Saturday, June 1, 2024

Happy June 1st! Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Aries!

Happy June 1st! Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Aries! The Moon connects to the North Node and changes the direction of many. 

Aries, You're the Moon's favorite Sun or Rising sign today! You follow your inner voice with no care for what others think

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Taurus, with the planet realigning you and grabbing your attention, you find the most shocking things work out for good.

Gemini, Happy Solar Return! You try hard to fight against bad people, not knowing if you're effective or not. You are

Cancer, don't let anyone get away with trying to pull the wool over your eyes. They won't be successful.

Leo, relationships are challenging and costly. Avoid conflicts and running to the courthouse too quickly

Virgo, all you have to do is ask, and you seem to get what you want from the top brass and those able to open doors for you

Libra, treat people you love as you want to be treated, pitting one love or friend against another makes everyone run

Scorpio, you might feel stuck where you are if a property or move falls through, worse if a romance does.

Sagittarius, it's not as fun as you thought when you do things on your own. You need your favorite person with you to have fun

Capricorn, your mojo returns, and the planets sweep away obstacles and anyone getting in your way, even enemies. 

Aquarius, things get complicated in matters of the heart. you're not quite sure who loves how and how is cheating on whom

Pisces, be very wary of moving too fast, as your limbs, fingers, and toes are at risk. Move slowly and do things carefully. 

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



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