Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo and Libra

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Virgo and Libra. It's a good idea to get along with everyone and keep the peace in your relationship. A kiss and makeup, maybe?  Work hard and then you'll get noticed! 

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Virgo, Happy Solar Return! This unique time demands you to be treated like the king or Queen you know you are by everyone. 

Libra, things become clearer after Lunch (ET) or this morning (PT). Find someone cute to dine with later. You work and play hard! 

Scorpio, you must refrain from making a call, sending an email, or texting. Be considerate of others' time.  

Sagittarius, a career opportunity hinges on cooperation and working with others, and others doing their job right. 

Capricorn, you keep your anger yourself, but it needs an outlet, so go to the gym and work it off. A career opportunity resurfaces. 

Aquarius, take advantage of money-making opportunities and a gift from the universe. Be grateful for a change in your luck.

Pisces, avoid anything that is poisonous to your body and causes you to get ill or changes your personality. 

Aries, you take on the big boys; this time, you're ready to fight and win. Only some people support you, though. 

Taurus, Put your best foot forward in your career and stay healthy so you can continue to take advantage of stellar career opportunities. 

Gemini, you are more than ready to be independent and do your own thing. Until then, reap career rewards. 

Cancer wean another away from counting on you or depending on you. It's tiring, and you're ready to fly solo. 

Leo, manage your finances and avoid being tempted by overpriced items. Before changing jobs make sure it's worth your while. 

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