Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo.

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo.  Today we try to figure things out and get more details.  The Moon favors #Virgo to get their way, take action and  be a force to be reckoned with today

#Libra sometimes it seems nothing is working out but in reality everything even a delay is a lucky break

#Scorpio your internal genius for sniffing and ferreting out the truth or details is on fire today

#Sagittarius you have o balance your Nodes and it ain't easy, but you're bombarded with people who draw you out of your shell

#Capricorn your patience is tested and in some cases, you won't be able to hold back your words

#Aquarius while you've been able to be super strong (or not) you start to loosen up! Get loose! 

#Pisces you like to be alone and then you again don't like to be alone, Oh well give it a few more days

 #Aries you'd rather be the idea person and genius who jumps into new ideas but you have to be practical too UGH! 

#Taurus everyone demand you be responsible and do things the right way! It's time to get things in order

#Gemini pretty soon you'll say goodbye to the Sun in your Sun sign and concentrate on cash, money, and dollars! 

 #Cancer if you don't know which way to go or direction to turn don't worry this will change

#Leo you might find yourself taking from Peter to pay Paul. Hurry up get those finances in order

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