Showing posts with label #Pleiades. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #Pleiades. Show all posts

Friday, April 3, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You!  The Moon is in proud and generous Leo.  This favors #Leo to get their way while getting used to new relationship dynamics
#Virgo can't stand to be ignored and could lash out if you do ignore him or her
#Libra believes they have worked hard and deserve to be treated better Careful for job problems
#Scorpio is in charge but gets used to a new normal in relationships, 3rd party interference?
#Sagittarius if you seize opportunities you could make a bundle or have a lucky break
#Capricorn you're taking your time today and doing whatever you want to do
#Aquarius move fast to save the day and save money
#Pisces relax and get things done around the house then do it all over again
#Aries you now are endowed with the ultimate gift of gab. Talk, chat, and connect
#Taurus unexpected funds come your way
#Gemini Venus graces your Sun sign a new DIY beauty regime is possible
#Cancer it's mind over matter time, as you overcome challenges that look worse than they are
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