Monday, August 26, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The 4th Qtr. Moon is in Gemini

 Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The 4th Qtr. Moon is in Gemini; you can think about a place, a relationship, a love, and a place in time that's a faded memory. We are reminded that you can't recapture the past or go back to a better time that's passed.  

Gemini, it's your day. Things change abruptly in your life. Don't say anything to ruffle anyone's feathers. Let things unfold.

Cancer is all about siblings; if you have gone along with others, their bad behavior consequences might befall you. Do the right thing.

Leo, you might have to set aside a relationship. You are needed elsewhere, and more serious matters take up your time. 

Virgo, Happy Solar Return! A little effort and trying just a little harder can make a big difference and increase your confidence.  

Libra, the Sun shines into your solar sector of alone time, and it's ok to keep yourself busy while others have fun.

Scorpio, You might do anything to get more money to make your desires and dreams come true. 

Sagittarius, your mate or partner needs time to give to their career. You need to focus on your career, too. Just like them.

Capricorn, maybe you long for more independence, how things were, and not having to care for another or pick up after them.

Aquarius, the Sun encourages you to purge an old flame from your thoughts and deal with your unresolved feelings about that experience. 

Pisces, if you try hard enough, push the wheel of life and get exactly what you want. Meet new people. 

Aries, you don't like criticism at all, but you might have to be mentally strong and consider it. 

Taurus, this year, has been about epiphanies and change in one way or another. You can make those changes yourself or the planets can help you. 

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!


Sunday, August 25, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Taurus (Exaltation)

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Taurus (Exaltation), and there's a trend towards seeing positive opportunities.  

Taurus, no matter how much you want to say, Bah Humbug, you get swept up in the good things happening in your life, like your pets, kids, and a new love interest.  

Gemini, work on feeling and being young at heart. All work and house cleaning make you dull. You're not dull, are you? 

Cancer, you may have lots of your mind, and these things have to do with other people. Should you say anything, though? 

Leo, today is a great day to show off and get in front of people, but you are a little scared of crowds in public. Why?

Virgo, Happy Solar Return! You take on way more than any one person is capable of and keep your social calendar filled.

Libra, avoid having too many flirtations at once, as this may get complicated, and you could lose everyone.

Scorpio, Pick a career, business, or side hustle that's making money and get rid of one that is not.

Sagittarius, you desperately need to know what the future holds or need advice on, but you want to keep the money and maintain your privacy.

Capricorn, maybe you noticed that a trend is moving in your favor careerwise or professionally, and once again, you're trending.

Aquarius, your trend has you gaining financially and back in the green as in money! You're not taking any chances with your relationship for now.

Pisces, your popularity soars! You're more than ready for a significant change, a move, or take on more responsibility for yourself. The planets say You got this! 

Aries, work through the anger you feel based on frustrating situations. You can't talk anyone into changing if they don't want to. Should you wait? or click on the link in my Bio.

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



Saturday, August 24, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Taurus (Exaltation).

 Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Taurus (Exaltation), and the pace is slower; take your time. 

Taurus, it's your day, and your good fortune is engaged! Making fast decisions without thinking things through could cost you many different ways. 

Gemini, take time alone, figuring out what makes you happy and how to change or what needs to change. Think about what you'll do next week.  

Cancer, take your time and consider not filling every day with "something to do." You could hear from an old friend or have a surprise today. 

Leo, if you feel rejected or like someone isn't in your corner 150%, don't look to see what you can do back at them. 

Virgo, Happy Solar Return! Freed from your inner critic, you do as you please with confidence, and you're successful. 

Libra, you can be irresistible and meet someone today. Don't tell your whole life story; let others get to know you slowly! 

Scorpio, you have luxurious tastes and are willing to sacrifice today to spend on a big "Wow" purchase in the future. 

Sagittarius, while you're prone to thinking the worst (totally unlike you), you realize you're the luckiest person alive!  

Capricorn, it pays to get more organized and save receipts if only for your own peace of mind.

Aquarius, of course, you have a special vibe about you that draws others in but don't play with anyone's heart and hurt anyone in the name of fun.

Pisces, be happy when you can fix things and take care of things, pay your bills, and have money left over! 

Aries, you might talk too fast when you get the chance and throw a lot of information at others who can't or won't handle it. Slow down. or click on the link in my Bio.

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!
