Showing posts with label #Sexstrology #Sextrology #Horoscopes #DailyHoroscopes #Astrology #trending #Zodiacfacts @re_post #VenusGemini. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Sexstrology #Sextrology #Horoscopes #DailyHoroscopes #Astrology #trending #Zodiacfacts @re_post #VenusGemini. Show all posts

Friday, April 17, 2020

Today's planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's planets and You! The Moon is in Aquarius and life is easier with friends and knowing that everyone is in the same boat.  Boat? Speaking of boats the Moon changes signs and enters Pisces this afternoon where things never quite turn out as expected.  no worries it's all about the journey anyways.The Moon in Aquarius favors #Aquarius to re-boot and find their direction, and then the Moon in Pisces favors #Pisces to find what motivates them and get them out of a slump
#Aries Chiron and Hades could tempt you to be touchy, so you'll have to find those people who love you for who you are
#Taurus you're about to have a major #Oprah Ah-Ha moment so don't make mistakes or alienate others no don't do it!
#Gemini You are charming and magnetic and for some reason everyone thinks you have it all together and tries to cling to your for their lives, Don't let them!
#Cancer by now you should have leaned the fine are of blowing others off, if you didn't you'll need to sharpen those skills again
#Leo won't life be grand when there's no more daily crises, and dramas to deal with?  What will you do with yourself? 
#Virgo You may long for the days when life was all about what you wanted to do, now you're at the mercy of what everyone else has going on or what others think of you
#Libra by now you're probably getting used to staying indoors plan ahead for when things change, find fun things to do close to home 
#Scorpio you're inching closer to a new life, which may involve a move or change in our family
#Sagittarius it's hard even for me to predict the future I can't imagine what's it like for you but try!
#Capricorn Hades and Chiron clash so watch your health, eat well and healthy You may be feeling that you need your own special person to take care of you.

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Friday, April 10, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope

Today's Planets and You! The Moon starts the day in resourceful, courageous Scorpio then it enters Sagittarius. If you feel pressured or you tried really hard today you're going to talk about it later today!  The Moon in Scorpio favors #Scorpio to only stay quiet for so long!
#Sagittarius feels a pinch but later things work out
#Capricorn needs to stand on their own.  Just make do, no favors, don't do em and don't expect em
#Aquarius needs to stay on top of the disappearing money
#Pisces you'll begin to see everything more clearly tonight, work alone and make big strides
#Aries organization is key to making it through these changing times, you'll get there
#Taurus timing is everything so when the timing is disrupted you too must make the best of it, and you will
#Gemini you may not want to, but you might be forced to be blunt with someone pushy
#Cancer keep yourself busy with a new hobby, the kids if you have them or a new diet or exercise regime
#Leo you may have lots of people you have to care for, feed, cloth or feel responsible for, Just do it!
#Virgo avoid speaking your truth or over analyzing everything it might lead to arguments.
#Libra it's all the little things that happen to go wrong that get under your skin. Don't procrastinate or put things off 

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Friday, April 3, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You!  The Moon is in proud and generous Leo.  This favors #Leo to get their way while getting used to new relationship dynamics
#Virgo can't stand to be ignored and could lash out if you do ignore him or her
#Libra believes they have worked hard and deserve to be treated better Careful for job problems
#Scorpio is in charge but gets used to a new normal in relationships, 3rd party interference?
#Sagittarius if you seize opportunities you could make a bundle or have a lucky break
#Capricorn you're taking your time today and doing whatever you want to do
#Aquarius move fast to save the day and save money
#Pisces relax and get things done around the house then do it all over again
#Aries you now are endowed with the ultimate gift of gab. Talk, chat, and connect
#Taurus unexpected funds come your way
#Gemini Venus graces your Sun sign a new DIY beauty regime is possible
#Cancer it's mind over matter time, as you overcome challenges that look worse than they are
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#Sexstrology #Sextrology #Horoscopes #DailyHoroscopes #Astrology #trending #Zodiacfacts @re_post #VenusGemini, #Pleiades