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Saturday, May 22, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra  The Moon favors #Libra to get their way today as long as you don't put too much emphasis on a significant other.

#Scorpio it's your love life or happiness that has you thinking about the past and a past love

#Sagittarius allow others to get close to you and don't stay in your protective shell

#Capricorn all work and no play makes you nervous, you might try a new salon so make sure he/she knows what you want

#Aquarius make-up to break-up is possible if you've been in a difficult love relationship

#Pisces you envision your life as a social butterfly so make those dreams come true

 #Aries you have no time to talk or explain yourself and wish others were thinking as fast as you 

#Taurus There's no giving up on your professional dreams; you're in too deep; keep going!

#Gemini you might feel confused and not see where you are headed, but the planets push you to keep going

 #Cancer, get ready for your new Solar Return soon. Don't be lazy and don't feel down 

#Leo, get out and about with new friends if your old friends are few and far between 

#Virgo hold our own when it some to money and getting what you want. No one will hand over the keys to the treasury willingly

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Friday, May 21, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo.  Today we stay busy like bees; if not we bother others who are trying to stay busy like bees!  The Moon favors #Virgo and the Earth signs Taurus and Capricorn brings opportunities to Cancer and Scorpio, annoys Pisces, and pushes Gemini and Sagittarius into action.  Aries and Aquarius deal with unexpected trouble, while Leo picks through their valuables, and Libra opts out and stays home.  

#Virgo it's your day to do whatever you want regardless of anyone's feelings 

#Libra if you don't feel good, stay home, take a personal day, or tell the boss you're sick and go places

#Scorpio crawl out of hiding and visit with friends, get out and go on a drinking binge with friends

#Sagittarius I know you're thinking, "I just to be so much fun what happened to me?"  Manage your identity crisis! 

#Capricorn you're a pro at falling down and picking yourself back up, today again; you just move on

#Aquarius get used to the stress you feel it's actually a moment to prove yourself and what you're made of

#Pisces it's easy enough to hand over the keys to your life to someone else to manage but why would you?  

 #Aries a new idea sends you into a new direction and others around you secretly wish you'd stay focused 

#Taurus It's your day to showcase your talents and why you're special  keep breaking down career barriers

#Gemini Happy Solar Return time! Prepare to trip the light fantastic in your career profession or business 

 #Cancer try not to be so closed but open to getting to know people, smile more and be nice to others

#Leo it's your day for a payday, you find value in your possessions or find something of value

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Thursday, May 20, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo.  It's fussy picky and stressful so what else is new?  The Moon favors #Virgo to get things done no, let me re-phrase that, to get everything done!  

#Libra feels the stress and wonders "Am I being too nice or too helpful?" 

#Scorpio ever the analyzer you start t see the ins and outs of everything, you're a great salesperson today

#Sagittarius you might need more hydration as the Sun enters Gemini!  Then you can think and your speech and ideas will flow

#Capricorn Lucky breaks come your way but require taking chances and risks 

#Aquarius you're on the front line of feeling pressure and stress get used to it! 

#Pisces you have secret fears and insecurities that rob you of happiness, Don't that happen

 #Aries as long as you stay busy today which you will under the Virgo Moon nothing else matters

#Taurus the Sun will enter your Sign today blowing away the stress, angst, and worries of yesterday.  

#Gemini you're so close to success and the universe puts you closer to the halls of power Keep going

 #Cancer every once in a while a tense feeling rushes over you it's just Mars! Don't let others stress you out

#Leo you're going to have to put more effort into your relationships if they're to survive the planetary war ahead 

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Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope It's the 2nd Qtr. Moon in Leo

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope It's the 2nd Qtr. Moon in Leo connecting to the Royal Star Regulus denoting fame, fortune, and good luck!  You might be worried that someone will tell on you or spill the beans. the stress is palpable.  

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#Virgo right here right now the universe stops and says do you stay and help out more or go back to your job

#Libra you're ready to take a break and a day off to spend with family but your boss not so much

#Scorpio avoid legal troubles and follow the rules or you might be slipped on the wrist

#Sagittarius life is changing and you are ready to explore your options and try new things

#Capricorn you can wonder "did I do the right thing?" and then find out Yes you did! 

#Aquarius any little thing is upsetting to you or a big deal! Watch your health and pets 

#Pisces it might be time to invite others over or go house hunting for a happier place

#Aries you're ready to listen to all your options and they are many!  Being in the right circles pays 

#Taurus you may be hesitant to tell all that you're planning or thinking about, you have lucrative ideas

#Gemini are you getting ready for your Solar Return you better be! Chang on the way!  

#Cancer manage your health and don't let others bother you too much, you care but there's a limit

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Monday, May 17, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Leo

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope It's the Moon in Leo a sign that needs lots of attention! Today favors the bold and the brave #Leo to get their way and get noticed

#Virgo the Moon highlights where and how you don't feel appreciated or noticed by others

#Libra connect with others and be the friendly and cheerful one! Disconnect to make room for the new! 

#Scorpio your imagination and passion grows daily but you know what they say "if you can be with the one you love..."

#Sagittarius focus on others and forging new partnerships and relationships in love, avoid jealousy

#Capricorn you're courageous and resourceful even when you have to remind others that they owe you something 

#Aquarius your feelings are intense but unreliable, get out the daisy and start to say "He (she) loves me they love me not" 

#Pisces a windfall of money comes your way it's time for a new chapter so think ahead but avoid conflicts

#Aries it's your day to shine, be dramatic and make it all about you! Avoid speaking out of turn

#Taurus Happy B-Day you've got big dreams and you just need a green light for things to be a "Go" 

#Gemini people listen to you today and the more they listen the more you talk 

#Cancer skin troubles or a bad hair day have to be dealt with before you go out! 

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