Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Today's Planets and You! In your daily Horoscope, The Moon is in Aquarius

 Today's Planets and You! In your daily Horoscope, The Moon is in Aquarius, and the Sun is in Gemini; let your inner genius out! Strike up friendly conversations and get out of the way of crazy drivers or anyone fighting. 

The Moon favors Aquarius today to get the most done, but you should avoid being snippy as this could escalate into arguments.

Pisces, you're ready to throw in the towel, but should you don't rush to judgments right now, you could be wrong.

Aries, where is all your anger coming from? You'll get mad if anyone acts a certain way towards you. Relax and talk things out. 

Taurus, you occasionally need time off to handle unexpected accidents or injuries. Be careful, and don't take chances. 

Gemini, Happy Solar Return! you refuse to believe things are that bad, no matter what the little voice in your head says. 

Cancer, you're determined to enjoy your life, visit sacred places to connect to, relax, and find ways to work remotely. 

Leo, relationships take a turn leaving you scratching your head and wondering what the future holds

Virgo, things get hectic, and you're in a hurry to complete everything on your to-do list. Don't get distracted by the craziness around you. 

Libra, nothing stops you from planning ahead and thinking about the future. Make travel plans without basing them on another. 

Scorpio, no one understands how you just unplug, and they don't hear from you for ages; this causes serious trouble. 

Sagittarius, you strike up a conversation that seems completely from left field or you call someone who hasn't heard from you for years.  

Capricorn, you realize you have to stop being so self-indulgent and spoiling yourself and everyone around you

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