Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Gemini

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Gemini, and you must love this crazy time. Mars tries to do you in, but Jupiter says, "No way!"  Ask Questions and try! 

Gemini, it's your day. Don't be afraid of confronting a problem head-on because it might turn out better than expected. 

Cancer, don't be afraid to tackle a project because you don't know what will happen, and you might be pleasantly surprised. 

Leo, Happy Solar Return! You have to change the way you communicate, and in fact, you have to talk facts, not gossip. 

Virgo, you get to move forward and take on more responsibilities, but wait, the universe will ask you, "Is this really what you want?" 

Libra, a romance, seemed different, but then you realize how it was the same as all the others, even the same Sun sign. 

Scorpio, nothing stops you from wanting to make new friends and meet new people, and you definitely have a type you're looking for and always run into

Sagittarius, you give everyone their freedom and start to pull away from a confining relationship. You might say, "Go, you do your thing, and I'll do mine!"

Capricorn, you're ready for a major change or to pull out of a rut. You'll work very hard to get the life you want or had. 

Aquarius, a little effort goes a long way, and it might surprise. So don't waste any time. Get moving! 

Pisces, nothing can stop you, and you can overcome any odds, even physical aches and pains. You need to show everyone how good you are! 

Aries, just enjoy the simple things and take your time getting reacquainted with someone you haven't seen or heard from in a while

Taurus, you're another Sun sign who can't be stopped. When given an opportunity, you're going to rise to the occasion.

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

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