Friday, May 21, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo.  Today we stay busy like bees; if not we bother others who are trying to stay busy like bees!  The Moon favors #Virgo and the Earth signs Taurus and Capricorn brings opportunities to Cancer and Scorpio, annoys Pisces, and pushes Gemini and Sagittarius into action.  Aries and Aquarius deal with unexpected trouble, while Leo picks through their valuables, and Libra opts out and stays home.  

#Virgo it's your day to do whatever you want regardless of anyone's feelings 

#Libra if you don't feel good, stay home, take a personal day, or tell the boss you're sick and go places

#Scorpio crawl out of hiding and visit with friends, get out and go on a drinking binge with friends

#Sagittarius I know you're thinking, "I just to be so much fun what happened to me?"  Manage your identity crisis! 

#Capricorn you're a pro at falling down and picking yourself back up, today again; you just move on

#Aquarius get used to the stress you feel it's actually a moment to prove yourself and what you're made of

#Pisces it's easy enough to hand over the keys to your life to someone else to manage but why would you?  

 #Aries a new idea sends you into a new direction and others around you secretly wish you'd stay focused 

#Taurus It's your day to showcase your talents and why you're special  keep breaking down career barriers

#Gemini Happy Solar Return time! Prepare to trip the light fantastic in your career profession or business 

 #Cancer try not to be so closed but open to getting to know people, smile more and be nice to others

#Leo it's your day for a payday, you find value in your possessions or find something of value

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