Thursday, August 1, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: It's the Moon in Cancer

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: It's the Moon in Cancer, its strongest placement, and a fair amount of energy is released. There's joy and good fortune, and I wonder what you feel released from? 

Cancer, the Moon favors you, and the Sun brings gifts, money refunds, and income. People acknowledge your hard work. 

Leo, Happy Solar Return! It's better to regroup, think about things, and not say anything that could be taken the wrong way. 

Virgo, you find money, and maybe it's because you've taken control of your money and spending. 

Libra, you make decisions about a relationship, and it might be based on who needs you more or what they can do for you.

Scorpio, you want a major move or change but must be happy with a vacation or short stint somewhere.

Sagittarius, your popularity improves, and while always trying to make everyone happy, there may be one person you don't care about making happy.

Capricorn, a big change is coming, and your energy and hard work beat out anyone trying to stop you or get in your way. 

Aquarius, a busy work season, finally gets underway after feeling on hold. You hear from potential employers and buyers of your goods. 

Pisces, pushing through no matter how you feel pays off royally; you're moving on to a new level! 

Aries, a major change in your family, with a love interest or children, is coming your way.

Taurus, you, too, push through a health issue, and it pays off. You might be ready to give your all to your job.

Gemini, your hard work and residence in the face of adversity makes you a winner, Take on responsibilities when the come for more money. 

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!


Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Gemini

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Gemini, and you must love this crazy time. Mars tries to do you in, but Jupiter says, "No way!"  Ask Questions and try! 

Gemini, it's your day. Don't be afraid of confronting a problem head-on because it might turn out better than expected. 

Cancer, don't be afraid to tackle a project because you don't know what will happen, and you might be pleasantly surprised. 

Leo, Happy Solar Return! You have to change the way you communicate, and in fact, you have to talk facts, not gossip. 

Virgo, you get to move forward and take on more responsibilities, but wait, the universe will ask you, "Is this really what you want?" 

Libra, a romance, seemed different, but then you realize how it was the same as all the others, even the same Sun sign. 

Scorpio, nothing stops you from wanting to make new friends and meet new people, and you definitely have a type you're looking for and always run into

Sagittarius, you give everyone their freedom and start to pull away from a confining relationship. You might say, "Go, you do your thing, and I'll do mine!"

Capricorn, you're ready for a major change or to pull out of a rut. You'll work very hard to get the life you want or had. 

Aquarius, a little effort goes a long way, and it might surprise. So don't waste any time. Get moving! 

Pisces, nothing can stop you, and you can overcome any odds, even physical aches and pains. You need to show everyone how good you are! 

Aries, just enjoy the simple things and take your time getting reacquainted with someone you haven't seen or heard from in a while

Taurus, you're another Sun sign who can't be stopped. When given an opportunity, you're going to rise to the occasion.

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!


Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Gemini

 Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Gemini, and things move fast. There's lots of banter, but be cautious about gossiping or talking too much and interrupting others. To be successful, align with your moral and ethical side. 

Gemini, it's your day, and potent energy can fulfill your dreams and bestow good fortune on you. Read my online horoscope for more! 

Cancer, you have no problem being good. You are the good boys and girls of the zodiac. Keep it up, and a secret desire will come true. 

Leo, Happy Solar Return! Be careful who you choose to help and give attention to. They could try to outshine you. 

Virgo, it might be nice to share your fears or secrets with others, but I wouldn't if I were you! 

Libra, you might be at a turning point and think about changing your entire life around for an opportunity or someone in need. 

Scorpio, you want to be that person who guides others, advises them, and is their go-to person for spiritual advice. 

Sagittarius, it's ok to hold off on a big purchase and reschedule appts. Do what you feel comfortable doing. 

Capricorn, strengthen yourself, get back to being strong. Get back to a healthy routine. You need to be healthy for the future! 

Aquarius, avoid immorality and not being honest in matters of the heart. if you want your good fortune to return, be good. 

Pisces, be fair to others and give back the kindness shown to you. Manage your diet and health. Mirror goodness. 

Aries, while there are things you'd like to say and people you'd like to confront, Don't. That won't help any. 

Taurus, a lifestyle change is definitely needed; clean up your home and your mind and detox your body. 

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!
