Sunday, May 24, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Gemini toady!  Did you know that you are most likely to suffer #Insomnia when the planets transit Gemini? Today the moon favors #Gemini to get their way and take the lead
#Cancer isn't so sure about others and feels a little strange #stayinside
#Leo reconsiders a friendship and rallies others for or against people Oh MY!
#Virgo get restless and needs a change of scenery
#Libra though they were in love so what happened?
#Scorpio some people get your way around a dollar bill and hold you accountable #PayMe
#Sagittarius holds their angst and anger inside
#Capricorn is the best helper today
#Aquarius wants their freedom, period
#Pisces has to heal, feel better and not go off on others unexpectedly
#Aries even in a crowd feels alone
#Taurus don't imagine people are taking advantage of you read instructions, signs and labels

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