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Showing posts with label #JenniferLopez. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Leo!

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Leo! It's about love, romance, betrayals and leaders, children. Today demands you be confident in yourself and your decisions! Today, double down and get things done. 

The Moon in Leo favors Leo, who gets their way but shouldn't gloat in a minor victory. Relationships suffer. 

Click on the link in my Bio on Instagram for your Full Daily Horoscope, or go to my website: 

Virgo, issues over children misbehaving, custody of a joint pet, and things that make you angry, Secrets are revealed. 

Libra, don't let others pressure you into doing too much. You have to conserve your energy and watch your health. 

Scorpio, avoid arguments even if you feel you are right. Find a way to get your close relationships back on track.

Sagittarius, watch out for accidents and avoid handling sharp objects or working with machinery. People stress you today. 

Capricorn, you try to be happy, but you are overwhelmed with things you have to do and might not be feeling 100%

Aquarius, focus on property matters and take pride in your work; others don't notice because they are preoccupied with other things.

Pisces, don't make clerical errors, or someone will overreact; check and recheck your work. Today is strange

 Aries, you might be angry, or when any little thing goes wrong, blame the wrong person. Stay calm/ 

Taurus, if you don't feel like you belong at your current employer, find another career opportunity. Don't be afraid to change. 

Gemini, Happy Solar Return! Occasionally, you push yourself too hard and need to rest or take a break, but that's hard. 

Cancer, you work hard to stay in charge and call the shots, but you need a way to decompress and de-stress, too. 

Subscribe to my Monthly horoscopes and download my Horoscope App. 


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Cancer (Rulership)

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Cancer (Rulership), mother, nourishment, your feelings, and caring, and then the Moon enters Leo, and it's about the kids, love, and generosity. 

Cancer, it's your day, and soon it will be your Solar Return. Look ahead and plan ahead with confidence. 

Leo, take your time, and don't rush later; as the Moon enters Leo, you'll feel recharged and ready to get back to your grind. 

Virgo, you might have to decide what to do about a relationship, ex, or romance.

Libra, what's going on with the person you're with or involved with? Your feelings could change abruptly.

Scorpio, your infatuations are strong, but just like that, someone who flattered you goes awol. 

Sagittarius, make more of an effort to go home and be around familiar places and those you have a history with. Make memories. 

Capricorn, you can't help but be there when others need a helping hand; it's what you do or should do! 

Aquarius, family issues aggravate you or are shocking, depending on your planets. Be there for others and be the hero.

Pisces, the planets tell you, you can do this, you got this! You are the one who has the strength and know-how with, of course, a little help.

 Aries, solely but surely, you come back yourself and are less needy and more confident; it's not anyone else you need; you're powerful. 

Taurus, people you engage with make sense to you and can change your thinking. Put your career first above all the noise. 

 Gemini, Happy Solar Return. You can gain financially by turning the wheel of fortune yourself and winning! Go ahead, just try! 



Monday, June 3, 2024

Happy June 2nd Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Taurus !

 Happy June 3rd! Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Taurus where time moves fast, 

Gemini, Happy Solar Return! You lead the way and guide others towards new ideas and what they should be thinking 

Cancer, the stage is set for future projects that you might be planning or working behind the scenes. 

Leo, you can just scroll past mistakes anymore, stop and fix every little thing before moving on

Virgo, you'll need to be very patient with others and not say anything mean or too sharp

Libra, you can learn something that sends you in a whole new direction, and isn't that what the sign of Gemini is all about?

Scorpio, choose your words and your tone carefully, as you tend to sound or come off as a bit sharp

Sagittarius, don't give up trying to be yourself, don't hide, and do things with an eye toward the future 

Capricorn, clear your mind, and don't get distracted or waste time. Pick up projects you left hanging

Aquarius, if you're quiet and don't say anything insulting to anyone, you'll see your luck turn right around

Pisces, be in the moment, stay the course, and promise yourself to sail through the hard times and not drown in them

Aries,  you have one foot in the future. so bring your great ideas out. No matter how outlandish you feel they are, their time will come! 

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Taurus, get your money right and stay on top of every penny. Discipline yourself and make yourself wait before indulging your whims. 

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



Saturday, June 1, 2024

Happy June 1st! Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Aries!

Happy June 1st! Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Aries! The Moon connects to the North Node and changes the direction of many. 

Aries, You're the Moon's favorite Sun or Rising sign today! You follow your inner voice with no care for what others think

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Taurus, with the planet realigning you and grabbing your attention, you find the most shocking things work out for good.

Gemini, Happy Solar Return! You try hard to fight against bad people, not knowing if you're effective or not. You are

Cancer, don't let anyone get away with trying to pull the wool over your eyes. They won't be successful.

Leo, relationships are challenging and costly. Avoid conflicts and running to the courthouse too quickly

Virgo, all you have to do is ask, and you seem to get what you want from the top brass and those able to open doors for you

Libra, treat people you love as you want to be treated, pitting one love or friend against another makes everyone run

Scorpio, you might feel stuck where you are if a property or move falls through, worse if a romance does.

Sagittarius, it's not as fun as you thought when you do things on your own. You need your favorite person with you to have fun

Capricorn, your mojo returns, and the planets sweep away obstacles and anyone getting in your way, even enemies. 

Aquarius, things get complicated in matters of the heart. you're not quite sure who loves how and how is cheating on whom

Pisces, be very wary of moving too fast, as your limbs, fingers, and toes are at risk. Move slowly and do things carefully. 

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!
