Thursday, June 27, 2024

Today's Planets and you! The Moon is in Pisces

 Today's Planets and you! The Moon is in Pisces, where she joins Saturn, and nothing gets past Saturn's watchful gaze! 

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Pisces, be serious, put your best professional or grown-up foot forward, and meet requirements. 

Aries, don't rest, give up, or sit the day out; get up, work hard, and remember what you used to do and what used to work for you. 

Taurus, you have to channel some potent planetary energy into working hard and staying focused on moving ahead. Control your anger. Don't be a follower. Be a leader. 

Gemini, you get lots of attention today, so make a stellar impression, be an expert,  be direct, not evasive. 

CancerHappy Solar Return! Some people use astro-cartography to go where their stars are aligned during their Solar Return and some just press reset. 

Leo, while you'd like to go or just leave, you must show up and be present; your career and reputation depend on it. 

Virgo, the asteroid of marriage, her ladyship Juno, is in your Sun sign or 1st house in the case of Virgo Rising. Do you have marriage on your mind? 

Libra, It's a good time to focus on your career, work, and money, as relationships are aggravating but passionate. 

Scorpio, It's a good time to love yourself and love unconditionally. Be forgiving and understanding. 

Sagittarius, while you might feel like staying home, people want you to come out and play, 

Capricorn, you have to understand lots of complicated information. Stay focused on your creative venture.

Aquarius, it's all about money, so stay on top of your finances and be honest about money. 

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



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