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Showing posts with label #Sexstrology #Sextrology #Horoscopes #DailyHoroscopes #Astrology #trending #Zodiacfacts #SaturninAquarius. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You!  The Moon is in homey Cancer where social distancing is not an acquired taste but highly prized.  The Moon in Cancer favors #Cancer to take charge like it or not!
#Leo can panic and #FreakOut but will never let anyone see them do so, to be blunt it's not your day
#Virgo needs to keep busy, start new projects or you'll start a fight
#Libra it's a great time to just get to work, once you do you'll be on a roll
#Scorpio on minute you're in your zone the next minute not so much #GetAGrip
#Sagittarius under pressure you sometimes test fate and go for broke #NotGivingUp
#Capricorn you have to catch yourself don't hoard stuff you don't need #PantryQueen
#Aquarius you're doing more on your own and find pleasure in freedom and doing your own thing
#Pisces don't sleep too much or drink too much you have dreams to make manifest
#Aries be creative, write, sing, design and avoid arguments
#Taurus things get tough when determined Taurus does the impossible and succeeds #JustDoIt
#Gemini you make everything seem so easy, breezy and well normal pls acknowledge #ItsNotNormal 

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Monday, March 30, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in chatty, but smart Gemini!  The Moon in Gemini!  Favors #Gemini to say all the right things and to benefit from Mars and Saturn in Aquarius, lucky breaks are possible.
#Cancer it's your day not to always be right but to tend to your responsibilities without complaining!
#Leo you don't want anyone to shine more than you, office and work gossip abounds but you still hold on to the reigns of power
#Virgo you're very tuned into anyone who is uppity and doesn't put you first you find out a lot about a person trolling their social media
#Libra you decide you need to have a social life, get out more and guess what? A love at 1st sight situation is predicted for the future
#Scorpio you get even more set in your ways.  It's all or nothing time. Don't bite your nose off despite yourself please!
#Sagittarius yo brain storm with others and are frankly smitten and amazed by another's genius Here We Go!
#Capricorn breathe a sigh of relief because 2 not 1, but 2 malefic (evil) planets have left your Sun sign Let Jupiter and Pluto help you rebuild and Re-Boot
#Aquarius it's your turn, you're next as two powerful planets enter your Sun sign you have no option but to get serious, real quick
#Pisces hopefully you've learned about being a people pleaser, going along with what others want you to do and you can make your own decisions. 
#Aries First, avoid arguments with women, you should be keeping your friends closer not alienating them
#Taurus slip into Low gear and plow through the high grass.  You find things to do andcan absolutely accomplish the impossible, Shine on

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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Pisces as it winds down and gets darker and a more spiritual time emerges. Change is in the air as Saturn has now entered Aquarius! Mars triggers a pressure point with Pluto and shakes the Earth and points out serious flaws or bad deeds.  The Moon in Pisces gives #Pisces the advantage today and they get their way and see into the future,
#Aries is empowered too by the Sun and is waiting to restart their engines
#Taurus has great ideas and the timing is just right to make a bold career changes
#Gemini the pressure is off of you daily now you just need a new plan or dream to work on
#Cancer doesn't put their hope or destiny in the hands of others but takes charge of their own
#Leo realizes the seriousness of their job situation and analyzes the pettiness of the past
#Virgo happiness is a state of mind and you need to be happy for others near and dear
#Libra you might realize the importance of happiness and connections in your life
#Scorpio don't try to hang on when family dynamics start to change this means it's time to find your bliss elsewhere
#Sagittarius you might have to prioritize your projects and decide what or who is most important or most interesting
#Capricorn things ease up as the crowed in your Sun sign begins to disperse, yes Saturn has left your Sun sign, one less things to worry about
#Aquarius you decide to get serious about life, and pick out what's most important to you, it seems cold to others but right to you
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Saturday, March 21, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Pisces making your day dreamy and restful or not so much, it's up to you. The Moon in Pisces favors the water born Sun signs Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer, brings opportunities to Capricorn and Taurus and engages Virgo's relationships.  Tonight is a big night as Saturn enters Aquarius! 
Today is #Pisces day to shine and start over and reset and take matters into their own hands
#Aries you too have to take charge, Show your know how and can do talents
#Taurus since you don't like change this is a real stretch, keep yourself  busy and work on your many projects
#Gemini it's challenging but you might start to be more open and honest very soon
#Cancer speak up if you don't like something or someone say so, you're sure to get rid of someone in your life soon 
#Leo you have to most potential to do good and to be helpful to those in your sphere. job troubles will fade
#Virgo  you can feel a relationship slipping through your fingers maybe that's a good thing
#Libra you too will face serious relationship losses if you don't reach out and stay connected to others
#Scorpio people want to hear your expertise and you can forge new connections if you share
#Sagittarius there are some warm caring connections surrounding you and some agitating ones
#Capricorn you have to be stronger than ever and muscle through, people will appreciate your calmness
#Aquarius a shift occurs tonight, your priorities change and so do your feelings for someone

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