Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscopes

Today's Planets and You! It's the 4th Qtr. Moon in Capricorn and in the greater scheme of things  there was a Lunar Eclipse on July 16th 2019 at 24* Capricorn.  A light at the end of the tunnel is apparent not during the day, but later around Sunset.  The Moon in Capricorn favors #Capricorn to get their way because well, #Capricorn just tries harder! 
#Aquarius is learning how to overcome the hurdles and sees relief tomorrow
#Pisces has a setback, feels bad and then picks themselves up and brushes themselves off #Victorious
#Aries sees things in absolutes but later realizes there are no absolutes, relationships never really end, they morph
#Taurus get over the Bah Humbug feeling and embrace life look around and see that things are not bad they just change
#Gemini don't be afraid of transforming yourself, a new chapter requires you to look better not frumpy
#Cancer don't fear change it's for the best. change with the times and change your business, career and profession with the times too
#Leo gone are the days of just changing people, co-workers or jobs, you have to learn to get along now
#Virgo don't put off to tomorrow what you could have done yesterday, oops #Regrets
#Libra it's hard to let go of the past but you have to.  Embrace the new and see life as exciting
#Scorpio you might day dream about radical changes but feel held back.  Avoid arguments you'll be glad later you did
#Sagittarius my fav aspect is happening tonight with your ruling planet, it's like a dip in pool that's the perfect temperature. You'll be happy at Happy Hour.

Need more Go to www.terrynazon.com

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