Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Gemini

 Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Gemini; believe it or not, it's a 4th-quarter moon that starts to wind down some cosmic craziness, not start it! 

Gemini, it's your day today, says the Lunar Mistress, and you have enough wisdom and luck to keep you going! You are the energizer bunny! 

Cancer, it might seem that you're not in the loop or don't feel included in group activities, with friends, or with "organized power structures, institutions, learning entities, and such." No worries, this will change. 

Leo, your timing is off, and you're made to wait while another gets their stuff together, so keep yourself busy! 

Virgo, Happy Solar Return! Well, that's if your Sun or Rising sign is at 4*. Don't let a love interest derail your hopes and career. 

Libra, it's back to the drawing board and figuring out ways to save money or earn more. It's not a good day to gamble it all away. 

Scorpio, you need to connect with people like you need air, but sometimes that's not possible or feasible. No, the world is not passing you by. It's Mercury Retrograde! 

Sagittarius, family issues and drama suggest you not choose sides or get involved; there could be issues between your bestie, mate, and family. 

Capricorn, a swirl of energy, makes you wonder what's happening and who sent the tornado. Not even your patience or sensible side can control everything.

Aquarius, you can get taken away and swept off your feet with romantic banter and texting, but then reality sets in. It's your partner. 

Pisces, you consider a move that puts you closer to the dating scene and where the action is. But wait, is it possible during Mercury Retrograde

Aries, lots of things push your buttons. Not having complete control over a lover or your children sometimes makes you feel like the wallpaper. 

Taurus, avoid throwing good money away gambling or ponies and spending extravagantly on dating. Invest in your creative ideas. 

Read your extended Daily horoscope at https://www.terrynazon.com or click on the link in my Bio.

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