Showing posts with label #Manhattanhedge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Manhattanhedge. Show all posts

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: Happy Full Moon in Capricorn (Detriment)

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is growing fuller in Capricorn (Detriment), and this afternoon, it's time to get back to work and get serious! 

The Moon favors Capricorn as it enters your Sun sign at 1:51 pm ET. What a difference that makes! You wonder what you were so worried about! 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Aquarius, keep yourself busy because you're going to feel like the victim and feel left out as this Super Moon culminates. 

Pisces, catch yourself being too prickly when you're not in your own space. Avoid conflicts so you can always go back. 

Aries, seeing another point of view doesn't come easy because it's all about you. But if you want to get along with others, you'll make it all about them. 

Taurus, you can easily adjust to changes if you want to. More traffic, people bumping into you, and feeling out upon by others. Laugh it off. 

Gemini, work hard, but don't step on others' toes and make them feel bad or inferior to you. Focus on hard work, not put downs. 

Cancer, you might put yourself out there and give another a chance to use you or benefit through you. Again? Really?

Leo, Happy Solar Return! You try to keep everyone happy while maintaining power over a romantic lover. You drive your partners crazy. 

Virgo, don't assume you know what an ex or on-again, off-again love is going through. You don't!

Libra, you finish a project and need a break or a rest. Once in your comfortable chair, it might be hard to get out of it 

Scorpio, you have plenty of examples of success, and all you have to do is emulate the success you see around you.

Sagittarius, the Moon makes you more determined to get out of a rut and get out of debt. 

What's ahead for you? Book a consultation with me. Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



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Friday, August 2, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: It's the Moon in Cancer

 Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Cancer, and the best things are those that make you feel good or bring back memories. TGIF!  

Cancer, you are the Moon's favorite child, so you get your way, and things go your way! Ask, and ye shall receive!

Leo, of course, you'll question yourself today, but you might make a big decision over the next few days. 

Virgo, you question your decisions about a romance, but be careful not to get caught up in hanging around because you feel sentimental. 

Libra, as hard as it might be, you move on from a situation or relationship where your energies are needed too much. 

Scorpio, find your talents, where you shine, and what you're good at, and then study and learn! 

Sagittarius, don't compromise your personal values to get along with others or follow the direction your current lover is taking. Be you!  

Capricorn, Focus on overcoming challenges, and don't be clingy or jealous. Give those you love the freedom to develop and grow.

Aquarius, you opt out of a relationship with someone who never has anything good to say about you or who you can never please. 

Pisces, it's best to slow down even when you want to go fast. Get everything in order and avoid crises and drama.

Aries, don't panic when you don't get your way, or someone ignores you and makes you wait. 

Taurus, avoid spicy and greasy food; it's time to eat sensibly and manage your health.

Gemini, you push yourself to keep going even when you need the rest. It's called powering through!

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!


Thursday, August 1, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: It's the Moon in Cancer

Today's Planets and You! Your daily Horoscope: It's the Moon in Cancer, its strongest placement, and a fair amount of energy is released. There's joy and good fortune, and I wonder what you feel released from? 

Cancer, the Moon favors you, and the Sun brings gifts, money refunds, and income. People acknowledge your hard work. 

Leo, Happy Solar Return! It's better to regroup, think about things, and not say anything that could be taken the wrong way. 

Virgo, you find money, and maybe it's because you've taken control of your money and spending. 

Libra, you make decisions about a relationship, and it might be based on who needs you more or what they can do for you.

Scorpio, you want a major move or change but must be happy with a vacation or short stint somewhere.

Sagittarius, your popularity improves, and while always trying to make everyone happy, there may be one person you don't care about making happy.

Capricorn, a big change is coming, and your energy and hard work beat out anyone trying to stop you or get in your way. 

Aquarius, a busy work season, finally gets underway after feeling on hold. You hear from potential employers and buyers of your goods. 

Pisces, pushing through no matter how you feel pays off royally; you're moving on to a new level! 

Aries, a major change in your family, with a love interest or children, is coming your way.

Taurus, you, too, push through a health issue, and it pays off. You might be ready to give your all to your job.

Gemini, your hard work and residence in the face of adversity makes you a winner, Take on responsibilities when the come for more money. 

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!


Thursday, July 11, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo.

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo. Elevate your worries and do something about what you don't like in your life. 

Download my App and Subscribe to my Monthly horoscopes. 

The Moon favors Virgo to make relationship changes and open the door for someone better to come into your life.

Libra, it's time to let go and maybe say Goodbye for now—but certainly not forever. Tonight, you'll feel better.

Scorpio, be cautious in love unless you like to walk on the wild side, which you certainly can if that's your thing! 

Sagittarius, you might feel you missed out on having fun when you were young, in love, or raising your kids. Well, that's going to change! 

Capricorn, you get your 2nd wind. Your creativity and competitive nature are unbeatable. You are covering all your bases!   

Aquarius, Pluto says there's nothing you can't do. You can move, find your own place, buy and sell real estate like it's candy, and get someone off your back like they're a bug. 

Pisces, you're almost a Capricorn, or at least you're thinking like one now. it proves effective and lucrative! 

Aries, you change your mind, are far too sensitive, and need space to sort through your feelings. Feelings? You're a headstrong Aries, for heaven's sake! 

Taurus, Oh my, which way is Uranus going to take you? Commit to a plan and tune into your sweet and kinder side. It's like it's Judgment Day. 

Gemini, If you have done your job well and not shit on anyone, Great! There will be no punishment, criticism, or death-like experiences, only rewards, 

Cancer, Happy Solar Return! Make a change and put yourself first. if someone wants to live in chaos and with garbage, let them. 

Leo, don't get yourself overly excited because you might be feeling your age. In love, an age gap! Oh my! 

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in picky Virgo

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in perfectionist Virgo. We worry, become hypochondriacs, and tend to judge too quickly. 

Download my App and Subscribe to my Monthly horoscopes. 

The Moon favors Virgo and Virgo Rising to put themselves first even when others demand so much. 

Libra, give another space and get more perspective on where a relationship stands and what it really is in your life.

Scorpio, take things slow, yes, even slower, with your heart and a romance that needs time. Wishful thinking and fantasy get the better of you. 

Sagittarius, it pays to be more logical regarding your home, property, or family matters. Don't be too sensitive. 

Capricorn, you love your work, and so does everyone else. But you are unique and people find out soon enough they can't do things like you do.  

Aquarius, don't overreact or allow your emotions to get the better of you. Don't wait around for others; just move on. 

Pisces, be calm and choose your words carefully so others can grasp your genius and understand your thinking.

Aries, don't get into sparing matches when others don't share your enthusiasm. Everyone is in their own little universe now. 

Taurus, this is a great time to evaluate what you like about yourself and what you don't. Be honest about the changes you need to make. 

Gemini, you stop rushing in and don't do everything for others when you realize they won't do the same for you.  

Cancer, Happy Solar Return! Avoid exes as they may try to surprise you or get your attention in a not-so-great way. 

Leo, as a fixed sign, doesn't have to be rigid. Time alone to heal, pamper yourself, and love yourself will be best. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo, and it's all about your wellness, how you're feeling about a hectic routine, and getting things done or fixing things.  

Download my App and Subscribe to my Monthly horoscopes. 

The Moon favors Virgo and Virgo Rising to take charge and be helpful to those who need them. You are today's Superstar! 

Libra, You, too, pitch in and are willing to upend your life for someone who needs your help and management skills.

Scorpio, without the help of a dear friend who always gives you good advice, you can make a huge faux pas in your love life. 

Sagittarius, you're on cleanup duty. If you don't do it, who will, and will they do things the way you want them done?

Capricorn, you're getting weary of not having your own space or privacy as you consider a move, But to where?

Aquarius, you are looking for Miss or Mr. Right, and you might find them. A new love makes an old love look like a bad choice.

Pisces, a slower pace works, so give your body plenty of rest and be kind to yourself. Eat to heal. 

Aries, you can get carried away by your emotions and demand that others acknowledge you Right now! 

Taurus, enjoy this time when people see you as fun, nice, and easy to get along with. Accept the change! 

Gemini, you get to tweak things in your career, enabling you to do more and take more time for yourself. 

Cancer, Happy Solar Return! You must live with your decisions now, so ensure they're the right ones.  

Leo, someone you thought was on your side or someone you thought was your competition isn't! Huh? 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Scorpio (Fall), and then Funny Sagittarius

  Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Scorpio (Fall), and then Funny Sagittarius, so you can laugh at your mistakes. 

Scorpio, you take charge and make things happen. Move on from a continuous two-some and find someone new.

Download my App, Horoscopes by Terry Nazon, to get your natal birth chart reports: or click on the link in my Bio.

Sagittarius, after a few serious days, you take charge and realize you are the catch, not your significant other. take back your power! 

Capricorn, you're in a mad dash to feel good, look good, and regain your youth and spryness. 

Aquarius, it feels good to make others happy and make them smile. You stop short of nagging or pressuring anyone anymore. 

Pisces, It's easier than ever to do what's necessary, handle what life throws at you, and be responsible, and it feels good. 

Aries, by now you know a little self-control goes a long way and not to do anything without thinking. Right? 

Taurus, stay under the radar on the job as things get tense. Others look for someone to blame, even if you're nowhere in sight! 

Gemini, Happy Solar Return! It's the last day of your Solar Return! as your attention turns to money and what makes you feel good. 

Cancer, get as much done as possible so you can enjoy your Solar Return tomorrow! 

Leo, relationships and partnerships seem based in quicksand from time to time with bot of you needing frequent breaks. 

Virgo, it's a good time to put your career and professional above all else as take advantage of good money-making opportunities.

Libra, you tell yourself you don't care, and it's ok if you don't have the commitment or promise because maybe you don't want it either. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Scorpio (Fall)

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: Moon in Scorpio (Fall), and today, there are things you feel you must handle and take care of before moving on. 

Scorpio, it's your day, but it's hard to unlock your mind and move on to something new; you might have to come clean and admit you were wrong.

Download my App, Horoscopes by Terry Nazon, to get your natal birth chart reports: or click on the link in my Bio.

Sagittarius, you might be haunted by the ghost of the past and someone you lost or walked away from long ago. 

Capricorn, the last thing you want is to support someone financially, but here you are, nagging someone to carry their own weight.

Aquarius, being stuck in love with someone you don't really like or get along with is a scary proposition.

Pisces, You might be hiding or keeping someone from someone, which doesn't feel good. 

Aries, don't be so focused on others or your mate that you neglect yourself and your health and lose what's near you.

Taurus, you are becoming super rebellious and don't want to be told what to do, but you must respect authority and those above you.

Gemini, Happy Solar Return! It's time to try new things to make yourself feel better. Go to the doctor and see what he or she has to say. 

Cancer, You stay quiet and allow a love interest or child to find their way. You're exhausted and let others figure things out for themselves. 

Leo, some don't approve of your love interest or what you're doing so they may go and do their own thing without talking it over.

Virgo, you always find yourself picking up the pieces or being the person someone calls to help. Not anymore, maybe. 

Libra, you're ready to swipe your card and spend like money is no object but be careful with that thinking. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Scorpio (Fall)

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope: The Moon is in Scorpio (Fall), making everything feel more intense and raising the stakes to a new level of spending. 

Scorpio, it's your day, and you take the initiative and consciously overcome hesitation and fear. It's a first step towards romance!  

Download my App, Horoscopes by Terry Nazon, to get your natal birth chart reports: or click on the link in my Bio.

Sagittarius, time by yourself meandering in a new place and window shopping soothes your soul.

Capricorn, your hard work pays off, and people start to notice you! Spend money on what makes you feel good or better. 

Aquarius, all eyes are on you today, so be on your best behavior; avoid making a fool of yourself or garnering criticism.

Pisces, as Saturn slows down, you too might slow down and wonder, "Why push myself so hard?"

Aries, your delicate health is revealing itself, and it's time to change your diet and stop eating your emotions. 

Taurus, you are too slow down, so put your health and feelings first. Why push yourself for people who don't appreciate you. 

Gemini, Happy Solar Return! You push the limits and see what you are capable of. Guess what? You win! 

Cancer, the planets are making their way to your Sun sign, and perhaps you're in a hurry to finish things and avoid future trouble. 

Leo, you could get loud and say, "My way or the highway!" but maybe you should hear others out. 

Virgo, as things go, it might be harder to walk away from a love interest in need; if you stick around to help, be nice about it. 

Libra, an expensive trip or investment has you buying a vacation home or taking a world tour, but should you?

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Today's Planets and You! In your daily Horoscope, The Moon is in Aquarius

 Today's Planets and You! In your daily Horoscope, The Moon is in Aquarius, while Mars demands you stand up for yourself. We will be careful because the shysters are out in full force. 

The Moon favors Aquarius to ask for what you want and be strong and powerful against falsehoods; Honesty pays. Don't play the trickster. You won't win. 

Pisces, you might have a claim if someone hurts you or destroys your property; you'll know if someone pretests too much. 

Aries, honesty, and fairness pay. Avoid getting upset or angry, speaking in a confusing way, and lying. Oh my! 

Taurus, don't take anything at face value and alleviate your fears by asking questions and being open.   

Gemini, Happy Solar Return! It's a strange day, not a day to take things at face value. But Jupiter is on your side.

Cancer, don't be afraid to call a spade a spade or call someone out for bad behavior or not keeping their word. 

Leo, people will judge you by your words and what you said or said today, so it's best to stay quiet.

Virgo, don't confuse someone you need to help you with love; that's where things get dysfunctional.

Libra, you might have to stand up for yourself and make an important relationship decision.

Scorpio, you might rethink the times you've been too sensitive and the effect it has had on your romantic life.

Sagittarius, be cautious with ex-lovers don't keep anyone hanging on. It's time to find new love and have fun

Capricorn, there's no arguing or fighting today. Just the facts, please. Today, you show your teeth like a bad dog. 

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon! Sign up for my Monthly Horoscopes! 



Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Today's Planets and You! In your daily Horoscope, The Moon is in Aquarius

 Today's Planets and You! In your daily Horoscope, The Moon is in Aquarius, and the Sun is in Gemini; let your inner genius out! Strike up friendly conversations and get out of the way of crazy drivers or anyone fighting. 

The Moon favors Aquarius today to get the most done, but you should avoid being snippy as this could escalate into arguments.

Pisces, you're ready to throw in the towel, but should you don't rush to judgments right now, you could be wrong.

Aries, where is all your anger coming from? You'll get mad if anyone acts a certain way towards you. Relax and talk things out. 

Taurus, you occasionally need time off to handle unexpected accidents or injuries. Be careful, and don't take chances. 

Gemini, Happy Solar Return! you refuse to believe things are that bad, no matter what the little voice in your head says. 

Cancer, you're determined to enjoy your life, visit sacred places to connect to, relax, and find ways to work remotely. 

Leo, relationships take a turn leaving you scratching your head and wondering what the future holds

Virgo, things get hectic, and you're in a hurry to complete everything on your to-do list. Don't get distracted by the craziness around you. 

Libra, nothing stops you from planning ahead and thinking about the future. Make travel plans without basing them on another. 

Scorpio, no one understands how you just unplug, and they don't hear from you for ages; this causes serious trouble. 

Sagittarius, you strike up a conversation that seems completely from left field or you call someone who hasn't heard from you for years.  

Capricorn, you realize you have to stop being so self-indulgent and spoiling yourself and everyone around you

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon! Sign up for my Monthly Horoscopes! 
