and download my Horoscope App. 


Sunday, November 17, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Gemini

 Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Gemini, and it is just bright enough that you might see the Moon and Jupiter around sunset!  

Gemini, today is your day! The wonderful planets boost your motivation and energy, but your nerves occasionally get frazzled. 

Cancer, manage sleeping problems, and realize stress can burn more nutrients, so take your vitamins! 

Leo, you can come on like gangbusters, but should you? Maybe not. You're feeling strong but should control your energy. 

Virgo, ouch, on occasion, relationships hurt, but you're not putting up with things for very much longer 

Libra, be cautious. There's a stranger danger alert, as you might attract craziness. Stay in well-lit areas 

Scorpio, Happy Solar Return! Say adieu to someone you're used to seeing and get their phone number to stay in contact.

Sagittarius, you have all the answers, which is fun. You know exactly what to do today and how to get others excited! 

Capricorn, you're looking around and thinking, "How does he or she make all that money or have that car or nice house?" I want it, too. Say Hello to Pluto! 

Aquarius, avoid road rage situations or spouting off to random people. No bueno! 

Pisces, your thinking process slows, and you're all about managing difficult situations and making them work. 

Aries, you have questions but are tired of being ignored! Manage children who need your influence now. 

Taurus, stay on the right track without causing any upsets, and you might find yourself in a new career position. 

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!


Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Capricorn (a Detriment), where big ambitions live!

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Capricorn (a Detriment), where big ambitions live! Follow the rules and make sure everyone else does, too. 

The Moon favors Capricorn to connect to friends, gain followers, and find like-minded people. Work hard and take your time. 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Aquarius, you can start to get your life together with a regular paycheck and money coming in regularly so you can flourish. 

Pisces, if you're careful and do your homework or research, you'll find what you're looking for and move on in life

Aries, it pays to think for yourself. Don't go along with someone who fuels your dreams and fantasies; you'll hear a"Thud" soon.

Taurus, have your eyes set on the prize and money and rise to the top like cream. Anything else is a distraction.

Gemini, it's time to move on. The clock is ticking; be positive and work harder to avoid being distracted or insecure.

Cancer, love in the air, and when In love, you might feel like spending big, but remember the budget

Leo, have a backup plan. Don't put all your eggs in one basket, as things are unpredictable. 

Virgo, a new job or business may be a learning experience. Get ready for some significant challenges. 

Libra, avoid jealousy and trying to do better than someone. The yin to your yang won't appreciate competitiveness.

Scorpio, Happy Solar Return! It's a chance to forget and be serious about your future plans and where you see yourself in 2025! 

Sagittarius, Finsh projects get paid and clear the decks. Use money wisely and get ready for your Solar Return. 

What's ahead for you? Book a consultation with me. Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



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Saturday, October 5, 2024

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Scorpio (Fall) Scorpio

 Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in intense Scorpio (Fall), and it's best to back away from arguments rather than make them worse. Stay focused! 

Scorpio, it's your day, and you might want more time alone and less time interrupted by someone seeking your advice. 

Download my App, Horoscopes by Terry Nazon, to get your natal birth chart reports and tarot reading: or click on the link in my Bio.

Sagittarius, things get hectic even on Saturday! Maybe you want a day off and time to rest but have things to do. 

Capricorn, you can feel challenged by someone who sees you as their competition, so hold your ground and avoid arguments. 

Aquarius, a good attitude gets you through a hectic day when lots is required. Tend to the most important things today.

Pisces, you have little patience for others, and maybe you should! Avoid being in a bad mood; if you are, ask yourself why? 

Aries, today, people may be pitted against each other, and you might feel you need someone to talk to who will understand. 

Taurus, you might not want to spend or pay your fair share, but consider not taking more from another and giving back, 

Gemini, you don't have to do things for free or work without getting paid. It's time for more balance in your life.

Cancer, there are some family issues in your life, and you're tired of the emotional ups and downs of someone close. 

Leo, you stay quiet and keep your feelings about your relationship issues, a breakup, or separation to yourself. 

Virgo, a past relationship issue resurfaces, and you may give your partner lots of freedom because you want your freedom, too. 

Libra, Happy Solar Return! it would be nice to spend your B-Day cycle doing fun stuff, but you have too much work. 

Friday, October 4, 2024

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Scorpio (Fall)

 Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Scorpio (Fall) and is sexy, secretive yet uber-determined!  

Scorpio, it's your day, so says the Moon, who favors you with her unforgettable smoldering magnetism! 

Download my App, Horoscopes by Terry Nazon, to get your natal birth chart reports and tarot reading: or click on the link in my Bio.

Sagittarius,  put on your running shoes and handle things as they come up, especially regarding bills or money. 

Capricorn, you power through as you are apt to do and impress the powers that be or anyone who has counted you out! 

Aquarius, Luckily, you always land on your feet or pull a rabbit out of your hat when necessary.

Pisces, it's not always about you, so make sure everyone else is okay while you're pursuing your goals. 

Aries, you might feel like you need space and time alone away from your partner or significant other.

Taurus, be careful of unexpected expenses, drama, or things that go bump! Stay calm when others feel pressured. 

Gemini, manage your finances like a pro and don't waste time today. Avoid giving and doing too much for others or for free. 

Cancer, you can bear a grudge or want to blame others for anything that happens to you today.

Leo, manage relationships, and avoid saying anything publicly about your partner's actions or behaviors ssshhh!

Virgo, it's a topsy-turvy day today with money coming and going out. It reminds you to focus on your career and profession more

Libra, Happy Solar Return! It's your time to take charge of everything that's happening around you, not to blame anyone when things don't work out. 

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Leo!

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Leo! Leo rules courage during the Stationary Nodes and balances relationships one way or another. It's relationships that need your attention. 

The Moon in Leo favors Leo, who needs a boost but also more rest and money! 

Click on the link in my Bio on Instagram for your Full Daily Horoscope, or go to my website: 

Virgo, a game of cat and mouse between you and another, makes you act like it's over with one lover and take up with another.

Libra, Happy Solar Return! Do everything because it benefits you, not impresses or makes you more attractive as a partner. 

Scorpio, others make you tap the spending breaks, or you delegate more of your money to get ahead and your future. 

Sagittarius, things are about to change, and you consider your future options and a bigger role in the world

Capricorn, it's a good time to rely upon yourself and not on others. Start being more independent and not sharing everything. 

Aquarius, manage your health and avoid certain people or conditions you feel uncomfortable with.

Pisces, it's certain your life will change. Handle family home and property matters with diplomacy. Think it, don't say it.  

 Aries, if you want to get out of a relationship, get out. Don't makeup reasons to get out. 

Taurus, when your time is your own, eat well, cook, shop, and treat yourself like royalty, but don't spend like royalty.

Gemini, don't let anyone use your resources, and don't spend a lot of money on someone who is unappreciative.  

Cancer, big changes are needed, and you must focus on your career or business earnings to stay afloat.

Subscribe to my Monthly horoscopes and download my Horoscope App. 


Friday, September 27, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Leo!

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Leo! Leo rules children, love, sports, entertainment, hobbies, passions, and what makes you happy. TGIF, it's date night, but the Sun and Mercury are too close to the stationary Lunar Nodes, indicating red flags for dating and relationships! 

The Moon in Leo favors Leo! But you might need to recharge and guard against mishaps and dangerous situations.

Click on the link in my Bio on Instagram for your Full Daily Horoscope, or go to my website: 

Virgo, while you might harbor hurt feelings, your significant other might be going through some stuff. 

Libra, Happy Solar Return! You might try to influence another to call you using your powers of telepathy! 

Scorpio, you worry people will forget you, and you could be right, so find ways to stay in contact.

Sagittarius, you have an undying urge to do something new, so get your ducks in order, and little by little, step by step, you will! 

Capricorn, get enough sleep! Don't think that others are more this or more that than you...It's not true; keep trying hard! 

Aquarius, it's time to put yourself first, decide what makes you happiest, and pursue that happiness.  

Pisces, stay the course, work hard, and be a people pleaser as the planets teach you more about the fine art of getting along with others and getting ahead! 

 Aries, you can be inspired by others who keep things moving regardless of their feelings. Avoid cutting anyone off.  

Taurus, Sometimes you're just in the right place at the right time, even when you don't realize it. Go with the flow. 

Gemini, a little dose of good fortune and lucky breaks make all your hard work worth it. Good luck is on the way. 

Cancer, you might want to do everything your way and by yourself; indulge in love, hobbies, and what makes you happy to find balance

Subscribe to my Monthly horoscopes and download my Horoscope App. 


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Taurus (Exaltation)

 Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Taurus (Exaltation), so be patient, move slowly and deliberately, think things through, and count your money! The Lunar Nodes are stationary in Aries and Libra, while Saturn aspects Juno, the asteroid of marriage. So, soulmates, relationships, and marriage issues require patience.

Taurus, it's your day that the Moon favors you to get your way. You must feel that you are making strides and progress; Focus on that, not stupid stuff.

Gemini, you gain $ through your career even on Saturday! You might find money on the street or on the ground! 

Cancer, you avoid arguments because "why bother?" and focus on your ambitions and getting ahead, which is as it should be. 

Leo, What is the Wiccan saying, "Do as you wish as long as you don't harm anyone!"

Virgo, Happy Solar Return! It is the last day of the Sun in your Sign, and what a day! Avoid negative friends and needy exes. 

Libra, you'll soon feel recharged as the Sun enters your Sign tomorrow! Restructure your goals and what you want to achieve. 

Scorpio, get out of the house, and connect with people. Put away your fears and slowly but surely start to mingle again. 

Sagittarius, it's almost time to throw a party, so why not plan a big birthday bash? Wiggle away from anyone who makes you feel strange. 

Capricorn, are you loving Pluto back in your Sign? Today, you might as well fill out a beautiful earthy trine that favors you.

Aquarius, Jupiter in Gemini, has everyone nervous, but you are less anxious than others. Consider a relationship change but on your own terms, oh my! 

Pisces, keep your relationships intact by not acting like a fish out of water and thrashing about. Be careful about what you ingest today.

Aries, it's hard for a fire sign ruled by Mars to just let everything work out on its own. Do you have a choice? or click on the link in my Bio.

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



Friday, September 20, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Taurus (Exaltation),

 Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Taurus (Exaltation), and while the pace is slower, take your time today!  Soulmate, relationship, and marriage issues loom large. Will you walk away from a potential soulmate or marriage partner? 

Taurus, it's your day to take stock of where you are and back in the good money vibes Jupiter is bringing you. Respect teachers and Gurus, and dream big. 

Gemini, even though Jupiter is in your sign, be cautious about doing too much, giving too much, and expanding too rapidly.

Cancer and unexpected gains make everything go better, don't they? While others are pairing up, you may want some alone time. 

Leo, you can easily scratch someone off your list or potential partners for one reason or another and put the wrong person on that list.

Virgo, Happy Solar Return! Are you in a dilemma about who to commit to or get closer to, a past love or a new love? 

Libra, you don't want to put yourself in a situation where you're caring for someone or helping them, especially in a romantic relationship. 

Scorpio, you might have a hidden or secret plan to put you close to or in the same room with someone important. 

Sagittarius, don't be unsure about your feelings for someone or lack confidence! Laugh, smile, and regain your confidence to where it should be! 

Capricorn, try hard to finish projects and your to-do list, and do your best; that's all the universe asks of you.  

Aquarius, your job or career can put you at the mercy of others' decisions, and that is where your sparkly and joy win people over. 

Pisces, if you want to do more on your own and for yourself, you can do that shortly! You make progress. 

Aries, the universe demands you to come up with ideas, participate in getting things done, and stop hiding. or click on the link in my Bio.

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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Today's Planets and you! It's the Super Moon, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces tonight!

Today's Planets and you! It's the Super Moon, Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces tonight! Lunar Eclipses foretell endings, and this can be losses in Pisces.

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Pisces, it's your day today. What a day it is! This strange Eclipse spotlights you! Get along with everyone, and be cooperative. 

Aries, avoid conflicts based on how you feel or temporary family issues. Keep yourself busy today.

Taurus, manage issues related to your health and balance healing with your job or employment. 

Gemini, don't engage others and get involved in tit-for-tat name-calling. You don't want anyone to see you as the enemy.    

Cancer, you might have to care for someone in need with a glad heart and not selfish. 

Leo, consider staying inside and not exposing yourself to the rage of others. 

Virgo, Happy Solar Return! Wow, be ready for anything as you navigate intense relationship issues. Do you wait or move on. 

Libra, leave the house as much as possible and go to new, up-and-coming hot areas!

Scorpio, what a great time to see yourself as a success and someone who can achieve whatever they want! 

Sagittarius, don't take others' lip service when they say they will help or support; get it in writing. Talk is cheap!  

Capricorn, your magnetism attracts everyone, good and bad; Focus on the good people.  

Aquarius, check the work of others and make sure they did a good job so you don't look bad

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



Monday, September 16, 2024

Today's Planets and you! The Moon is in Pisces

Today's Planets and you! One day before the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, the Moon is in Pisces! How much stress can you take? 

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Pisces, It's your day! You might have to perform your day-to-day activities under duress, without the right tools, or on a shoestring. 

Aries, your leisure life is disrupted, and it's back to work, having to tend to business, filings, and hard work. 

Taurus, luckily, you get to repair what's broken, fix things, and then all you have to do to get a paycheck is show up! 

Gemini, it takes a lot to get you to complain. You're more Capricorn than Gemini these days, and you just get to it and get things done.   

Cancer, the planets can agitate your health if you are trying to do too much which BTW your Sun sign always does! 

Leo, You can feel that someone is out to get you and working against you or trying to get you fired, Oh my! 

Virgo, Happy Solar Return! You might keep your displeasure to yourself because you can't justify complaining and fighting. 

Libra, You keep yourself busy and think it's better to be with someone who's not perfect than alone.

Scorpio, instead of making random acquaintances and friends, find people with whom you share the same interests.  

Sagittarius, you are ambitious and can succeed with a past dream or something you've wanted to do. Try again!

Capricorn, you don't let anyone know your thoughts because that would cause arguments and waste time. You don't like to waste time! 

Aquarius, focus on money and new work opportunities. You might have to work when you'd much rather be flirting and having fun. 

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



Saturday, September 14, 2024

Today's Planets and You! In your daily Horoscope, the Moon is in Aquarius

 Today's Planets and You! In your daily Horoscope, the Moon is in Aquarius, the friendship sign, and you might try to find what unites you with others rather than your differences. 

The Moon favors Aquarius to take charge and get out of the house today! Push the wheel and sell yourself today! 

Pisces, it's ok to rest and move around slowly! It's a good time to heal and get refreshed for the upcoming week.

Aries, it's hard to imagine you might work things out, negotiate, and agree with someone, but you might. 

Taurus, manage your health and wellness to go on to bigger and better things like huge career success.

Gemini, while your finances cause stress, have benefactor luck and enough good fortune to get you through

Cancer, you can collect money that's owed to you or have a favor returned because you, too, have money luck 

Leo, you are fortunate enough to put your ideas into action, have them work out, and get others to support you.  

Virgo, Happy Solar Return! You gain through others, joint finances, divorce, death, inheritances, and insurance. 

Libra, the planets put you in a good position to have a rise in life as you start a new chapter.

Scorpio, you resume a conversation with someone you had feelings for but in a friendlier way

Sagittarius, a new business is in it's infancy, which will see you apart from others and relying on anyone. 

Capricorn, money comes from your hard work and caring for others. Let your creative side loose on the world

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon! Sign up for my Monthly Horoscopes! 
