Saturday, August 10, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Libra, so today is all about finding balance and fairness. See the beauty around you and flirt without having an end game. The tone changes later as the Moon enters Scorpio!

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Libra, the Moon Favors Libra, who is encouraged to move on and try new things; you don't need anyone's company today! 

Scorpio, you can't help but look for someone to fall in love with, but be honest with yourself, let someone go if they are not interested. Don't waste your time.  

Sagittarius, the thirst to be somebody, to rise to the top like cream, is real! You are fiercely competitive and stepping on toes. That's a Sagittarius thing! 

Capricorn, avoid conflicts and stick to productive things today, like going to the gym, your busy work, and your financial accounts. 

Aquarius, part of your brain can't let go of the past, and that might take some time to get unstuck; part of you revives an old interest and career. 

Pisces, avoid using others or taking advantage of others. The hardest thing for you to do is to be fair to others. If you're not, you'll never get ahead and keep going around in circles. That's called karma. 

Aries, you start to get somewhere in romance with your children and allow yourself to enjoy life.

Taurus, is it me or all of them? That's the question. Take time to manage your emotions and give yourself and others space. 

Gemini, you don't have to take care of other adults, bide your time, and when someone leaves, bolt the door shut! 

Cancer, your golden rule is to avoid taking on more responsibilities or doing more than you should for others. 

Leo, Happy Solar Return! You are shrewd enough to know how to tap into others' money and wealth. Bravo! 

Virgo, while you try to start fresh and go in a new direction, it's baby steps because of your health or responsibilities. 

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