Sunday, June 9, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Cancer (Rulership)

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Cancer (Rulership), mother, nourishment, your feelings, and caring, and then the Moon enters Leo, and it's about the kids, love, and generosity. 

Cancer, it's your day, and soon it will be your Solar Return. Look ahead and plan ahead with confidence. 

Leo, take your time, and don't rush later; as the Moon enters Leo, you'll feel recharged and ready to get back to your grind. 

Virgo, you might have to decide what to do about a relationship, ex, or romance.

Libra, what's going on with the person you're with or involved with? Your feelings could change abruptly.

Scorpio, your infatuations are strong, but just like that, someone who flattered you goes awol. 

Sagittarius, make more of an effort to go home and be around familiar places and those you have a history with. Make memories. 

Capricorn, you can't help but be there when others need a helping hand; it's what you do or should do! 

Aquarius, family issues aggravate you or are shocking, depending on your planets. Be there for others and be the hero.

Pisces, the planets tell you, you can do this, you got this! You are the one who has the strength and know-how with, of course, a little help.

 Aries, solely but surely, you come back yourself and are less needy and more confident; it's not anyone else you need; you're powerful. 

Taurus, people you engage with make sense to you and can change your thinking. Put your career first above all the noise. 

 Gemini, Happy Solar Return. You can gain financially by turning the wheel of fortune yourself and winning! Go ahead, just try! 



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