Friday, June 28, 2024

Happy June 1st! Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Aries!

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The 4th Qtr. Moon is in Aries, and it is time to face your disappointments and disillusionments after yesterday's Pisces Moon. 

Aries, you're the Moon's favorite Sun sign today! You reluctantly put the past and your fears behind you and jump forward; it works! 

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Taurus, anyone who tries to spar with you or test your skills will be surprised; you know your stuff.

Gemini, a new 12-yr cycle has you very competitive but there's a limit as to what others will tolerate

Cancer, Happy Solar Return! You might feel that you must keep going and work hard even though you'd rather park and reflect on things. 

Leo, not everyone buys what you say just because you're forceful when you say it; you actually have to earn everyone's respect. Can you? 

Virgo, with a mate or partner out of sight you take this time to regroup and figure out what you want.

Libra, you want a loving relationship where the attraction is mutual your partner wants help or needs help

Scorpio, when relationships hit a wall and have gone as far as they can go, it's time to regroup or bow out.

Sagittarius, it's a good time to get out and mingle, meet new people, and not hide away or stay inside. 

Capricorn, a slower pace is good, why push yourself hard? Connect to nice people and relax a little

Aquarius, you could hang on to a relationship because of how the two of you help each other but is it love?

Pisces, it's a good time to park if you like where you are professionally so you can focus on moving 

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