Saturday, April 11, 2020

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope

Today's Planets and You! The Moon is in Sagittarius today! As we adjust to a new way of thinking and seeing things the positive vibes from the Sagittarius Moon is a great help!  The Moon in Sagittarius favors the fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius but it's #Sagittarius who is today's winner and takes matters into their own hands
#Capricorn is reminded about last year when Jupiter in Sagittarius somehow came through today gets answers to last year's problems
#Aquarius comes up with genius ideas or tips they get and reacts fast
#Pisces you are forced to change gears with your career, profession or business and wear many different hats
#Aries makes a big decision and inadvertently starts a new business or career for themselves #ThinkOutsideTheBox
#Taurus Put more effort into your dreams and your own aspirations, they just might come true
#Gemini sometimes things are bigger than you and you just have to go with the flow, it will all work out if you do
#Cancer you are willing to be supportive of others but it is hard and costly
#Leo lucky breaks come your way through the good ideas and genius of others Make another's ideas your own
#Virgo wants to reconnect and resume relationships after a hectic week, life resumes
#Libra you're off in a new direction and making plans fro the future and that includes romantic ones
#Scorpio money comes in large doses and who doesn't need a large dose of cash.  Work overtime and keep moving. 
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