Saturday, August 3, 2024

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The Moon is in Leo!

Today's Planets and You! Daily Horoscope! The dark Moon is in Leo! It's the day before the New Moon, and Mars connects to a fixed star! Fixed stars give great success but demand integrity. It's a trap; be careful. Be good, do good, and see good! 

The Moon in Leo favors Leo! Happy Solar Return! What can you do for others? Pitting others against each other will not work. 

Click on the link in my Bio on Instagram for your Full Daily Horoscope, or go to my website: 

Virgo, It takes a Community! You might try to keep others away from your kids or a lover and want to be the only influence in their lives. 

Libra, stick to what you know well and avoid giving advice about things you're not an expert at. Also, avoid copying others. 

Scorpio, consider conforming to what parents or others expect from you. For now, just submit to authority figures for the best results. 

Sagittarius, you see an opportunity you think you're the only one seeing. It's just the light bulb going off in your head. Everyone sees it, too. 

Capricorn, you're wise enough to take good advice because making mistakes is too costly now! Don't be critical of anyone. 

Aquarius, Some might consider marriage, but you might also have a choice between two very different people! 

Pisces, be respectful of those people who have given you a chance and lifted you up when you were down. Don't betray them. 

 Aries, you want everyone to support you, follow you, and include you, but they don't. So try to become part of their world.   

Taurus, if you want a windfall and purchasing power to be off, the Richter, be fair to others. Don't take advantage of others. 

Gemini, You're up for something great! If you work hard and live up to expectations, something great could be in your future! 

Subscribe to my Monthly horoscopes and download my Horoscope App. 


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