Saturday, May 22, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra  The Moon favors #Libra to get their way today as long as you don't put too much emphasis on a significant other.

#Scorpio it's your love life or happiness that has you thinking about the past and a past love

#Sagittarius allow others to get close to you and don't stay in your protective shell

#Capricorn all work and no play makes you nervous, you might try a new salon so make sure he/she knows what you want

#Aquarius make-up to break-up is possible if you've been in a difficult love relationship

#Pisces you envision your life as a social butterfly so make those dreams come true

 #Aries you have no time to talk or explain yourself and wish others were thinking as fast as you 

#Taurus There's no giving up on your professional dreams; you're in too deep; keep going!

#Gemini you might feel confused and not see where you are headed, but the planets push you to keep going

 #Cancer, get ready for your new Solar Return soon. Don't be lazy and don't feel down 

#Leo, get out and about with new friends if your old friends are few and far between 

#Virgo hold our own when it some to money and getting what you want. No one will hand over the keys to the treasury willingly

For a longer version of your daily horoscopes, go to 

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