Monday, August 26, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The 4th Qtr. Moon is in Gemini

 Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The 4th Qtr. Moon is in Gemini; you can think about a place, a relationship, a love, and a place in time that's a faded memory. We are reminded that you can't recapture the past or go back to a better time that's passed.  

Gemini, it's your day. Things change abruptly in your life. Don't say anything to ruffle anyone's feathers. Let things unfold.

Cancer is all about siblings; if you have gone along with others, their bad behavior consequences might befall you. Do the right thing.

Leo, you might have to set aside a relationship. You are needed elsewhere, and more serious matters take up your time. 

Virgo, Happy Solar Return! A little effort and trying just a little harder can make a big difference and increase your confidence.  

Libra, the Sun shines into your solar sector of alone time, and it's ok to keep yourself busy while others have fun.

Scorpio, You might do anything to get more money to make your desires and dreams come true. 

Sagittarius, your mate or partner needs time to give to their career. You need to focus on your career, too. Just like them.

Capricorn, maybe you long for more independence, how things were, and not having to care for another or pick up after them.

Aquarius, the Sun encourages you to purge an old flame from your thoughts and deal with your unresolved feelings about that experience. 

Pisces, if you try hard enough, push the wheel of life and get exactly what you want. Meet new people. 

Aries, you don't like criticism at all, but you might have to be mentally strong and consider it. 

Taurus, this year, has been about epiphanies and change in one way or another. You can make those changes yourself or the planets can help you. 

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