Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Today's Planets and you! The Moon is in Pisces

Today's Planets and you! The Moon is in Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, typically a spiritual time or a time to reflect and rest. A lot is going on in the cosmos that says get ready for a faster pace that starts in less than a year. Fix what you must fix, become a fine-tuned athlete, and prepare something new.  

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Pisces, It's your day, and there's a feeling of "yeah, I can park here." No more musical chairs for a while.

Aries, rid yourself of bad habits, negativity, and hatred. Be angelic, I know you don't wanna be an angel! 

Gemini, get things just right in your abode to make everyone comfy, and don't dig up bones from the past! 

CancerHappy Solar Return! A more careful you emerges who isn't jumping into things unprepared.

Leo, as you are in a more influential position, there are things you can't say or blurt out; you have to be diplomatic. Ugh! 

Virgo, you find someone kind and who likes you for you, so why isn't that enough for you? Do you like a challenge, maybe?

Libra, you're always thinking ahead to where you will be in the future and setting up dates and meet and greets.

Scorpio, you can be too hard on people when it's you who needs to work on your people and social skills. You might be out of touch. 

Sagittarius, some emotional bonds have to change and grow with the times. Be willing to give everyone room to grow. 

Capricorn, it's a good time to purge some things from your diet that don't agree with your sensitive stomach or body anymore. 

Aquarius, you are self-indulgent and have to buy what you want; shop around and look for good deals.

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