Thursday, May 20, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo.  It's fussy picky and stressful so what else is new?  The Moon favors #Virgo to get things done no, let me re-phrase that, to get everything done!  

#Libra feels the stress and wonders "Am I being too nice or too helpful?" 

#Scorpio ever the analyzer you start t see the ins and outs of everything, you're a great salesperson today

#Sagittarius you might need more hydration as the Sun enters Gemini!  Then you can think and your speech and ideas will flow

#Capricorn Lucky breaks come your way but require taking chances and risks 

#Aquarius you're on the front line of feeling pressure and stress get used to it! 

#Pisces you have secret fears and insecurities that rob you of happiness, Don't that happen

 #Aries as long as you stay busy today which you will under the Virgo Moon nothing else matters

#Taurus the Sun will enter your Sign today blowing away the stress, angst, and worries of yesterday.  

#Gemini you're so close to success and the universe puts you closer to the halls of power Keep going

 #Cancer every once in a while a tense feeling rushes over you it's just Mars! Don't let others stress you out

#Leo you're going to have to put more effort into your relationships if they're to survive the planetary war ahead 

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