Saturday, March 21, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Pisces making your day dreamy and restful or not so much, it's up to you. The Moon in Pisces favors the water born Sun signs Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer, brings opportunities to Capricorn and Taurus and engages Virgo's relationships.  Tonight is a big night as Saturn enters Aquarius! 
Today is #Pisces day to shine and start over and reset and take matters into their own hands
#Aries you too have to take charge, Show your know how and can do talents
#Taurus since you don't like change this is a real stretch, keep yourself  busy and work on your many projects
#Gemini it's challenging but you might start to be more open and honest very soon
#Cancer speak up if you don't like something or someone say so, you're sure to get rid of someone in your life soon 
#Leo you have to most potential to do good and to be helpful to those in your sphere. job troubles will fade
#Virgo  you can feel a relationship slipping through your fingers maybe that's a good thing
#Libra you too will face serious relationship losses if you don't reach out and stay connected to others
#Scorpio people want to hear your expertise and you can forge new connections if you share
#Sagittarius there are some warm caring connections surrounding you and some agitating ones
#Capricorn you have to be stronger than ever and muscle through, people will appreciate your calmness
#Aquarius a shift occurs tonight, your priorities change and so do your feelings for someone

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