Thursday, October 17, 2024

Today's Planets and You! The Super Full Moon is in Aries!

Today's Planets and You! The Super Full Moon is in Aries! It can be emotional or even explosive; some might raise the temperature and noise, and some might calm and diffuse anxious situations. Some consider surrendering to the energy.  It's an ending that leads to a new chapter in about six months. 

Aries, it's your day; it's hard to calm your emotions, so releasing your emotional energy through activity is essential. 

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Taurus, avoid controversy like the plague and walk away from difficult people or situations when and if they arise. 

Gemini being overly playful might only go over well this evening when Venus is more fun in Sagittarius! 

Cancer, you're used to people not telling you everything you need to know. Be cautious, not naive. 

Leo, keep working toward your goal and avoid making anyone mad enough to betray you on the job. 

Virgo, you need fresh air, outdoor seating at a restaurant, and to enjoy the Full Moon in its romantic glory. 

Libra, Happy Solar Return! The Sun brings out your spicier side, and you say, "I'm not taking this anymore! 

Scorpio, get ready, work hard, pack up, and finish projects because. Soon, a new routine or job will materialize. 

Sagittarius, everyone has ideas, which can be confusing and make you put your plans on the back burner. Why? Follow through! 

Capricorn, avoid petting dogs you don't know; you might get bitten! That goes for people too! 

Aquarius, be easy with others' money. Your romantic life can change quickly, so don't make anyone jealous. 

Pisces find things to do this weekend if you don't want to stay inside! Maybe a concert or event? 

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Aries, the day before a big Full Moon

 Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Aries, the day before a big Full Moon. Things get more active, louder, and more intense. Stay away from feuding parties or family members. 

Aries, it's your day, and seeds of discord are planted in your mind, raising doubts about a future you had all mapped out. 

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Taurus, it's a good rule of thumb not to say what's on your mind or chime in on others' contests, lest you get pulled into a controversy, not yours. 

Gemini connect to VIPs and intelligent movers and shakers. Keep working hard, and you can increase your net worth. 

Cancer, stay out of others' contests and feuds because, in the end, you'll be the odd man out for choosing sides. 

Leo, oh, the secret you have and have to keep under wraps. You should tell everyone and not take them to your grave.  

Virgo, you get credit for keeping all your relationships going, but everyone is playing the same game.

Libra, Happy Solar Return! If you want to make a major change and start a new career or a business. keep knocking on doors. 

Scorpio, it can be a great time to shop and make yourself look amazing. Find your audience and people to look at you

Sagittarius, be cautious with money matters and agreements as everyone wants a piece of the action and is cutting up the pie

Capricorn, work on conflicts with others and hammer things out. Ultimately, you're on the same team and want the same things. 

Aquarius, try to get on the same page with co-workers and people you need and live with; everyone, like you, wants to be appreciated. 

Pisces handle your money and finances fairly. Avoid being stingy and selfish and putting financial stress on others. 

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!



Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Today's Planets and you! The Moon is in Pisces and later Aries

 Today's Planets and you! The Moon is in Pisces and later Aries around dinner time! Emotions run high because it will be the Full Moon in Aries in less than 2-3 days, depending on when you're reading this. So be careful!   

Read your extended Daily horoscope at or click on the link in my Bio.

Pisces, it's your day! Don't be shy, but don't be "extra" either! You can sometimes get ahead of yourself and surprise or shock people. 

Aries, you'll feel better around dinner time when the Moon engages your psyche and urges you to get up, out, and take charge. No more melancholy! 

Taurus, you get the most done when you work alone and tune out the noise you hear around you. Take your time and be patient.

Gemini, It's a good day to knock on the door of a higher-up authority figure or someone who can open a door for you. Why not?

Cancer, you've got more going on, which will only increase over time. Juggle your interests, career, and membership in an elite club.

Leo, you're unsure, or you're being duped by someone who thinks you don't know how they think. Oh my! 

Virgo, focus on your career and manage your many clients or relationships. Teach and encourage others. 

Libra, Happy Solar Return! You might meet someone interesting on a trip or if you venture outside! 

Scorpio, you definitely shouldn't gossip about anyone. There's a tendency to detach and forget who's your friend. 

Capricorn, Focus on your career as the Sun in Libra would have it. Allow those around you to do their own things, too. 

Aquarius, don't miss an opportunity, but take a small job that could become a career changer. 

Download my App, Horoscopes, by Terry Nazon!
