Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You!  The Moon is in homey Cancer where social distancing is not an acquired taste but highly prized.  The Moon in Cancer favors #Cancer to take charge like it or not!
#Leo can panic and #FreakOut but will never let anyone see them do so, to be blunt it's not your day
#Virgo needs to keep busy, start new projects or you'll start a fight
#Libra it's a great time to just get to work, once you do you'll be on a roll
#Scorpio on minute you're in your zone the next minute not so much #GetAGrip
#Sagittarius under pressure you sometimes test fate and go for broke #NotGivingUp
#Capricorn you have to catch yourself don't hoard stuff you don't need #PantryQueen
#Aquarius you're doing more on your own and find pleasure in freedom and doing your own thing
#Pisces don't sleep too much or drink too much you have dreams to make manifest
#Aries be creative, write, sing, design and avoid arguments
#Taurus things get tough when determined Taurus does the impossible and succeeds #JustDoIt
#Gemini you make everything seem so easy, breezy and well normal pls acknowledge #ItsNotNormal 

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