Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Today's Planets and You! In your daily Horoscope, The Moon is in Aquarius

 Today's Planets and You! In your daily Horoscope, The Moon is in Aquarius, and when faced with a problem, you can use the inventive and unique powers of this Moon sign to solve problems. 

The Moon favors Aquarius, who is in their happy spot making big purchases and negotiating deals or contracts.

Pisces, you're in a great spot, just like Saturn. Stay here for a while and make things work.

Aries, if you want to move around, find a summer cabin or place to stay for a few months. Forever is too long! 

Taurus, you are embraced by others and find yourself among friendly people. Sit down and stay a while 

Gemini, you take stock of everything you need to finish and want to get done. Do what you can, and don't stress about it. 

Cancer, Happy Solar Return! Your eyes are clear, and chances are those who have fooled you in the past can't do that now.

Leo, you can't be louder or talk over anyone; your only options are to be honest and or be called out. 

Virgo, you are a contradiction. You throw in the towel with someone and then come up with genius ways to get them back.

Libra, hard work pays off, and the Sun is at its highest. People are watching you, and you have to be perfect.

Scorpio, your feelings toward anyone who gets your attention are more than intense; not many people like that kind of attention right now. 

Sagittarius, talk to others and get ideas but avoid the hard sell and salespeople. You'll regret venturing out. 

Capricorn, even when it looks like you're not interested or paying attention, you are. You always remember a slight.

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