Sunday, September 5, 2021

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Leo

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope!  The Moon is in Leo, where your talents and what makes you unique so shine loudly! Make some noise even when others are shushing you.  Today favors #Leo to buy, sell, and bargain hunt.

Read your extended Daily Horoscope at 

#Virgo Sunset is your best time; until then tidy up loose ends, keep yourself busy and out of trouble

#Libra if you see dust or things out of place you're in tune with the planets. Everything has to be just so today

#Scorpio caviar dreams make you a big spender and it's hard to deny yourself anything you want

#Sagittarius don't be too hard on others or you risk mucking relationships up mental stress is likely

#Capricorn hard work brings more money as others seek you for your know-how and skills                      

#Aquarius balance all your different relationships and try to keep everyone happy, avoid jealousy

#Pisces connects to women friends this evening and make a relationship decision today

 #Aries soothe little minds and children's fears. Show affection and be a caregiver to those in need 

#Taurus if you're going through an existential crisis do so gracefully say "It's me not you"

#Gemini don't look for support when the chips are down but don't walk away from an argument either

#Cancer don't count on friends right now as they tend to be here today gone tomorrow 


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