Friday, April 10, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope

Today's Planets and You! The Moon starts the day in resourceful, courageous Scorpio then it enters Sagittarius. If you feel pressured or you tried really hard today you're going to talk about it later today!  The Moon in Scorpio favors #Scorpio to only stay quiet for so long!
#Sagittarius feels a pinch but later things work out
#Capricorn needs to stand on their own.  Just make do, no favors, don't do em and don't expect em
#Aquarius needs to stay on top of the disappearing money
#Pisces you'll begin to see everything more clearly tonight, work alone and make big strides
#Aries organization is key to making it through these changing times, you'll get there
#Taurus timing is everything so when the timing is disrupted you too must make the best of it, and you will
#Gemini you may not want to, but you might be forced to be blunt with someone pushy
#Cancer keep yourself busy with a new hobby, the kids if you have them or a new diet or exercise regime
#Leo you may have lots of people you have to care for, feed, cloth or feel responsible for, Just do it!
#Virgo avoid speaking your truth or over analyzing everything it might lead to arguments.
#Libra it's all the little things that happen to go wrong that get under your skin. Don't procrastinate or put things off 

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