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Showing posts with label #astrologer #dailyhoroscope #astro #zodiac #Sexstrology #horoscopes #astrology #zodiac #BloodMoon #NewMoon #Reiki #Terrynazon #Eclipse. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Capricorn, (Detriment)

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Capricorn, (Detriment) and the tone is serious, business-like, stern.  Today you get ahead by following the rules and doing things the right way!   The Moon favors #Capricorn who instinctively knows how to get ahead and do things the right way. Capricorn hates it when others cost him-her money!  

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 

 #Aquarius you may be so fearful of change or losing someone that you compromise way too much to avoid losing someone

#Pisces you can't imagine the changes that are ahead for you!  Be nice, humble and keep climbing to the top

#Aries you can't abide the ones you love suffering, Head down, horns ready to fight you are today's prtector

#Taurusyou gain through others and there's more power when you get along with others than flying solo

#Gemini you're not so sure about things today, as you get tired of games and the B.S. you've been putting up with

#Cancer you don't trust anyone, you feel you're dealing with the devil, funny thing others think of you that way too lol

#Leo you love to be in the spotlight and  hate it when others don't notice you, Good news is someone special does notice you

#Virgo you have cupid's haze all around you and perhaps you say "Too many love interests not enough time"

#Libra get ready a big change is about to awaken you from sleep, something you thought was one way is completely different Opps

#Scorpio you'd probably like a secret romance. To smile and make others wonder if something is up with you! 

#Sagittarius get ready your social life is about to pop, not today though tonight. Until then you wonder where your invitation is

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 


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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Leo

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope!  The Moon is in Leo, where your talents and what makes you unique so shine loudly! Make some noise even when others are shushing you.  Today favors #Leo to buy, sell, and bargain hunt.

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 

#Virgo Sunset is your best time; until then tidy up loose ends, keep yourself busy and out of trouble

#Libra if you see dust or things out of place you're in tune with the planets. Everything has to be just so today

#Scorpio caviar dreams make you a big spender and it's hard to deny yourself anything you want

#Sagittarius don't be too hard on others or you risk mucking relationships up mental stress is likely

#Capricorn hard work brings more money as others seek you for your know-how and skills                      

#Aquarius balance all your different relationships and try to keep everyone happy, avoid jealousy

#Pisces connects to women friends this evening and make a relationship decision today

 #Aries soothe little minds and children's fears. Show affection and be a caregiver to those in need 

#Taurus if you're going through an existential crisis do so gracefully say "It's me not you"

#Gemini don't look for support when the chips are down but don't walk away from an argument either

#Cancer don't count on friends right now as they tend to be here today gone tomorrow 


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Friday, August 6, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is dark in Cancer

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope!  The Moon is dark in Cancer so give yourself permission to feel, and have feelings about things.  But if your tastes change and you can't figure out what you'd like for lunch or dinner blame the Moon.  Today's Moon favors Cancer to have thoughts, feelings, and feel some kind of a way about, well everything. 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 

#Leo It's hard for you to show others that you're hurt but for heaven's sake don't lash out

#Virgo impromptu changes,  a sudden move or purchase of property turns heads 

#Libra has a secret they're keeping to themselves they don't want anyone to ruin things for them

#Scorpio connect with old friends and let the Moon help you to feel happy and hopeful

#Sagittarius pay attention to your dreams they could come true,  a life blockage is removed

#Capricorn it's all about other people, love, and romance with no conditions and rules for now

#Aquarius it's a good time for a move or change of pace, go places, and avoid conflicts by not picking on anyone

#Pisces it's a good day to do as you please no rules or structure except where to eat and what to eat

 #Aries you may feel trapped if you're stuck at home too long which could lead to excessive online shopping

#Taurus you might have to be a calming force to others in your family for that you'll need to ground yourself Get outside! 

#Gemini hang on to found money, grab it and hide it. windfalls are possible 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 


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Thursday, August 5, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon growing darker in Cancer

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope!  The Moon growing darker in Cancer time to look around, tidy things up and get ready for the New Moon on Sunday. The Cancer Moon reminds us of family, Mom's home cooking Chicken Soup, and wearing socks on a rainy day.  Today's Moon favors Cancer to take the lead in all matters and know exactly what needs to get done and what to do. Cancer makes everyone feel safe. 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 

#Leo while you might feel lost or out of sorts, it's only your nearest and dearest who will see how you really feel 

#Virgo getting others to agree with you is not easy; you need friends and people to sort things out with you

#Libra it's hard to get your special talents acknowledged, let alone appreciated in a family or group setting. Do your best to shine

#Scorpio, there are dreams about getting out of town and visiting your special people. What's holding you back?

#Sagittarius You appreciate others and absolutely gain through them, don't hide your love or gratitude

#Capricorn partnerships are favored and growing like a potted plant; care for them as such 

#Aquarius, everyone demands or wants something different from you, so try to make everyone happy! 

#Pisces it's a nice day to indulge yourself and let someone who cares about you help you or do something nice for you 

 #Aries be the Good boy or Girl scout and do the right thing when tempted to do the wrong thing

#Taurus, start your day with good thoughts, building yourself up, not tearing yourself down; you need all the good energy you can muster up

#Gemini soft clothes, warm places, connecting with good people and family make this a stellar day 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 


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Saturday, June 26, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope, The Moon in Aquarius

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope, The Moon in Aquarius, and the build-up of planets in the fixed signs suggest you'll need to revive your inner genius the Moon favors #Aquarius to wake up and accept reality and make the best of It's time to move on

#Pisces you can just feel things today and you are enlightened and unwilling to play anyone's fool 

#Aries you have an answer or solution for everything today but it's time to focus on those near and dear

#Taurus the Moon has everyone watching, waiting, and looking at you and what you will do or say 

#Gemini somehow you can count on the planets to position you just right to turn things in your favor

#Cancer some things have you nervous but remember it's your Solar Return you have lots of solar power now

#Leo you might have to push hard to get your way and win people over a new love is quite the temptation 

#Virgo those rose-colored glasses slip off every once in a while and you wonder what did I see in him or her

#Libra somethings brewing in your family or where you live that makes you wonder how happy you really are, again

#Scorpio if anyone can make changes to their life right now it's you push ahead and don't lose sight of goals

#Sagittarius your thinking cap is on but you still need to watch what you say and how you come across to others

#Capricorn do what you have to do to gain financially Money is the name of the game for you today 

Read your extended Horoscope on my website. 



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Thursday, June 17, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The 2nd Qtr. Moon is in Virgo.

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The 2nd Qtr. Moon is in Virgo. A time when things get more hectic. The Moon favors #Virgo to be in the spotlight and asked for their advice but will people take it.  

#Libra avoid taking bad advice especially if you have to investor reach into your savings

#Scorpio your insight and analytical mind is working at high speed, you might find a lucrative loophole 

#Sagittarius you could go in so many directions so you have to carefully examine all your opportunities 

#Capricorn getting a hold on your work and what needs to be done is no easy feat! Interruptions don't help

#Aquarius the anxious energy starts to fade daily and slowly you come back to yourself money helps get you there quicker

#Pisces carefully analyze all your opportunities don't just jump into something that looks good 

 #Aries avoid boredom, find things that need to get down, and immerse yourself in it Be a busy bee

#Taurus it may feel odd getting back involved with your peers and taking on more responsibilities 

#Gemini manage savings, home, and your security avoid overreacting emotionally others don't like it

 #Cancer soon everything will feel "normal" again until then stay as steady as you possibly can

#Leo you can come up with all sorts of ways to make to earn money Try it out! 

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Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo.

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo.  Today we try to figure things out and get more details.  The Moon favors #Virgo to get their way, take action and  be a force to be reckoned with today

#Libra sometimes it seems nothing is working out but in reality everything even a delay is a lucky break

#Scorpio your internal genius for sniffing and ferreting out the truth or details is on fire today

#Sagittarius you have o balance your Nodes and it ain't easy, but you're bombarded with people who draw you out of your shell

#Capricorn your patience is tested and in some cases, you won't be able to hold back your words

#Aquarius while you've been able to be super strong (or not) you start to loosen up! Get loose! 

#Pisces you like to be alone and then you again don't like to be alone, Oh well give it a few more days

 #Aries you'd rather be the idea person and genius who jumps into new ideas but you have to be practical too UGH! 

#Taurus everyone demand you be responsible and do things the right way! It's time to get things in order

#Gemini pretty soon you'll say goodbye to the Sun in your Sun sign and concentrate on cash, money, and dollars! 

 #Cancer if you don't know which way to go or direction to turn don't worry this will change

#Leo you might find yourself taking from Peter to pay Paul. Hurry up get those finances in order

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Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! It's the Moon is in Leo

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope!  It's the Moon is in Leo and favors # Leo to take charge and handle any criticism they get

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 

#Virgo avoid making big decisions things are fuzzy not crystal clear 

#Libra you're always looking ahead but is the grass really greener on the other side? 

#Scorpio keep looking for new ways to earn extra cash but be resigned to slow progress

#Sagittarius you're not one to watch over others but maybe you have to especially where money is concerned 

#Capricorn you don't mind putting others on the spot if they assume they can walk all over you

#Aquarius you have to get over the past but that's no easy feat, take care of children and pets

#Pisces you might feel alone like it's time for a change this is what will get you out into the work world

 #Aries your drive keeps you busy but at the expense of your personal or family life 

#Taurus you've overcome a hurdle now it's time to get finances straight sit down with your inner bookkeeper

#Gemini you can talk anyone into anything but should you that's the bid hurdle today 

#Cancer you're too sympathetic for your own good but heaven and spirit world support you


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Monday, June 14, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! It's the Moon is in Leo

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope!  It's the Moon is in Leo and favors # Leo to be active and take action with others who get too pushy or aggressive

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 

#Virgo others can be helpful to you if you let them try to forgive and forget petty problems 

#Libra a new love would be nice, wouldn't it?  But that would complicate things too much 

#Scorpio you're on top of the world and in charge at work or on the job make sure you get paid extra

#Sagittarius arguments and standoffs are possible but chances are you'll avoid the fray 

#Capricorn you pay the price for being too giving or freewheeling with your funds 

#Aquarius you have to respond because there's  no way to get out of your responsibilities 

#Pisces  you might avoid speaking your mind because there's no right way to say something 

 #Aries you're determined to make a success of your life on your own but like everyone you need a little help

#Taurus Ok so today you feel stressed, give in to it and don't freak out, it will pass 

#Gemini you might feel like you have to cut your soulmate loose and go your own way 

#Cancer debts or insecurities mount you don't trust old friends or wishful thinking 


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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! It's the Moon is in Cancer

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope!  It's the Moon is in Cancer and Leo today

The Cancer Moon favors #Cancer to have some wonderful insights into the inner workings of their mind that brings change

The Moon in Leo rules leaders and the world's leaders are at the G7 summit where things could get tense today and tomorrow!  #Leo is favored by the Moon in Leo but feels ineffective so may go out of their way to get attention

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 

#Virgo ignore what others say, what else is new, and doesn't let anyone interfere in their good time

#Libra is disappointed in others and takes off on their own today avoiding any uncomfortableness 

#Scorpio it's a good day for looking for love if you're single as long as you don't expect too much

#Sagittarius you may be feeling like a homebody but your bestie or significant other isn't 

#Capricorn yup it's time to put your foot down if you're feeling taken advantage of Write some rules

#Aquarius maturity is key when dealing with others how may want to pick a fight with you 

#Pisces You're in your zone feeling like it's time to be all grown and responsible You got this! 

 #Aries you'd rather be doing things with your friends but family duty tugs at your heart 

#Taurus A little effort goes a long way As a fixed Sign there's nothing you can't do when you put your heart into it

#Gemini You're pulled to do your own thing don't let anxiety or fear stop you 


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Saturday, June 12, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! It's the Moon is in Cancer

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope!  It's the Moon is in Cancer and it's #Cancer day to speak up, "Huh, speak up no one can hear you!"  Louder, please! 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 

#Leo only spend time with fun and trusted friends you're not in the mood for a crowd today

#Virgo turn over the rocks, talk to others, get professional advice and fix what's wrong with your life

#Libra getting out of or getting over a difficult romantic situation requires you to call in the professionals

#Scorpio your love of all things mysterious takes you to a local psychic bookstore when you find friends. 

#Sagittarius you may not want to go anyplace without company if makes you feel vulnerable 

#Capricorn if you're too nice they'll eat you up and if you're too bitter they'll spit you out

#Aquarius people will challenge you and test your strength and will power Things get pushy! 

#Pisces you see things from others perspective and  it's because of a recent desire to change your life

 #Aries your ambitions aren't going anywhere but neither is your family, pets, and love interest 

#Taurus you get stronger as you start to take more chances and engage Push hard now to get ahead 

#Gemini who's hung up with a relationship that doesn't seem to grow and needs constant repotting? You!  

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 


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Friday, June 11, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! It's the Moon is in Cancer

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope!  It's the Moon is in Cancer and it's Cancer's day to shine and have things go their way. 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 

#Leo with the planet of action and sports in your Sun sign you need the spotlight even if you tire easily

#Virgo secret trysts are possible  or will you just pretend they're happening to make someone jealous

#Libra connect to your inner Capricorn and disconnect from others who want or demand too much from you

#Scorpio you love to connect with people who seem to have information from a different realm 

#Sagittarius Fun times with others await if you can only just get over your skittishness  

#Capricorn there's no procrastinating here making others wonder where you get your energy from 

#Aquarius Mars has entered your relationship zone and that's a good and bad thing! 

#Pisces you're starting to think about doing something big with your life but starting at the bottom is so not interesting 

 #Aries you have great ideas that others might or might not like who cares? Do you! 

#Taurus nurturing and healing yourself is best so you can be 100% healthy for the next chapter change 

#Gemini you're in charge of course you have the solar energies in your pocket!  Do as you please! 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 


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Monday, June 7, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! It's the Moon in Taurus

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! It's the Moon in Taurus The Moon is exalted in Taurus the ruler of money! The Moon in Taurus favors #Taurus who gets their way and finds money on the ground, maybe? 

Your extended Daily Horoscope 

#Gemini Soon you too will reap some big financial rewards for always putting up with "stuff"

#Cancer slowly but surely you're feeling better and more confident Be You, Do You! 

#Leo rally the troops and get everyone behind you except your enemies, Find out who your friends are! 

#Virgo when things get uncomfortable you just take off but sometimes you can't like today 

#Libra a lover pushes you beyond what you want to do or feel comfortable doing but you go along with it 

#Scorpio you need others to help you to be the greatest version of yourself, Hold someone's hand and get out of a rut

#Sagittarius you might be getting bored and have trouble waiting for an upcoming exciting trip 

#Capricorn you might be singing "Anything you can do I can do better" and it's all true

#Aquarius a new love or opportunity makes you Stop and rethink your options which BTW are looking very good

#Pisces you might be playing Robin Hood stealing from the rich to give to a poor forlorn love interest ooh My, well that's ending soon 

 #Aries ugh, the spiritual nagging pressure of it all, something doesn't feel right It's time for a Character check

Your extended Daily Horoscope 


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Saturday, June 5, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Aries

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Aries  #Aries the Moon is in your Sun sign which brings out your competitive side you can feel a sense of urgency to get things done and you will! 

#Taurus with the Aries Moon you trip yourself up, avoid being impulsive and be careful with your money

#Gemini if you get tired of the merry-go-round get off it. Today's that day to stop the madness

#Cancer you put your foot down and the world hears a Thump! Mr. or Ms. Nice Guy is out to lunch today 

#Leo your enthusiasm is contagious only to a limited few an ex-lover wants you back but think twice

#Virgo avoid authority figures, parents, and the boss who wants to hold you accountable for well anything

#Libra getting along is usually easy to do but not today, people go out of their way to back you into a corner 

#Scorpio you can be a super shrewed operator today intent on a big win or big romantic move

#Sagittarius you might need your space today or you might need assurances from a lover that everything is ok

#Capricorn if you've been lied to or feel strung along cut your losses Use Mercury RX to your advantage

#Aquarius the buck is coming to a stop, Saturn and Uranus squeeze you over the next week be careful

#Pisces you can have financial challenges but nothing you haven't experienced it's just things coming to a head 

Need more so go to for the extended Daily Horoscope


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Friday, June 4, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Aries

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Aries  #Aries It's your day to be more observant about things going on around you avoid getting stuck picking up the tab unless you're feeling generous 

#Taurus take things slow in your career or  business focusing on learning, relying on yourself, and doing things differently 

#Gemini the Aries Moon is rocket fuel to your Solar Return but even you have to abide by the rules of Mercury RX

#Cancer there's so much going on inside your head and so much you want to get to today Just Do It

#Leo the Aries Moon fuels your desire to avoid trouble, but is it enough? Let's see! 

#Virgo you have your own ideas about well everything and you know stuff, will people listen to you? maybe not today 

#Libra you too feel misunderstood and picked on, getting along with others is not supported by the planets

#Scorpio force yourself to make a break for the door, take in a Happy Hour, and find love, fun, and happiness

#Sagittarius the social hour is nearing and you need to get out and about, of course! Mix work and play 

#Capricorn there's so much to do and so much yu want to do Focus on saving money and your income

#Aquarius you go from being secure in your skin to being not so secure, this will even out soon, You feel like a winner and then not so much

#Pisces your intuitive faculties open up and you see shadows of the spirits around you, No nothing is wrong with you 

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Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes The Moon is in Pisces

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes The 2nd Qtr. Moon is in Pisces; this favors #Pisces to have a lucky break or meet someone new  

Read your extended Daily Horoscope 

#Aries add soft touches to your home or office spend quality family time with those you love

#Taurus you're so eager to get ahead but patience is needed don't panic over money Lucky breaks come 

#Gemini Happy Solar Return you're in charge and looking at major career success 

#Cancer you're looking loverly! It's Venus sliding into your Sun sign making you feel fantastic 

#Leo money, secret negotiations, and financial maneuvers make today a powerful day

#Virgo new relationship opportunities make your day happy, a friend could introduce you to someone

#Libra your ruler graces your career and success zone making you stand out to employers and customers

#Scorpio it's time to move or just get out of the house, Take advantage of all the romantic vibes around you

#Sagittarius beginnings, endings a move and changes in your relationships transform your life

#Capricorn you gain through others as venus graces your relationship zone expect a surprise 

#Aquarius take advantage of the Moon and lucky Jupiter in your stable money zone opportunity is knocking 

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Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes The Moon is in Pisces

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes The Moon is in Pisces; this favors #Pisces to feel Jupiter's lucky vibes today and get your way 

Read your extended Daily Horoscope 

#Aries don't force yourself to be super friendly and nice to an ex or unfriendly types 

#Taurus don't hang on to negative feeling sort criticize yourself, take charge because you are in charge

#Gemini successful opportunities might surprise you but why? You're the universe's favorite child now

#Cancer avoid aggravating situations you need a break, a place to take in clean air and ocean breezes 

#Leo you do much better if you treat all your relationships like true working partnerships 

#Virgo pleasant vibes surround relationships, and make you feel warm and fuzzy Are you up for meeting someone new? 

#Libra a gentle touch and your charm are very healing to others that doesn't mean you let anyone take advantage of you

#Scorpio love is in the air if you can tap down that tendency to gossip and say hurtful things. 

#Sagittarius others are attracted to your talent Give more of yourself to the outside world 

#Capricorn someone wants to know"Who put you in charge?" Well, the universe did that's who! 

#Aquarius Open your hands and get ready for pennies or dollars from heaven 

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Monday, May 31, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope, The Moon in Aquarius

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope, The Moon in Aquarius, and favors #Aquarius who opts for happiness and not unhappiness A surprise lucky break is in the air

#Pisces you come up with ingenious ways to get out of weighty financial turmoil with another

#Aries work the room, pool, or beach, get to know people and be entertaining and network

#Taurus yes the stress on and you have been chosen to rise to the top if you're willing that is

#Gemini it's your time make no bones about and a surprise awaits you maybe a new beginning?

#Cancer Soon darling venus will soothe the stress you feel from Mars and clear your skin and soothe your tummy

#Leo If people think they have seen the last f you hell No, you're not going anywhere 

#Virgo a unique career or business opportunity is certainly scary but it's the direction you're headed in

#Libra kiss and makeup even if you know arguments will arise again get past ambiguous conflicts 

#Scorpio home, family, and your inner work is crucial to your future happiness Transformation is possible

#Sagittarius people demand you treat them as equal partners and not servants Ok you can do that 

#Capricorn focus on money few people realize your expertise in collections and getting paid

Read your extended Horoscope on my website. 



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Sunday, May 30, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope The Moon is in Aquarius

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope, The Moon in Aquarius, favors #Aquarius to be more of a realist today that's because the Moon and Saturn are in your Sun sign, and you act responsibly

#Pisces you're the zodiac's strategizer, and you will be cunning enough to get your way in all matters

#Aries people don't want to go along with your constant tearing down, erasing and re-doing 

#Taurus, you have your eyes firming on the money and for quite some time! Just don't F anyone over in the process

#Gemini it's all about you, so go ahead and put yourself first, avoiding toxic situations and people

#Cancer keeping things bottled up will bring a tummy ache, getting mad and telling others off well, that's not good either. 

#Leo you harness the energy of friends and all the dubious players in your life and rally them to your side

#Virgo you might meet someone new who you see through your beautiful rose-colored glasses 

#Libra if you start to see your romantic situation as it is not as you'd like it to be, blame the stars

#Scorpio it would be nice if you would or could travel to see a lover, but chances are this homebody  won't 

#Sagittarius, it's others that raise you up, and their magic touches you in such a way as to make you feel alive

#Capricorn be very cautious and careful with others and don't commit to a relationship 

Read your extended Horoscope on my website. 



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