Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Virgo. Things get hectic, yet you have enough experience to know what to do when things go wrong, break or you drop something! Clean up time!
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Virgo, it's your day today but things take on a life of their own and you start to notice what you've given up or lost for another!
Libra, there can be worry that your relationship or a friendship is not balanced and someone gives more than they get back! Guess who?
Scorpio, the side of you that loves mysteries is engaged but leads you down unknown roads, and you wonder how long it will be before someone notices you're gone?
Sagittarius It's happening, and you're jumping into life with great abandon, taking chances and not allowing anyone to caution you or hold you back.
Capricorn, it won't take anyone very long to realize your gifts and how talented you are. Some would rather you stay in your lane and stay put. Goats gotta climb!
Aquarius, You might wonder what's ahead as you experience everything differently, and there's no going back—only moving forward.
Pisces The responsible among you can mend mistakes and start anew. Take the good and leave the bad behind.
Aries, by far you have the most interesting solar overlay as you work on making yourself somebody special, maybe even famous.
Taurus, you would like things to move faster, but instead, clean up the past and close the door on it, then move forward.
Gemini, don't lose track of your vision and what you want, powerful forces guide you in your career towards success, and no one can stop you.
Cancer, you can be the power behind the throne for now! You sign checks and have your eye on earning more money.
Leo, there's an agitating presence that pushes you to do things you don't want to do. Avoid being a puppet. Oh my!