Thursday, September 5, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra

 Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra, ruler of all things "relationship."

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Libra, the Moon Favors Libra. Will you be indecisive and have to deal with your secrets being revealed? 

Scorpio, it's an excellent time to get serious about a trip, future, or education. Don't waste your valuable time get to work. 

Sagittarius, connect to friends, people from the past, and brilliant people who can make your career dreams come true and 

Capricorn, combat your inner shyness and be bold, stand out, and don't be afraid of what others will think.

Aquarius, don't just dream about the future; come on now. Make it happen! It's time.

Pisces, a more serious you emerges who thinks about the future and where a current relationship or lifestyle choices are taking them. 

Aries, who cares what others think? Be you! The planets challenge you to follow your heart and get things done.

Taurus, the planets are almost finished refining you. Ugh! You may change your appearance. You're aware of what others see when they look at you. 

Gemini, you get a surge of energy and apply it to your career. You become more competitive and have to make it to the top. 

Cancer, you too may fight with yourself, try to be bold, overcome your shyness, and get out of the house more! 

Leo, you can regret a promise or something you said because you may be responsible for someone you soon want to get away from. 

Virgo, Happy Solar Return! Your confidence and ability to put things behind you and move on improve daily! Sage off that ex! 

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