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Showing posts with label #Sexstrology #Sextrology #Horoscopes #DailyHoroscopes #Astrology #trending #Zodiac #Amazon #BestsellingAuthor #repost #retweet. Show all posts

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! It's the 2nd Qtr. Moon in Libra where demanding fairness, beauty, peace and getting along with one another is the goal. How we get their is the wild card!  The 2nd Qtr. Moon in Libra favors #Libra to get their way by demanding their way! 
#Scorpio get your story or facts straight or someone will call you out on them
#Sagittarius reconnect with people, and friends, bring out the best or what you like in another
#Capricorn perseveres, pushes back and protects their turf oh my! In a nice way of course 
#Aquarius you're in your element so fly, be happy and avoid critical types
#Pisces you're doing things differently and saving all you can, that mattress is getting fuller! 
#Aries you feel powerful, strong and of course full of yourself but that's the way we  like you! 
#Taurus you might beat yourself if if you spend too much $ a decision about work is coming
#Gemini you are  in your element and feel like enjoying life, doing exactly what you want to
#Cancer you're another power player in the world, go ahead an put yourself first
#Leo you are testing the nerves those who make you look good or stick by you all the time
#Virgo you try to indulge yourself but of course there's loads of guilt when you do 

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Monday, June 1, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You!  The Moon is in Libra ruler of generals, the military, karma, relationships and peace. The ruler of the sign of Libra Venus has returned back in bounds but is still retrograde.  The Moon in Libra favors #Libra to get their way, just make sure your way is the right way
#Scorpio  visions of romantic fantasies may dance inyour head
#Sagittarius mind your valuables, possessions and what's yours, avoid conflicts
#Capricorn keep working hard through the turmoil and you'll see the light at the end of the tunnel
#Aquarius No one's listening to you, so do your own thing don't follow the crowd
#Pisces don't do anything to ruin your future chances of success stay home!
#Aries you need people to guide and calm you now communicate and stay in touch with others
#Taurus you can gain a little financially as Venus brings money your way or a new job
#Gemini It's your Solar Return but career and professional dreams are on hold for a bit #Hold OnToyourDreams
#Cancer Soon it will be your turn to take charge until then stay out of crowds
#Leo don't fuel the flames of conflict, don't steal and tend to your health
#Virgo sometime it feels like you take one step forward and two steps backwards, avoid being punishing

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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes. The Moon is in Gemini where words are pretty, hands talk and eyes twinkle.  It's also where we meet a lot of B.S.  The Moon is in Gemini favors the Birthday Girl or boy #Gemini with energy to spare and ideas to share
#Cancer sits there trying to figure out how to move things and get them going again #DrawingaBlank
#Leo falls prey to flattery which they love but that's OK
#Virgo is a looker and  everyone ohh s and ah s over them 
#Libra doesn't want anyone to waste their time, even a love interest
#Scorpio you need a special person to guide you, advise you and to pull you out of jealousy
#Sagittarius you have the daunting task of keeping everyone happy 
#Capricorn has so many interests and a to-do list a mile long your challenge #HowTo #DoItAll
#Aquarius you want things your way so What does that look like?  
#Pisces slow down, think and don't over react
#Aries be unique, inventive and by all means don't be shy
#Taurus when you try to rush you'll get int trouble, slow down, think and take your time

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Thursday, April 30, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! It's the 2nd Qtr. Moon in Leo so there's careful openness while we're living in #CoronaTime Nonetheless, romance and openness is in the air!  Today all but the most reclusive of you want want to mingle.  The Moon in Leo favors Leo to be the boss, which of course they love!
#Virgo needs to avoid feeling #somekindAway
#Libra flips through their past emails, or texts and connects to ex-lovers
#Scorpio finally gets the low down on someone they thought was happy
#Sagittarius who normally picks everyone else up, needs us to pick them up #ShowSomeLove
#Capricorn has much to give or do for others but is careful
#Aquarius just wants outta this place
#Pisces needs to be industrious and use their spare time wisely
#Aries wonders "Where'd everyone go? No worries it's time to create something beautiful
#Taurus It's your Solar Return and everyone wants you on their team
#Gemini is our beautiful dreamer and wins #BestArtist of the day award
#Cancer has beautiful dreams and an encouraging future #JustBelieve
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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in homey Cancer, the mood is very cautious about getting close to others or going out and about! The fixed nature of the day says nobody can be forced to do anything they don't feel like doing.  A gentle nudge works best! The Moon in Cancer favors the water signs but it's #Cancer and Cancer Rising that we watch with awe today! 
#Leo wants to be the first to tell secrets or announce things hint hint
#Virgo it's your romantic life makes you happy and sad at the same time
#Libra you find things to keep you busy and treat those things like your job Don't taunt love interests
#Scorpio communications open up and people see your wisdom, You want to stay in contact and you don't. #Conflicted
#Sagittarius you are able to harness your resources but it's people you see the most value in
#Capricorn There's things you have to do to earn money and things you just want to spend time doing #Hobbies
#Aquarius the silent treatment could be a tool you use when you don't believe someone Hhhmm?
#Pisces Don't hide, don't be like that, Reach out to those you love and keep yourself busy behind the scenes with your side hustle
#Aries gone are the days when you keep people at arms length you genuinely like people and want help
#Taurus #HappyBirthday you might realize you still have so much to experience and to do! get started!
#Gemini a new source of income finally starts to roll out slowly though

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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! It's the 4th Qtr. Moon in Capricorn and in the greater scheme of things  there was a Lunar Eclipse on July 16th 2019 at 24* Capricorn.  A light at the end of the tunnel is apparent not during the day, but later around Sunset.  The Moon in Capricorn favors #Capricorn to get their way because well, #Capricorn just tries harder! 
#Aquarius is learning how to overcome the hurdles and sees relief tomorrow
#Pisces has a setback, feels bad and then picks themselves up and brushes themselves off #Victorious
#Aries sees things in absolutes but later realizes there are no absolutes, relationships never really end, they morph
#Taurus get over the Bah Humbug feeling and embrace life look around and see that things are not bad they just change
#Gemini don't be afraid of transforming yourself, a new chapter requires you to look better not frumpy
#Cancer don't fear change it's for the best. change with the times and change your business, career and profession with the times too
#Leo gone are the days of just changing people, co-workers or jobs, you have to learn to get along now
#Virgo don't put off to tomorrow what you could have done yesterday, oops #Regrets
#Libra it's hard to let go of the past but you have to.  Embrace the new and see life as exciting
#Scorpio you might day dream about radical changes but feel held back.  Avoid arguments you'll be glad later you did
#Sagittarius my fav aspect is happening tonight with your ruling planet, it's like a dip in pool that's the perfect temperature. You'll be happy at Happy Hour.

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Sunday, April 12, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Sagittarius and that means we can't help but think about the silver lining to any cloud we face.  When I think of the sign of Sagittarius I think of the word "Good"
The Moon in Sagittarius favors #Sagittarius to be Tov, Good and to find the good in today and share it with the world
#Capricorn has a deep faith that gets them through and over hurdles
#Aquarius you have to find what makes you happy it's now or later
#Pisces wants to be alone, suffers silently and can push others away if they're not careful
#Aries can get frustrated and act out because they're restless, Go for a run!
#Taurus in a week it's your solar Return and things will feel much better keep yourself busy until then
#Gemini you are tabulating the cost and return on investment in all you do, take  break and do something for nothing
#Cancer you'll do the most for others without rocking the boat, You need people in your life
#Leo occasionally you lash out and then forget about it, others don't, you move on even quicker today
#Virgo be cautious there's some underhanded vibes that no one can pint a finger to but they're there
#Libra keeping your scales in balance is no easy feat so a little laughter helps  #ForgetAboutIt
#Scorpio who you need to be protective over and who gets to huddle under your wing is changing Relationships change again

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Saturday, April 11, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Sagittarius today! As we adjust to a new way of thinking and seeing things the positive vibes from the Sagittarius Moon is a great help!  The Moon in Sagittarius favors the fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius but it's #Sagittarius who is today's winner and takes matters into their own hands
#Capricorn is reminded about last year when Jupiter in Sagittarius somehow came through today gets answers to last year's problems
#Aquarius comes up with genius ideas or tips they get and reacts fast
#Pisces you are forced to change gears with your career, profession or business and wear many different hats
#Aries makes a big decision and inadvertently starts a new business or career for themselves #ThinkOutsideTheBox
#Taurus Put more effort into your dreams and your own aspirations, they just might come true
#Gemini sometimes things are bigger than you and you just have to go with the flow, it will all work out if you do
#Cancer you are willing to be supportive of others but it is hard and costly
#Leo lucky breaks come your way through the good ideas and genius of others Make another's ideas your own
#Virgo wants to reconnect and resume relationships after a hectic week, life resumes
#Libra you're off in a new direction and making plans fro the future and that includes romantic ones
#Scorpio money comes in large doses and who doesn't need a large dose of cash.  Work overtime and keep moving. 
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Thursday, April 9, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in sexy Scorpio and that means it's time for #Scorpio to hypnotize others with their deep eyes and glances.
#Sagittarius avoid getting paranoid about money, stick close to home and family where you are comfortable
#Capricorn opportunities to impress the powers that be come to you along with unexpected favors
#Aquarius your skills are tested rise to the occasion
#Pisces try new activities on for size and learn about things you never had the time to explore before
#Aries you too have a magnetic quality to you today, test your skills at hypnotizing others
#Taurus you notice others games today, but you may or may not go along this time
#Gemini it's a hectic day, to seize moments and cash
#Cancer you make things nice for everyone around you and you'll do the worrying for them
#Leo you're in charge of making sure everyone around you is good and everything is running smoothly
#Virgo you're today's resident therapist and psychologist
#Libra it's a day for spending and money but be cautious
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